The luck of the chosen one.

(Ding calculation is done, attributing rewards)

(Reward: Double Exp for the first kill of lord class, Double monetary reward for killing lord class with basic equipment, 2 x unique chest, 1 x goatskin)

(Ding you have levelled up)

As a ring of light appears around Feng and Hu Wei, their HP and stamina reset to the max, taking away the fatigue they had felt from the battle.

Looking at the rewards, the one that interest Feng the most is the unique chest since there is a chance for them to be rewarded with a piece of equipment that could range from Silver to Legendary.

At this junction in time, a piece of silver equipment would satisfy Feng. This is because the other players are only using common equipment mainly.

The ranks of the equipment that could be found in Gods Art ranks as follows.

Common - iron - Bronze - Silver - Gold - Dark Gold - Epic - Legendary.

As Hu Wei stood there with no interest in the loot, Feng checked them as he wonders if he should open the unique chest. After all, his luck isn't the best there is even in his previous life.

Fatty had always snatched the opportunity to open the chest as he fears what Feng would bring with his unlucky hands.

'hmm...luck...' Feng thought as he looked at Hu Wei.

'Nah, not that muscle brain' He rejected the thought as he places the chest down to inspect the other items as he could not decide if he should open the chest.

'100 silver! not bad!' Feng thought as his hands quickly throw them into his storage bag. Last but not least was the goatskin...which is just a larger version of the one's they had gotten earlier from the normal goats.

As his hands touch the goatskin, an interface appears on top of it.

(Ding... this is an old map passed down through the generations, but the last holder of the map had become a meal for the Goat Lord. The map is incomplete. Part 1/4 found. Where do we go? Where do we go now? Sweet child of mine.)

Feng's eyebrow raised as he had not expected the goatskin to be more than what it was. Opening it up, there was barely much that Feng could make much sense of the map. Some valley, some trees, a winding path.

No point thinking about it till the other 3 parts are gathered, Feng thought as he threw the map into his storage bag.

(warning: Map drops upon death even in storage bag)

'hmm..." Feng thought as he took out the map to study it again. Immerse in the map for the next 2-3 minutes. Even with his reincarnated benefit, he just could not make anything out of the map. Sighing in defeat, he threw it back in again when a bright light appeared in front of him.

Hu Wei, who got bored of standing around, had walked to the loot. Looking at the boxes, he got curious as he opens them as the bright light, which is enough to be seen 100 meters away, lit up the area.

Staring at Hu Wei, Fengs eye's widen.

"ermz...did I do something I am not supposed to?" Hu Wei asked as he scratches the back of his head, his large biceps flexing as he does so.

Looking at the biceps, Feng could not help but ask, "Do you do nothing but train every day?"

"HaHa, Yes! It's something that runs in my family. We wake up, have breakfast and train as a family, eat lunch and then train, dinner and train. Since young, this is all I have been doing" Hu Wei puff his chest out proudly as he talked.

"Your whole family?!?" Feng asks as he found this unbelievable. Despite the time spent with Hu Wei in Black Eagle Fitness Centre, this is the first time they had such a talk.

"Mhm...My grandparents, my parents, my sister and me." Hu Wei replied.

"What about work for credits?...wait, Sister?" Feng found the direction of the chat going in an unbelievable direction as he cannot help but imagines a female version of Hu Wei. After all, she did train just like Hu Wei did.

"Work?" Hu Wei looked at Feng with eyes of curiosity. Before thumping his fist onto his palms as a light bulb lights up within him. "You mean the people we pay to help us do our stuff like cooking, laundry, cleaning, etc. Their time for our money?"

Tsk....Feng took a deep breath in. Just who is this Hu Wei. He knew he was rich since he could afford nutritional drinks since you, but just how rich is he?

"How...just how many...of those people you you hire?" Feng stutters, afraid of the answer he would hear.

"I am not sure, maybe 80? I mean, the castle is pretty huge… It might be 100...Sorry, I have no idea. The chef housekeeper might know, I think." Hu Wei answered earnestly.

"We might all be born humans, but our life experiences are all different (Writer note: Tong Ren Bu Tong Ming. A Chinese saying directly translated as Same Human Different Life, I just re-wrote it.)

As he looks back at the chest's location, he picked up the item that had appeared.

Chest piece

Armour of Titans (Growth Armour - set equipment)

Rank: Epic

Equipment requirement: Lvl = 1-10, Stats = nil (no minimum stats requirement),

Def + 25, Strenght + 10, Agility + 3

Additional Skills:

Skill 1: Saving grace: 25% of damage converted to MP consumption (Passive)

Skill 2: locked (set of 2 required)

Skill 3: locked (set of 3 required)

Skill 4: locked (set of 5 required)

'Haiz...such a piece of nice equipment. I should feel joyful, but what is this feeling?' Feng thought as the feeling of happiness from the equipment dulled by his jealousy towards Hu Wei.

'I have always tried to console myself. Believing I am a winner. I am the one sperm out of millions to win. I am special! But the existence of people like Hu Wei breaks my belief. The luck of the chosen ones...' Feng reflected as he looks at Hu Wei.

Tapping onto his left wrist, Feng checks his current status as he tries to pull himself out of the slumps.

Name: Feng

Class: Beginner villager

Next level: 80% to next level

Level: 3

Coins: 150 silver.

HP: 110

MP: 140

Stats: Strength = 10 (+ 10) , Intelligence = 10, Wisdom = 20, Endurance = 10

Free stats point = 10

Equipment: Weapon - nil, Armour - Armour of Titans, pants - nil, boots- nil, helmet - nil, bracelet - nil

Accessories: Earring - nil, necklace - nil, Ring - nil

"ermz...Feng?" Hu Wei interrupted him as he looked at the translucent screen in front of him

"What?!" Feng replied, slightly annoyed.

"Should we not share the equipment?" Hu Wei asked.

Thinking about this, Feng felt thankful that Hu Wei had given him everything till now as his jealousy/anger subsides.

"The other chest box is yours," Feng said as he needed this armour as it would solve a lot of problems for him in the future.

"Sure thing," Hu Wei said as he opens the other box, another bright light fills the area.

'Mother f.... how OP is his luck?' Feng cursed in his heart.

Weapon piece

Knuckle of God (Growth Weapon)

Rank: Epic

Equipment requirement: Lvl = 1-10, Stats = Strength 20,

Attack + 50, Strenght + 20, Agility + 3

Additional Skills:

Skill 1: Hulk Slam - Grapes an opponent, slamming them down into the ground 4 times in a row. Dealing 200% damage each time. Unable to dodge or defend against once grabbed. Note: The larger the target, the more strength is required to active skill. Cooldown: 20 min.

Skill 2: locked (level 30-40 weapon tier required)

Skill 3: locked (level 60-70 weapon tier required)