Rabbitz and Shi Tou

'Kaoz! How am I supposed to train my mind?' Feng wonders as Genfnil did not seem to have any intention of guiding him along on this.

Thinking about the whole process of summoning, Feng ponders on what to do next.

'Meditation?' Feng wonders. It was something he had done once in a while in his previous life. Not too often, but it does calm him down.

Thinking about it, he did start yoga-practising due to the training room at Black Eagle Fitness centre, and there was a part about meditating, which he skipped in his daily training.

Sitting down crossed-legged on the ground, Feng followed the instructions in the tutorial as he rests his hands on his thighs, his palms curled a little for his thumbs to touch his index finger. Straightening his back before loosening his shoulders, Feng closed his eyes as he focuses on his breathing.

Deep breath in, deep breath out, Deep breath in, deep breath out, Deep breath in, deep breath out,...

Imagine a ball of light in the middle of your forehead. Concentrate on it. Empty your mind...Deep breath in, deep breath out...

'ARGHZ! This is hard!' Feng shouted in his mind after his 8th breath. It was hard for him to maintain a state of emptiness beside the ball of light in his head as meaningless thoughts tend to assault his head.

'Darn, my legs are becoming numb.'

'Is it me, or is it getting hot in here.'

'is that my hair or is there an insect on my eyelid.'

'Is Hu Wei still out there killing the spiders?'

'My neck feels sore.'

'My butthole itches.'

Sometimes Feng manages to reach the 10th breath before the random thought comes out, sometimes he barely manages to reach the 2nd breath.

However, this proves that Feng is on the right track. The ability to draw the 'dance' in his mind is definitely linked to his ability to focus his mind. If he cannot even maintain a ball of light in his mind without getting distracted, it is impossible for him to finish the whole 'dance'.

-3 hour later-

"Brother Feng! Brother Feng!" Hu Wei's voice interrupted Feng, whose mind is in a deep trance like state.

Feng was sure he wasn't asleep. However, he could not say he was awake either. He had entered a trance like state of mind for the last unknown amount of time.

It felt like he was here yet not. Feng felt hard to describe what the feeling was as it felt like his spirit leaving his body, but still, it was definitely not that!

As if his spirit was returning to his body after a long time, Feng struggled to regain control of his body. Slowly but surely, he could feel the senses returning to him as his fingers flitches, and he struggles to open his heavy eyelid.

While his body felt heavy, his mind felt extraordinarily clear!

Opening his eyes, he felt like his senses are taking in more than usual.

"Give me a minute Hu Wei," Feng mutters as he tried to create the 'dance' movement in his mind.

A solid human figure appeared this time clearly and defined, instead of the previous hazy like a puppet.

As he moves the 'human' according to the guide provided by the system, this time, he manages to keep his focus all the way till the end.


A Rabbit in full armour stands in front of him, the 2 bunny ear peaking out of the helmet covering the top, back and side of its head.

From the front opening, he could see the large eyes of the rabbit that had a hint of insanity within it. With an x like a scar on its left cheek, the expression for the bunny shows how battle harden it is.

Standing up, its ear reaches slightly above Feng's knee cap, it carried a traditional knight's broad sword almost equivalent to its height on its right hand and a small shield on its left.

"Me, RABBITZ! ME FOLLOW UR ORDERS! KILL WHO?!" Came its first words as it stood tall and proud like a warrior ready to fight to its death in front of Feng.

Pleased with the success of his summon, Feng immediately tried for his second as a stone golem builds up from the rocks around him.

Seeing there was no reply from his summoner, the bunny once again bellowed: "Me RABBITZ! ME FOLLOW UR ORDERS! KILL WHO?!"

"F*cking shitty rabbit, calm down. Crappy summoner, I am the stone golem representative call me Shi Tou!" The stone golem interjects before continuing. "Shitty summoner. We both are representative of our race. Remember that with your small little bird brain. That crazy rabbit there is Rabbitz, but it does not matter to me what you want to call him."

"Me, RABBITZ! ME FOLLOW UR ORDERS! KILL WHO?!" The killer rabbit replied in return.

"Rabbitz is there anything else you can say" Feng ask his face grimacing a little as he felt the summons are a little...weird.



"Weak shit summoner. Is there any reason you summoned us? If there isn't, then unsummon me. I don't want to stay around someone so useless like you!" Shi Tou said as his rock face contorts with displeasure showing.

'Skill: Taunt - Stone golem throws random insults at up to 5 monsters, attracting their attention and anger for 5 seconds...I kinda can see how it works now.' Feng rolls his eyes as he realises the meaning of the description the system had given to the skill.

At this moment, a system prompt came.


You have logged into the game for 60 hours (in-game time) continuously and will be forcefully logged out for 12 hours in 30 minutes.

Seeing the prompt, Feng decided not to waste time on his summons for now as he unsummons them.

Walking towards the cliff, Feng saw Hu Wei still fighting the spiders. 'Haiz as expected. He is totally in a trance fighting and did not see the notification.'

"Hu Wei! Hurry up here! We need to log off soon!" Feng shouted.

Hu Wei did not reply immediately but nodded slightly in reply as he focuses on the fight in front of him.


(49% to next level)

Finishing his fight, Hu Wei climbs up the rope Feng had given him from the start. Once up, he looked at Feng with a confused face.

"Why do we need to log off?" Hu Wei asked.

"Gee dint I explain this before we logged into the game," Feng said, exasperated.

"Ermz...haha, brother. You do know I am not good with such things," Hu Wei replied sheepishly with his hands behind his head.

"Haiz...ok one more time (writer note: and I literally mean it one more time...I had written this portion but did not click on the Save button before closing browser). 72 hours in the game is equivalent to 24 hours in real life. 3 days equals 1 day. Remember?" Feng said as he eyes Hu Wei that is nodding as his memory recalls what Feng had told him before.

"Good. Now the confusing part is this. The first 60 hours in the game is equivalent to 12 hours in real life. The remainder 12 hours in the game is equivalent to 12 hours in real life too. " Feng said as he eyes Hu Wei once again.

"Why make it so confusing?! 1 hour should just be 3 hours." Hu Wei said as he found the rules troublesome to remember.

'Haiz...guess I should save some time and explain this in Hu Wei language.'

"Well, what happens is that in the last 60 hour of in-game time, you get to hone your fighting skill, right? This is entirely due to the time difference between the game and real life. However, there is still your real body to train too. If you spent all 24 hours of real-time in the game, won't your body deteriorate?" Feng said as Hu Wei eyes widen on hearing Feng's word.

"So to prevent that, the next 12 hours, you are forcibly logged out. As such, you can go train your muscles!" Feng heaves a sigh as he finishes his sentence.

"OMG! The developer is such a genius!!" Hu Wei exclaimed.

'Rather than them being a genius, isn't it more of a logic? Or else the central government would intervene if everyone is to game 24 hours daily affecting real-life productivity.' Feng thought as he prepares to log off.

As the familiar dizzy feeling hits Feng once again, he closes his eyes.

Taking off their gaming helmet, Feng once again saw the familiar room of Xin Ru, which he had seemed to have left for some time.
