
'These 2 young punks actually dare to try and pull a fast one over me' His mind races in a hurry as he did the math and think up a counter offer.

As he fiddles with his thumb, his mind churns while the 2 young ones sit calmly observing him. Fengs hand above Xin Ru as if assuring her everything will be ok.

Haiz...finally Xin Rus' dad heaves a heavy sigh before speaking.

"I have never seen my daughter this determine before. Meeting you might be a good thing, I guess." He finally said as he admits defeat.

"Still, the credits you invested had originated from me, and a 100% returns in one year is a pretty impressive result. I think that it is only appropriate for you to tell me the breakdown of the figures?" Xin Rus' Dad asked.

Looking at Xin Ru, who signalled her approval with a gentle nod, Feng cleared his throat before speaking.

"Abstergo Reality. Almost all of the cash on hand has been invested into Abstergo reality." Feng told him truthfully.

With the initial 5 million credit, he had purchased 70 lots at 40,000 per lot, investing 2.8 million.

For the 2nd batch of 25 million, he had gone all-in with 555 lots at 45,000 per lot, leaving just 25,000 credit aside only because it was not enough to purchase another lot.

As such, out of the 30 million credits, he had invested almost 27 million into Abstergo reality.

With his lips twitching once again upon hearing Feng's word,

'is this young punk playing the fool out of me' he wonders as his face begins to get flushed.

Seeing her dads reaction, Xin Ru quickly tries to diffuse the situation.

"and I agreed with the investment, especially after hearing more about Gods Art. After trying the game out yesterday, it made me even more sure of the investment." Xin Ru said in her attempt to calm her dad.

"GAME!" Xin Ru dad swore he could feel his soul leaving his body when he heard what Xin Ru had said.

Feng quickly passes Senior Zhen (Xin Ru dad) a cup of tea to calm him down as Xin Ru went behind him and massaged his temple.


Senior Zhen began sipping from the cup of tea as he sighs in between every sip as he digests all the seemingly absurd information given to him.

There is the fact that the guy in front of him actually invested all his money into 1 stock. Another point is that the company he had invested in is relatively unknown. The last thing that breaks it all is that its main product is actually a game.

He had nothing against gaming companies, but as a traditional business person, it is hard for him to wrap his head around how gaming can be considered an investment worthy enough compared to, say, pharmaceutical.

Still, behind it, all is the last and most important fact that the investment had paid off handsomely, leaving him speechless.

Base on the report he had, Feng is just a poor kid. Orphaned and without relationships to have any backing whatsoever. As such, insider information can be ruled out.

No matter how he tries to twist things, it was a reckless investment that had paid off by luck.

Putting down the cup of tea, Senior Zhen massages the bridge of his nose as he rubs it between his thumb and index finger.

'Just why do I feel this is not luck but an investment made with prior knowledge.' Senior Zhen ponders.

"Since everything is written in black and white plus the base amount has been earned back, I am not going to pursue the issue on this." Senior Zheng finally said before turning towards Xin Ru and in a stern tone that leaves little for negotiation, he continued,

"However, Xin Ru, having a guy staying with you while single would invite too much gossip and.." Before he could finish, a vibrating sound interrupts them.

Burr burr....burr burr.

The Q watch on Xin Ru starts vibrating. Looking down on her watch, a smile broke across Xin Ru face as she quickly grants access to the person that had just entered the lift.

"Dad, mom is here. Can we wait for her before we continue the conversation" Xin Ru ask cheekily.

"Your mom? Ok, ok," Sweat beads form on his forehead as Senior Zhen sits up straight.

'Hmm...interesting...a henpecked husband?' Feng thought as his eyes squinted while looking at the anxious Senior Zhen.


As the lifts door open, a lady emerges from the lift. Seeing her, Feng batted his lashes as he blinks a couple of time before rubbing them to make sure he is not seeing wrongly.

The women who had emerged looks a lot like Xin Ru, just slightly more mature and elegant in her actions.

Wearing a white Qi Pao with blue flowers, her hair was neatly tied up in a bun behind her with a slight hint of wrinkles near her eyes which one would not spot unless they scrutinised her closely.

One was to say the main difference between Xin Ru and her mom is that Xin Ru is ahem...nourished slightly better, giving her a larger top and meatier bottom. Also, Xin Ru was somewhat taller than her mom by around 5 cm.

Frankly, if they were to travel outside together, it would not be surprising that they would have mistaken her mom for Xin Rus' elder sister.

"Mama!" Xin Ru exclaims in delight as she rushes towards her mom, hugging her.

Looking back at Xin Rus' dad, Feng breath a sigh of relief. 'Lucky only the strong genes from her mom was passed down to Xin Ru' Feng thought.

Hearing the arrival of his wife, Senior Zhen quickly stands up as he straightens his attire; he looks at his wife lovingly. "Xiao Yi, why are you here?"

"Xiao Zhu, Yu Han has called me to tell me everything. I am here just to make sure my XinRu is ok" Xin Ru mom replies as she blinks her eyes, her actions effeminate as she slightly bows towards Lin Feng and nods her head a little to acknowledge his presence.

Unconsciously, Feng bowed a 45 degrees bow back in respect towards her as he introduces himself.

"Good Afternoon mam, I am Lin Feng."

As she gives him a gentle smile, she replied, "I am Xin Rus mom, you can call me Mrs Zhen. I hope my hubby has not been too harsh on you."

"No Mam, Mr Zhen has been fair in words, and we have been in a constructive conversation all along. Thanks for your concern." Feng said as politely as he could.

"Glad to hear that." Mrs Zhen said before she shot a quick deathly stare at her hubby, which Feng almost missed had it not been for his sense refinement being honed to the beginning of the middle stages, allowing him to catch things ordinary people would not be able to.

"Zhen Yi Zhu. Let's leave the young ones alone, shall we? Xin Ru is old enough to know what can be and cannot be done." Mrs Zhen said as she lowers her head towards her husband.