Training to be a Summoner

Feng felt helpless. Unable to change or do anything. Most of all, he craved power—the power to not be in this situation anymore.

However, he had nothing he could do in this situation as his entire body refuses to obey his mind. Thinking about Xin Ru and even Fatty, he did not want to let them down. Feng refuses to believe that the last 1 year was nothing but a dream.

More power.....more power.....more power...Feng mutters in his mind.

In the endless darkness, a tiny spark appeared. Dim but surely a difference from before. Unlike before, where it is all blank, a vast black empty space with the tiny spark a distance away now occupies Feng mind.

He realises he could 'move' in this space. When he willed himself to move forward, the distance toward the spark seems to shorten a little. He could shift his vision left and right, where an endless space of darkness appears all 360 degrees around him except for the one bright spark.

Moving forward, he felt like he was floating as no footsteps could be heard. In fact, the entire zone was silent, making it slightly scarier than being in a coma. At least in his coma, he could still hear the voice of others and the machines in the room. Now, there was nothing!

Feng is thankful for that one spark to a certain extent, or he would be in a silent and dark empty space.

Floating forward, he moves towards the spark. Just as he was about to reach the spark, a voice boom in the empty space.

"You Fool! What took you so long?!"

'That voice?!' Feng thought. 'Genfnil!'

"Yes, it is me. Who else do you expect?" The voice replied.

'Wait, you can hear my thoughts?' Feng asked excitedly. He had no one to interact with for some time now. To finally have someone around to talk to, Feng felt relieved.

"In this space, Yes," Genfnil replied.

'Wait...All my thoughts?' Feng excitement of being able to have a conversation died down when he realised this point.'

"Yes. Any issue with that?" Genfnil reply returned, his tone a little higher towards the end of the sentence.

'F*ck! Who wouldn't have an issue with their thoughts being read all the time' Feng thought...'arghz crap stop thinking stop thinking...'


"Ahem...anyway, what took you so long?" Genfnil asks Feng. "The test earlier should not have been that tough? It is just to face your deepest fear and have the fight in you to want to overcome it."

'How can that not be considered hard, you darn kit....ahem Master Genfnil.' Feng thought back in reply.

"O well, and here I am expecting more from you. Anyway, let's get back to the topic proper. The class you are going to gain is unique. In the past, I was the only one with this class, and it is because of its ability that I had gained my fame." Genfnil explained as Feng listened attentively.

"As a summoner, the limits are endless, especially so if you have a large pool of mana as each summon consumes a little of your mana to sustain itself. The mana you have right now is too low to really summon anything useful, but still, it should be able to summon 2 weak ones." Genfnil continued.

'Wait, summoner? What's that?' Feng wondered. He had never heard of such a class before in his previous life. 'Just what class is that? Am I suppose to stand behind summon some monster to fight for me, have a picnic and wait?'

"hmm...yes, that's what a summoner does, I guess."

'No Thanks! I reject! What would my year of training mean if that's all I am doing.' Feng instantly thought.

"Unfortunately, there is no way back once you have accepted the quest. The system has already changed your class.' Genfnil replied.

Hearing his words, Feng tried to bring up his interface. However, he currently did not have a physical body to double tap on the wrist.



'gaming system.'

'information screen.'

Feng tried to think of different terms that might trigger the interface to appear, but nothing works.

"What interface? System? Gaming? what are you talking about??" Genfnil felt confused as he hears the different terms Feng is thinking of.

'Darn it. Are you sure my class is locked, and there is no way to reverse it now?' Feng thought as doubts fill his heart.

"Ahem...I do think so. As such, let us just proceed with the lesson proper, we have already wasted enough time as it is," Genfnil said as he sides step Feng question.

"The first step to summoning is creation. The only way to create from nothing is by gathering mana. While we call it summoning, we are not summoning from another dimension as there is no other dimension. Rather we are creating something out of nothing with mana as the catalyst...." Genfnil began his lecture as Feng listens on.

He can do nothing now but try and get out of this place fast and open his interface to check.

"....with this, you should be able to understand the basics of summoning. What you need to do now is to try it out here in this empty space. With no interference from anything outside, it is the easiest place to summon a creature." Genfnil said.

While the whole process seems confusing, it was actually pretty simple for Feng. After all, he had the system to guide him. Like fighting skills, summoning also had its own steps to follow. Except in fighting, the system compares your move to the database to establish the completion rate.

For summoning, however, it was almost like a dance combined with a chant in his mind that has to be done. Perhaps that is why he arrived at this place without his physical body.

There were only 2 skills on the list of summoning skills he could see in his view right now.

1) Killer rabbits: Summon 1 killer rabbit with a cleaving knife to help with your attack. The level of summoned would be the same as the level of the summoner. Attack: 40 Defense 20 Hp: 200 Mp: 40.

Skill: chop - consumes 10 mp to deal 200% damage. 30 seconds cool down.

Mana consumed: 70 mana.

2) Stone golem: Summon 1 stone golem to protect you or your teammate. The level of summoned would be the same as the level of the summoner. Defense: 50 attack 1 Hp: 400 Mp: 40.

Skill: Taunt - Stone golem throws random insults at up to 5 monsters, attracting their attention and anger for 5 seconds.

Mana consumed: 70 mana.

'Shucks, why is it nothing is normal in this game. A rabbit is my main attacker. Wow! I can imagine how scary that is going to be. The stone golem is normal but... one that throws a random insult at the monster? What's that a cursing stone golem?' Feng wondered as he begins to regret accepting Genfnil quest.