Its all about the profits

The room got silent as the atmosphere gets a bit awkward. Knowing that Liu yu Han heard their conversation earlier on got the both of them a little embarrassed.

"Gee, what are you guys acting all docile about? It's not like I have no idea you 2 horn dogs are fucking each other." Liu Yu Han broke the silence in her usual straightforward no words held back manner.

"Anyway, what is of higher importance now is that uncle is on his way over and should be there anytime soon." She continued as her words brought their focus back to the issue on hand.

Hearing her words, they both knew that Liu Yu Han was right.

"How long has he left your side?" Xin Ru asks as she composes herself.

"Almost 15 minutes ago. I would say he should be reaching your place anytime soon." Liu Yu Han said with an urgent tone in her voice.

"Ok, I will handle it. Thanks, Yu Han." Xin Ru cuts the connection as soon as she finishes her sentence; as she turns to Feng, she asks, "Any idea on what we should do?"

Shrugging his shoulders, Feng replies, "No point hiding anything. Might as well just face him upfront and see how it goes."

Hearing his calm reply, as if even if the sky falls, he would be able to face it head-on, Xin Ru felt comforted. At least he would be there with her to meet her father together. His presence would give her additional courage at the bare minimum.

Tapping on her Q watch, Xin Ru turn on the access for the lift to her home once again as they both get dressed in preparation for the father's arrival.


Sitting on the sofa as they sipped their tea to calm their nerves, the intercom for the lift soon buzzed.

"Hi, Dad! Why are you here?" Xin Ru fake innocence as she spoke into her Q watch.

"Do not act like you know nothing. Your Dad is not that senile to not know that Yu Han would give you a call once I left." A gruff and deep voice said before continuing after a slight pause, "Is he there?"

"Yes," Xin Ru said, her manners docile as a deer. Seeing her like this, Feng could only chuckle by the side.

"Alright, I am coming up now, so wait for me," The gruff, deep voice said before the connection cuts.

Sitting with a straightened back and hands clenched on her thighs, Xin Ru was visibly nervous as Feng reaches his hand across and covers her hands with his palm. Looking towards him, Feng gave Xin Ru a slight smile followed by a nod as a gentle look emits from his eyes.

No words were said, but she immediately felt better.


The lift lets off a ring as it reaches the floor of Xin Ru home. As the door opens, Feng looks toward the lift. Seeing the person exiting the lift, Feng could not help himself as his eyebrows raises a little.

Exiting the lift was a 1.65m tall man wearing a 3-piece suit. Storky and obviously bald despite wearing a gentleman hat. With an ample beer belly, he grunts with every step he took as he walks over to the sofa.

Sitting down without a care in the world, he took off his hat, proving Feng wrong on his assumption that he is bald as approx 10 nicely comb strands of hair still remains on his crown. His eyes narrow and hollow, he looks at Feng with a stern expression on his face as he scrutinised him.

"Dad", Xin Ru said to divert his attention; however, despite her calls, his eyes never left Feng.

Without any introduction, Xin Ru's Dad dived into the topic he came here for. "You the young man that is my daughter toy boy? Slightly above average look, no background and poor."

'hmm...he the issue here is not because of his daughter having a toyboy, it seems.' Feng thought as he looks back at Xin Rus' Dad, his eyes narrow as he replies, "Her boyfriend, not toyboy might I correct you. Your daughter is much more than you can imagine and need not use money to acquire love...unlike you." Feng took a dig back at Xin Rus' father.

"LIN FENG!" Xin Ru shouts, "How..."

"Sorry, he insulted you first." Feng cuts her off, knowing why she is angry.

"Even still, he is my dad. How could..." This time, her dad has raised his hands to stop her from continuing.

"Seems like you have some backbone. Since it is so, it would be easier for me. Return my daughter her 5 million credit. As for dating, I am not that old fashion to insist on a arrange marriage. Even so, I do not agree to the 2 of you dating." Xin Rus' Dad said as he relaxes his body and slumps back into the sofa, his hands interlocking on his belly as he rubs his fingers against each other, his eyes looking straight at Feng.

"Sorry to disappoint you, Sir," Feng said politely this time. "The total amount is 30 million credit. The 5 million credit you have mentioned has been out of date."

'Seems like Liu Yu Han had tried to help us by lower the figure', Feng thought as he updates Xin Rus' dad on the new figure.

As soon as Feng mentioned the 30 million credit, Xin Rus' Dad body tenses up, his brows knitted as his eyes bored into Feng. Finally, looking at Xin Ru for the first time since entering the room, he could only utter 3 words: "Are You Crazy?!"

Feng wanted to jump to Xin Rus' defence, but this time before he could do so, Xin Ru had spoken up for herself.

"No. It was an investment, and the investment has shown to be paying off as of now." Xin Ru told her dad calmly

Feng looks back at Xin Rus' dad, and the sides of his mouth are visibly twitching; he hurriedly continues.

"Currently, the 30 million credits have been put into a further investment, and base on the current market is worth close to 60 million credits in stocks value and are projected to climb sharper upwards. My original promise was to return 110 million + 10% stake in my future guild in another 4 years. Should you wish, I can return you 30 million credits now, but we have to alter the contract to be void from today." Feng utters all the information he could in one breath.

He had a rough grasp of Xin Rus' father from his interaction with Xin Ru and studying him since he entered the place. He was a businessman through and through. He did not believe that her dad would sacrifice potential profit for nothing.

Silence fills the room as her dad looks at Feng silently as he rotates his thumbs. Unable to take the silence anymore, Xin Ru decided to pour oil into the fire.

"I agree to take back the 30 million from Lin Feng. So dad, please let us be? I mean it is just a profit of 20 million per year for the next 4 years. We can just consider it a loss of 1 year of lending him the 30 million. So if it is ok with you, Dad, let us forfeit the 20 million per year profit."

As her sarcastic tone hits him, Xin Rus' Dad eyebrow twitches while he maintains his silent stance his thumbs continue twirling on his ample beer belly hidden by his vest.

'These 2 young punks actually dare to try and pull a fast one over me' His mind races in a hurry as he did the math and think up a counter offer.