Tiny but big?


Feng continued killing...erm collecting the coins with the evil grin plastered onto his face by now they were stuck for 6 hours in the cave of spiders. Hu Wei could feel his movements becoming a little sluggish.

Feng, however, was still zipping around with a spring in his step as he opens his status screen to check on the updates once again.

'Not bad 1,020 silver or 1 gold 20 silver in total and another 69.6% to level 6. I hope this farming doesn't end till we reach level 7' Feng thought.

"Brother Feng, is there any flame thrower or something in this game? I am sick of these spiders! I mean, there is nothing to fight. At this point, it is just massacring them, but there is just so many of them!" Hu Wei grunts as he voices out a rare complaint.

"Training! Train your patience. Train your stamina. Train your mind. This is all training! In a real fight between masters. The first one to slow down because of fatigue loss. The first one to lose his cool loss." Feng replied authoritatively as he bashes the spider in front of him while grabbing any silver he sees nearby.

"ARGH!!" Hu Wei roared as his power explodes once again, thanks to Feng "encouragement."

'Gee, simple folks like him is the best.' Just as the thought flashes across Feng mind, Genfnil, who had been asleep all this time above Feng's head, suddenly woke up.

Ruffling his white fur as he stands up. Genfnil wrinkles his nose a little as he softly mutters.

"That bastard is still here."

While soft, he said it loud enough for Feng to hear.

"Who?" he asked

"Their mother", Genfnil replies, unwilling to say more, not like he needed to. The mama of all spiders, i.e., the boss.

Knowing a boss fight is coming soon, Feng really wanted to find a place to rest up first, but all he sees to his left and right are the spiders.

'Looks like there is no choice but to continue forward or not move too much but to camp here and farm till we level up', Feng mutters under his breath.

With Hu Wei continuing to deal the damage and the golems for crowd control. Things were still manageable; as such, Feng decided on the 2nd option. At the current run rate, it would mean another 5 hours of grinding.

After almost 11 hours in this crazy shit hole of non-stop killing of spiders, sweats glitter on their body with a slime-like liquid, which could only be described as spider blood mixed in.

"Huff" Hu Wei let off a heavy, loud breath after taking down yet another spider. "This is really something, Brother Feng. I never thought that it could be this tiring to fight non stop."

As Feng stabs the spider in front of him for the 20th plus time, it turns into white light before the silver drops on the floor.


(You have levelled up)

"Ok, let's move forward." Satisfied, Feng said as he commanded the golems to move forward.

"Shitty summoner about time." Shi Tou complained. "I am sick of insulting these spiders."

'I am sick of hearing your insults too!' Feng thought as he recalls the insults the golems have been throwing. At first, it was just direct insults to them. But, soon it involves their friends, then their siblings, followed by their parents and finally even their ancestor.

"Well, we still have some spiders to kill till we get out of this", Feng said in reply.

Checking his status screen to allocate his stats:

Name: Feng

Class: Apprentice Summoner

Next level: 99.7% to next level

Level: 6

Coins: 1 gold 700 silver

HP: 200

MP: 500

Stats: Strength = 10 , Intelligence = 10, Wisdom = 60, Endurance = 10

Free stats point = 0

Equipment: Weapon - common sword, Armour - Armour of Titans, pants - nil, boots- Boots of Agility, helmet - Helm of the Vikings, bracelet - Bracelet of Orcs,

Accessories: Earring - nil, necklace - nil, Ring - nil, Cape - Nil

Equipment Stats:

Defense: +60

Agility: +8

Strenght: +18

Attack + 10

With the newest level up, he could summon up to 7 stone golem or killer rabbit now up from the 5 summons he could do earlier at level 5. As such, he rearranges the team formation to 4 stone golems and 3 killer rabbits.

After all, with the 2 levels they have gained since the beginning, their Hp had risen too.

With that, the team of 5 grew to a group of 9.

Once ready, they begin moving forward once again. The killing was much faster than before, thanks to Hu Wei attack damage and the additional 2 killer rabbit. However, each spider killed only amounted to 1% of exp gain on the downside.

Feng could sense Genfnil moving around uncomfortably on his hair with each step they took forward. Barely almost 40 minutes have passed, and they have killed an estimated 100 spiders giving another 10% exp gained.

Looking at the 2 newly joined killer rabbits, Feng could feel the difference 2 more attackers made.

Sensing his look on them, the leader rabbit replied in the only way it could:


'Haiz, one retard and one foul mouth' Feng gave a grim smile back, knowing that any reply to the rabbit would only have one response given back. Instead, he rather uses that time spent on a one-sided conversation to kill another spider.


As Feng was preparing to kill the next spider, a loud crashing sound came as the crash's impact in front of them caused a smokescreen of dust, preventing them from viewing what is in front.

"Flashy entrance as always" Genfnil is standing on all 4 right now, his tail forming into the shape of a mountain as he tried to look large and threatening, with fur erect and pupils narrowed as he looked into the cloud of dust.

"Tough enemy?" Feng asked as they got ready for battle. 3 of the stone golems concentrated on the spiders surrounding them while the 2 rabbits did all the attacking work. Only the golem leader Shi Tou is left with Hu Wei and Feng to battle the boss.

Frankly, Feng is glad that he changed his class earlier or else with just him and Hu Wei, it was impossible to fight the spider minions and the boss.

"Irritating bastard", Genfnil replied as the dust slowly clears up, revealing the 8 legged spiders almost as tall as a 2 story home, its width nearly the size of a football field.

"KAKAKAKA! Genfnil!!" The spider shriek. Seeing it clearly, somehow,, its upper body had a massive chest, almost like a normal female cleavage that is covered by the black spider skin. As it crawled on its 8 legs, the cleavage was kinda distracting.

With each movement, the breast sways, which Feng thought made sense since it obviously was not wearing a bra.

"Genfnil o Genfnil...did you change your mind and finally decided to mate me? I have been waiting for your huge cock for a long, long time...KAKAKAKA," The spider said.

As Hu Wei turns his head to see the tiny kitten on Feng's head while Feng tries to look up as much as possible, but it was impossible to see Genfnil on top of him, a single thought came across their mind.

'The size of the spider is humongous!!! For it to say Genfnil has a huge cock... how big can it be? Also, Genfnil body size could fit into our palm easily. How big could his cock be?'

As if sensing their question, Genfnil humps and said "Hmph! I am a grower! Now you know my power, you plebeians."

'Wait, wait, wait....could his cock be bigger than his body? No, this does not make sense!' Both of them could feel their brains getting fried as they tried to make sense of the situation.