Berserk Rabbit

With a nod towards Hu Wei, Feng summoned 4 stone golem and 8 killer rabbits. Each forming a team of 3 comprising 1 stone golem and 2 killer rabbits.


"Crappy summoner, why did you summon me again?"

Getting used to their familiar chants, Feng ignored them as he looks towards the centaurs. "We got some lovely centaurs to kill," Feng said with a nod towards the direction of the waterfall.

"O," Rabbitz said, his eyes looking towards the naked centaurs.

"O?? You can actually have another reaction besides asking to kill who?" Feng said before noticing something wrong.

'Is that a boner?!' Looking at the tiny obvious hard-on in between rabbitz leg. Looking around, Feng notices the same look of lust and hard-on on each killer rabbit in the area.

(Ding. You have activated berserk mode for killer rabbits)

(Ding. Killer rabbits will go on a rampage for the next 1 hour regardless of your orders.)

Just as Feng was about to read finish the system notification, the rabbits had charged forward towards the group of female centaurs without waiting for his command.

'Kaoz, what a mess! This is going further and further away from the game that I had known. The summons is too unpredictable. Berserk mode? What is the key to activation? Naked boobs?'

"Shi Touz! Hurry to back up the rabbits. Without crowd control, they would not last long." Feng quickly took command of the mess. "Hu Wei...ehh, where the hell is Hu Wei!"

Amongst the group of rabbits was one muscular guy leading them right at the front.

"KILL!!!!!! RAPE!!!!! PLUNDER!!! WARRRRRRR!!!" Hu Wei led the charge.

Seeing the approaching perverts, the Centaur did not idle and wait but hurriedly form up their formation. From far, one could see a group of rabbit lead by a large muscular man right at the tip of the formation, much like a triangle. Behind them are the stone golems struggling to catch up to the front group.

On the other end was a group of top naked ladies with horse legs. Jumping out of the river onto the flat grassland, they formed their formation of a straight line quickly and with a kick of their hooves, the free-swinging breast smacked against each other, they galloped forward.


Within seconds both groups came into impact with each other, the scene savage beyond belief as the damage of the rabbits got amplified due to their berserk state. The female centaurs were barely able to survive for long, and those that did were instantly brought under the control of the stone golems.

"Look at your ugly horse ass! And those large fat thighs!"

"Gravity is going to make your boobs so saggy that they drag on the floor while you gallop."

As they clashed with each other, the casualties on the side of the rabbits are pretty high, too, as they went on an all-out offense against the female centaurs. Each time one dies, Feng had to resummon them while gulping down his MP recovery potions.

He felt his head hurt from all the summoning simulation he had to do. Each time one rabbit got summon, it would just rush in to join the battle without batting an eyelid.

On the bright side, at least they stopped killing and never did go any further. Barely 20 minutes had passed when the entire group of centaurs were decimated.

While tedious, the rate of farming is definitely fast.

'Being a summoner is almost like running on a cheat code! I did not even need to fight to farm.' Feng thought as he leisurely walked around the battlefield collecting loots, occasionally testing out his new blue heaven sword as he slinks around the battlefield.

Whirlwind slash was quite useful initially when there were many centaurs around due to its splash damage. However, the main damage dealer is still Hu Wei, followed by the rabbits and lastly him.


Before long, the place got empty, and only the sound of the waterfall was left as they stood by the side of it for a break. As Feng had lost control of his rabbits, they had mostly dispersed and started hunting independently.

As he stood there taking stock of his gains and replenished his MP, his experience and wealth continued to rise for at least another 30 minutes before the final rabbit probably perish in battle. Within a short amount of time, he had gained another 11% of Exp to reach level 9.

'Just 65% more.'

"ermz...Sorry, brother Feng. I got affected by the rabbits and followed them charging in." Hu Wei apologises to Feng after joining the rabbits in their stampede.

"No harm done. Still, we need to temper that reckless side of you." Feng said as he wonders how he should approach this issue. Obviously, this guy is growing a little perverse.


You have logged into the game for 60 hours (in-game time) continuously and will be forcefully logged out for 12 hours in 30 minutes.

'Perfect timing. Ever since we met Genfnil, things have become a little tiring. Logging off now would be perfect.'

Seeing the notification, Feng breath out a sigh of relief as he felt mentally exhausted with all the summoning and the changes he is experiencing, which are different from his previous life.

Furthermore, keeping Hu Wei off the game and back in the gym will probably do good for that guy.

"Let's log off for now since there are no mobs in this area," Feng said while looking towards Hu Wei.

"Ermz...Brother Feng, why don't you log off first? I will follow you in a while. I mean we will meet later at Black Eagle Fitness Centre, I am thinking of doing a little...erm sightseeing here. The waterfall is a beauty." Hu Wei replied a little sheepishly.

Rolling his eyes, Feng decided to just log off and not think too much about this deviant for now.


Opening his eyes, Feng saw the familiar ceiling of the room he had stayed in for the last 1 year. He would be moving out of this place very soon, and a part of him was a little reluctant. He had considered this place his home and would miss it dearly.

Xin Ru was still in the game, and as such, he did not want to bother her as he went down to prepare their breakfast. Picking up his phone, he realises that he had a ton of miss call from Fatty.

'Crap! This Fat ass definitely did something and got banned from the game.' Feng thought, his manner calm since this is something he had expected.

Hurriedly, Feng called back Fatty on his Qwatch as he walks down the stairs. Barely 2 rings had passed when Fatty had picked up the phone.

"BRO!!! Help me!"

"What happened?" Feng asked as he waits for the answer he knows is about to come.

"Well...I tried to erm.. you know... well... butt cheek....panties and...erm..." Fatty mumbles as he looked a little embarrassed. After all, Feng had just warned him yesterday about not trying to get up to something funny in the game.

"1-day ban?" Feng asked

"Yeah..." Fatty replied before continuing, "and...."

"And?" Feng's eyes narrowed.

"Well, that bitch was darn pretty, so I could not help but to want to give it a try. Well, it seems her boyfriend has quite a backing and says he is going to hunt me down." Fatty said as he looked down.

"Any idea what is the name of her boyfriend," Feng asked. After all, if it is someone with good backing, he probably would have heard of his name before.

"Imperial Swordsman was his ign", Fatty replied.

Feng's lips twisted for a while as he searches his memory.

"No idea who this guy is. He should be a small fry trying to act like a big shot," Feng said after a while. "Anyway, remember to meet at the gym later. Run there, no cab, no bus. Your stamina may have improved a little, but still, it is far from being good enough for us to dominate the game. Also..."

Feng's voice trails off as he realises that Fatty isn't paying attention to him at all. His hologram was looking past Feng.

Looking behind him, it was no wonder Fatty was ignoring him. Xin Ru had come down the stairs in a white shirt without shorts.

"Fu*k You! Don't lust after my girl. Go watch your porn." Feng said as he quickly shuts down the communication with Fatty.

"Birds of the same type flock together," Xin Ru said as she stretches her arms up, the hem of the white shirt lifting up, showing Feng a good glimpse of her flawless legs and white panties.

'Gulp. Gee, I really do not want to move out of this place.'