
Seeing these 2 little creature brought a smile to Feng's face. Somehow he found them cute, i.e., ugly but adorable. Thinking about this, Feng double taps his left wrist to check his stats before beginning his fight out of the spider-infested cave.

Name: Feng

Class: Apprentice Summoner

Next level: 49% to next level

Level: 4

Coins: 220 silver.

HP: 140

MP: 230

Stats: Strength = 10 , Intelligence = 10, Wisdom = 40, Endurance = 10

Free stats point = 0

Equipment: Weapon - common sword, Armour - Armour of Titans, pants - nil, boots- Boots of Agility, helmet - Helm of the Vikings, bracelet - Bracelet of Orcs,

Accessories: Earring - nil, necklace - nil, Ring - nil, Cape - Nil

Equipment Stats:

Defense: +60

Agility: +8

Strenght: +18

Attack + 10

'hmm, each summons is 70 mana...meaning I can summon another one." Feng thought as he checks his stats, he decides to do a few experiments.

Moments later.....

On the system notes, Feng writes:

Points on summoning

1) How long do summons last: unknown. We still need to test.

2) Can he summon another one before one dies once his mana recover? No summon number is capped by the summoner MP limit. i.e. 700 mana means 10 summoned creature.

3) However, should a summon die in battle or a summoner chooses to unsummon, another creature can be summoned to replace the empty slot as long as the limit rule is met.

4) The 2nd summon creature follows the lead of the first creature, i.e.: Summon won't be taxed to micromanage.

5) only the first summoned creature can communicate and have some form of intelligence. How much? Unknown. Need more varients of summoning to test out.

6) list to be updated as more test are conducted in the future.

Looking at Hu Wei, Feng made his choice on his summoning.

A short while late, the party of 5 makes their way towards the rope that is still tied.

CUE MUSIC! (yes, the system does provide for background music =p)

Dum dum

5 shadow appears above the ground of an empty spot near the rope.


The dust settles. 3 stone golem about 1 meter tall, 1 gorilla build man and 1 lean man with a kitten sleeping on his out bed hairstyle stands amidst the dust.

Bam Dam


The stone golem walks forward with swagger as a glimpse of light shine in their eyes. The middle golem that is walking slightly in front comes to a stop, the 2 golems to its left and right behind stopping with it slightly behind, with the 2 humans at the furthest behind.

In an inverted V shape, the 5 warriors stood arms crossed against their chest as the lead golem slowly raises his right hand almost 90 degrees to the ground.

Slowly but surely, his middle finger begins uncurling and right on cue, all 3 golems begins.

"You shitty spiders that look uglier than your grandpa balls here"

"Your di*k is so small that you need 8 legs to find it to jack off."

"Look at you poor little piece of shit...your legs are of different length."

"Poor bastard. If I am you, I would just die now and reincarnate as something else. Look, you guys do not know the joy of squeezing titties."

(Taunt! Stone golem throws random insults at up to 5 monsters, attracting their attention and anger for 5 seconds.)

(You have successfully agitated 15 spiders)

Craven Spiders

Level 3-5

Attack 15-20

Def 40-55

Hp: 400-600

Mp: 60-100

Skills: unknown identification skill needed.

'Darn, these spiders are more of a tanker than the attacker. This will take some time to clear' Feng thought before he looks at Hu Wei, who had already charged forward to engage in battle with the spiders.

'Perfect for this offence oriented guy...especially now with these golems to help tank the damages.'

Thinking about this, Feng dashes forward to engage in battle too. While his attack is much lower than Hu Wei, still he needs to fight to continue training himself. Without his sword, he could only rely on his fist as he bashes his way forward.

Slowly, they inched their way forward in the spider-infested cave. Relying on the 3 stone golem to control the crowd when it gets too rowdy while they both fight the ones that are not controlled.

Feng also realises another pleasant surprise for his summons. They could actually help collect loots and silvers on the ground, all of which would land in his system! Less work, more farming for him.

Feng grins as he rubs his hands together at the thought of the prospect of building a large army.

When one of the stone golems died, Feng had tried summoning the killer rabbitz, but he soon found it too overwhelming with one tank/controller lesser. As such, he had stuck to the 3 stone golem summons.

While their curses hurt his ear, at least it was not that tiring for Hu Wei and himself stamina wise, which is crucial to Feng as he has no idea how long they had to fight before reaching an exit.

Almost 4 hours later.

(Ding, you have levelled up to level 5.)

Huff puff...

Feng and Hu Wei had been fighting the last 4 hour without a break! Without the stone golem, it would be unthinkable that they could last that long.

Feng only has 1 last stack of basic mana recovery potion. Since the development here was out of his expectation, basic mana recovery potion was something that they did not carry much. On the contrary, thanks to the stone golem, the Basic Hp recovery potion still had several stacks in balance.

The tackiness of the spider made fighting hard. Add to that, their only skill that resembles a spider web is used ever so often, which slows the person's movement inflicted by it.

Lucky for Feng and Hu Wei, they had enough experience to avoid the spider web attack. While the stone golem does not help much in attack, a slow down in movement means a slow down in their advancement rate.

Based on his estimation, they killed approximately 250 spiders or almost 1 spider per minute, which is a pretty good run rate since the place is pack with them. There was no need to lure or wait for a respawn.

However, the exp they give only fills 0.2% of their exp bar! Almost like the system lowered it a lot on purpose to prevent level in balance. Still, the silvers they had dropped boast Feng silver count by 500+, and there is the 380 silk piece that they have dropped.

The exp, even with the debuff, is worth it base on Feng estimation; they are still levelling slightly faster than outside. The silver count is something that puts a grin on his face.

A shiver crawls up Hu Wei's spine as he looks over Feng direction on the rare occasion he gets to rest for a couple of seconds as he sees the grin on Feng's face while his fist strikes continuously at the spider's vital part.

'Do not get on the wrong side of Brother Feng' Hu Wei made a mental note to himself.