How deep is Hu Wei going to sink?

Looking at the rewards, Feng licks his lips a little 'Yummy'; he thought as he walks over to Hu Wei.

"Here, bro, all yours now," a silly grin forms on Feng's face that were impossible to hide.

As Hu Wei clicks to claim the first reward, a system notification soon comes up.

(Ding. You have claimed the reward random silk armour...assigning reward...beginner silk robe awarded.)

'...WT*...this is a shitty robe that is meant for level 1 - 3' Feng cursed in his mind as he sees the reward notification. Hu Wei was calm about it as he opened one of the random chests that awards random items to the players.

(Ding. You have claimed the reward random chests...assigning reward...intermediate HP potion stack awarded.)

"STOP!" Feng immediately shouted before Hu Wei clicks on the next reward.

'What the hell happened to my lucky boy!' Feng wondered as he stares at Hu Wei, scrutinizing him from head to toes.

After one round of check, Feng could estimate where the blame could be. The little vixen of a spider on his shoulder. The only thing that has changed with Hu Wei since they entered the cave was that horny spider he entered.

'Darn! Must be the effect of losing his so-called virginity.' Feng thought.

'Haiz...why...why must I lose a lucky charm so fast. On top of that, his luck seems to be worst than mine at the moment!' Looking at the remaining un-opened rewards, Feng wonders if he should just open them himself.

He really needed a weapon at this point in time, but the likelihood of him getting something good is far too rare and hard. Contemplating hard, Feng decided to give it a try on the random chest that provides items.

The unique chest and random weapon rewards are far too important for him to use as a test subject.

(Ding. You have claimed the reward random chest...assigning reward...token awarded.)

While the system did not state what kind of token it was, Feng's eye glimmer with tears. Tears of joy. Hurriedly he kept the token.

(Ding. You have claimed the reward unique chest...assigning reward...1 x Gold Sword - Single-handed.)

Dok..dok..dok...dok...dok...dok dok dok dok.. The rapid heartbeat of Feng could be heard as he got excited. Having lived for so long, he had never had the chance of gaining something good so easily.

While the sword is not on the level of the epic weapon and armour piece that Hu Wei got from before, still based on his previous experience, he would be lucky enough to get a bronze weapon. Getting a Gold weapon from a random unique chest that can give just about anything is a bonus for him. At least he can keep the random weapon reward for the moment.

Weapon piece

Blue Heaven Sword (Growth Weapon: max level 20)

Rank: Gold

Equipment requirement: Lvl = 5, Stats = Strength 20,

Attack + 20, Strength + 15, Agility + 2

Additional Skills:

Skill 1: Whirlwind Slash. Circle slash to deal damage to all enemies within the area of 1m at 50% of the damage of the initial target Cooldown: 1 min.

With the sword equipped, just the stats boost from his equipment is pretty decent:

Equipment Stats Total boost:

Defense: +60

Agility: +10

Strenght: +31

Attack + 20

'A pretty decent sword. Lacking in firepower compared to Hu Wei but still pretty decent stats now at least on par with most fighters which is considered good since my built was mana base.'

Putting aside his sword, Feng grabbed Genfnil down from his head as he gave him a few pats on his head.

'Luck changes with the person who accompanies you, huh' Feng thought as he looked at the spider as he cuddled Genfnil.

"Hey Hey...What the hell are you doing!" The stern old man voice boomed out.

"Nah,, nothing...just found you a little adorable", Feng said as he holds the kitten in his palm, forming a cave around its body.

"Adorable your head...get your head straight. I am the hero. My name should have been carved into the legends if not for those bastards. Girls wet their panties at the sight of me and my muscle. Do not get me pissed off here, you bastard," Genfnil countered back, his tone a little impatient and aggressive at the notion that Feng found him adorable.

'Gee, if this little kitty just shut up, he would be the most adorable thing on earth.' Feng thought as he quickly places Genfnil back on his head.

"Call me adorable one more time, and I will cut your dick off", Genfnil voice boom down from above his head.

'Snappy kitty', Feng thought as Genfnil hostility got his mood down back to normal.

"Where are we?" Hu Wei asked as he spent the time exploring their surroundings.

"KAkaka...a place most suitable for you two right now. Follow the sun, and you should arrive at a very nice place," Lilia replied in her small spider voice.

"Nice place huh," Somehow, Feng had his doubts about this vixen spider. However, they had no idea where they are and could only follow the instructions of the thing that brought them here.

It was not long before they came across a beautiful waterfall with a river flowing endlessly, following her instruction. What caught the sight of Feng and Hu Wei was not the waterfall, however. Instead, it was the horse-like creature that was bathing in the river.

Horse-like beautiful creatures built like centaurs. The bottom half of a horse but the top half of a human. Beautiful because it was a flock of female centaurs. Their figures were tone because of the amount of time they spent galloping in the open field.

Galloping in the shallow waters as they occasionally fall to their side to lie down in the water before standing up with water dripping down over their body as they dry their hair by shaking their head, flipping their blond hairs all over the place as their ample boobs swayed in the air.

Frankly, if one is to ignore their bottom half, this place is heaven!

"Kakaka...what do you think of this place?" Lilia asked proudly of herself for teleporting them here.

" nice place. But what do you mean by suitable for us?" Feng asked as he recalls Lilia words. A bunch of half-naked horse galloping around with bouncing boobs is definitely something to see but suitable?

" horny bastard unlike my darling here who is so calmly standing still. All you see is their naked body. These centaurs here are level 10-12 mostly. Avoid the male ones; they are level 13-15 and are faster. On top of that, they are basically just fast with not much offensive power except for one skill which is easily dodged." Lilia explained.

'Fu*k. Calm your head! It is obvious he has a raging hard-on!' Feng shook his head as he wondered how deep Hu Wei would fall into this pit of weird preferences. First a spider, now horse. Heck! This guy did not even react much around beauties such as Xin Ru and Yu Han!

'This spider! Her ai truly much higher than normal. Very rarely do we see an NPC that knows about levelling and stuff. With such AI, she should have been a main story NPC or something, yet I have not heard of her. Perhaps she was not found in my previous life one thought of entering her vagina to damage her...' Feng took note of the difference in Lilia from other normal NPC.

Observing the centaurs, Feng wonders how much gold he could make if he turns this place into a place of visit and charges an entrance fee...

"Pfft...what is so great about a bunch of big boobs bouncing around. Disgusting." Genfnil snorted above Feng's head as he curls into a furball, uninterested in the ongoing beautiful scene.
