Back to the game

Thinking back to how when the two of them were still virgins and how he had kept teasing Fatty fats as tits in his previous life, a smile broke out on Feng's face.

'haiz...the happiest time of one's life is when one is foolish and ignorant of the world' Feng thought as he reminisces his youth.

Turning around to throw his nutritional drink packaging before heading back to the gym, Feng saw a familiar face that he had not seen for some time. Sitting there in his suit, his attire made him hard to miss had Feng been looking in this direction earlier.

A smile broke out on his face for a moment before he broke eye contact as Lee looks towards him.

Truthfully, Feng had not contacted either Lee or Bai Yun Fei much ever since he got his member card upgraded. After all, his main purpose is to use the simulation rooms on level 5.

"ahem..." Lee coughs as soon as Feng broke eye contact with him.

With his eyebrows raised, Feng turns to look back at Lee again. However, Lee just sat there quietly.

Ignoring Lee, Feng turned his back once again as he soon as had done what he needed to do. Throwing away the packaging.

"Ahem!" Lee coughs once again much louder and audible to Feng.

'Gee, is this guy a tsundere?' Feng wonders as he turns back and walks towards Lee, sitting down on the empty seat in front of him.

"You got something to say to me?" Feng asks, curiosity plaster over his face.

"Yes. I had overheard your conversation earlier about looking for a place. Our fitness centre does have such facilities available and should you need them; you can just inform me. After all, as a direct disciple of Master Bai, this is something I can arrange for you." Lee said as he pushes up his specs.

'This guy is truly a tsundere. Can't he just approach me to say he could help instead of acting all high and mighty here?' Feng's eyebrow twitches as he looks at Lee.

"How long have you been sitting here?" Feng asked

"Long enough to hear your conversations. About you needing a place and discussing some game stuff. As well as to see you molest the fat guy. On this topic, I should warn you that while we do respect our members' preference, you do need to rein in your overly display of PDA." Lee answered.

Pop...Feng could feel a blood vessel burst in his forehead as he listens to Lee answer.

"Calm down....calm down..." Feng mutters under his breath.

"Thanks for the offer. As you have heard, I have some arrangements made earlier. However, should I need your help, I will give you a call," Feng said as he hurriedly prepares to leave.

Somehow, he and Lee are like cats and dogs. While he would not say that he dislike Lee, something deep in him told him that the two of them just could not click.

Returning to the gym, Feng hurriedly begins his work out. After all, he had arrived here later than usual.


Running home after his workout, Feng soon arrives back at Xin Ru place at 7 pm sharp, just as he had promised her earlier.

Her mom was gone by now. Xin Ru had placed all the food on plates instead of their usual takeaway boxes. However, it was apparent to Feng from the smell and look that the food is takeaways and not homemade food from Xin Ru.

Sitting down to join her for dinner, Feng could not resist asking: "So how was it with your mom after I left?"

"Nothing much. Normal girls talk." Xin Ru said before mischievously adding, "She said the easiest way for things to work is to get myself pregnant."

Having just sat down, Feng almost fell off his chair at her words.

"Just joking. As we had discussed kids after marriage." Xin Ru said as she stuck out her tongue.

Smiling back at her, Feng replied thoughtfully, "It would be nice if we had a family together."

Looking at Feng, a smile broke out on her face unconsciously. Then, slowly Xin Ru disappears below the table.

With his eyes, wide open Feng asked, "what are you doing?"

"Really? You need to ask?" He heard her reply as he felt her hands tugging on his track pants.

"What about dinner? and I have not bathed after the jog home." Feng said earnestly as he was starving after all the training, and he really would prefer to give himself to her while he is clean.

"Shut up! I want your dick in my mouth now." Xin Ru replied as she tugs on his pants harder while he raises his butt.

Soon a warm feeling engulfs his member below while he tried his best to eat his dinner.

Maybe it was because he is too tired to control. It didn't take him long before he shot out his load of an army into Xin Rus' mouth.

Licking her lips satisfied, she crawled out from under the table and back to her seat.

"Sometimes dessert before dinner works too," She said as Feng sat there butt naked.

"Really? How about having dessert every time before dinner then?" Feng asked cheekily as he tried his luck.

Rolling her eyes, she said, "Then get me in the mood every time."

"Huh?" was all Feng could utter as he struggles to recall what he did to get her in the mood.

Looking at him wondering, Xin Ru could only chuckle. There are times when he looks like the biggest idiot in the world, which only makes her adore him more.


With only the two of them this time, they laid down on the bed with their helmet already worn. Holding hands, a spinning feeling starts hitting Feng as he selects the login option.

As a dim light begins to form in his view, he soon appeared back where he had logged off earlier. Furthur in front of him was a cliff, and below were the swarms of the spider.

Hu Wei was back in the game, too and Genfnil still asleep above his head.

Once again, he tried to practice his summoning without waiting, as he formed the figure in his mind and perform the movements needed exactly as per the system's guides.


"Crappy summoner, why did you summon me again?"

The 2 familiar voice sounded off soon as they got re-summon back by Feng.