Train my mind

"Alright shooo~ There is nothing much for you to learn now. So go back to your original space. We will meet here again in the future." Genfnil said as Fengs vision darkens.


Feng's eye blinks as he heaved a breath of relief as his eyes slowly opened. A part of him still feared that he would return to being in a coma.

Opening his eyes, he is back in the familiar craven he was in before as Hu Wei stood before him.

"You are back! Finally!" Hu Wei exclaimed in relief.

" long have I been out?" Feng asked as he checks the time.

"Slightly more than 12 hours now." Hu Wei said.

"hmm...we are running out of time," Feng replied.

"Nah, don't worry, bro! I have been killing those darn spiders when you were out." Hu Wei told Feng with a tinge of pride in his speech.

Double-tapping his left wrist, the status screen pops up.

Name: Feng

Class: Apprentice Summoner

Next level: 65% to next level

Level: 4

Coins: 220 silver.

HP: 140

MP: 230

Stats: Strength = 10 , Intelligence = 10, Wisdom = 30, Endurance = 10

Free stats point = 10

Equipment: Weapon - common sword, Armour - Armour of Titans, pants - nil, boots- Boots of Agility, helmet - nil, bracelet - Bracelet of Orcs,

Accessories: Earring - nil, necklace - nil, Ring - nil, Cape - Nil

Equipment Stats:

Defense: +60

Agility: +8

Strenght: +18

Attack + 10

'Darn...sure enough, my class is a summoner. But an apprentice summoner? What is that? There is no such further break down of a class before. Or perhaps there was, but the mages before did not reveal the information?' Feng's eye narrows as he ponders.

"How many spiders did you kill? You even managed to level both of us up with the effort of one person!" Feng was truly astonished as Hu Wei managed to not only not die but even killed enough alone for both on the 2 person team to level up. Essentially he had been leeching off Hu Wei's EXP!

"hmm...I am unsure of the figure man. The whole 12 hours plus you were I have been here killing these damn spiders." Hu Wei replied with his usual straight face as if the feat was nothing before continuing.

"It was initially hard for me to fight them alone; at times, I thought I would die. But slowly, a domain like thing started to appear in my mind, and somehow I can start to sense their attacks," Hu Wei added on.

"Domain like thing? Shadow Sense?" Feng asks as his eyes widen in astonishment. "Do you perhaps start to be able to see a little like a 360-degree view of your surrounding in your mind?

'F*ck. Please say no, or else I am pretty sure I am not the MC of this story anymore. Perhaps it is about time for the sidekick of the MC to be the one that reincarnates.' Feng thought.

"hmm..." Hu Wei paused as he took a moment to ponder how the feeling was like as sweat starts to build on Feng's forehead.

"No...It is just their movements that seem to tell me where the next attack will be and when the attack comes, it is like a slow-motion movie." Hu Wei replied as Feng breath another breath of relief.

'Just how many scares do I have to go through in a day.' Feng wondered, 'Even so, to step into the beginning of the early stage in sense refinement with just this much fighting experience, this guy is a true monster.'

Looking at Hu Wei, Feng honestly told him, "That is the reason why I told you Gods Art is crucial to your training. Only in fights can you learn some things that can never be learned no matter how hard you trained."

"mhm," Hu Wei nods back in agreement. In his heart, unlike his calm appearance, Hu Wei felt feelings of gratitude and thankfulness towards Feng. After all, without him, he would have thought a game is a waste of time and would have never tried it out.

Would the things he learns here be useful in real life? Only time can tell. Even so, Hu Wei could instinctively feel that what he learns here is real and can be applied to a real fight. He could feel his muscles telling him so!

Without wanting to waste more time, Feng told Hu Wei what had happened in his mind and his class, skipping out on the parts of his coma fears.

Hu Wei, who realises the class has nothing to do with fighting, showed a face of disinterest as his eyes kept wandering down towards the area of the spiders.

Catching his cue, Feng told Hu Wei to continue the hunt while he tries his newly gained power. Following the instructions in his view, Feng tried to summon a Rabbit. However, despite the best of his effort, the summoning was not as easy as he thought.

Each time the model in his mind differs slightly from the movement indicated by the screen, the summoning would lapse, consuming 5 mana from him.

It did not take long for his mana to be drained out as he sat and meditated in order for it to recharge before trying again.

Slowly sweats start forming on Feng as the mental fatigue begins to creep in. Almost an hour went by, but he still failed at summoning even 1 rabbit.

Feeling lost, Feng consulted Genfnil.

"Genfnil, you there? I have something to ask you." Feng spoke as he looks up.

The cute little white kitten who had been asleep the entire time starts stretching its legs and paws as it slumbers awake lazily.

"Hmm? Let me guess you failed to summon a single thing?" The same old, authoritative voice boomed back.

"Yes, indeed, Senior. Do you have any tips for me?" Feng once again humbled himself down as he spoke to the kitten on his head.

"The fight is in your mind. So train your mind." That was all Genfnil said before he crawls back to sleep again.

"Train my mind?" Feng asked. However, no words of reply came back.