Chapter 27

Once we vacated the small cave that Moon Stone was being kept in, I had Fearow take me back to where the stream cutting through the forest was. As soon as I stepped down off of Fearow's back, I immediately secured my new seven moon stones within the bag.

I didn't bother returning Fearow to his pokeball. But I did switch out Beedrill for Poliwhirl. I set my bag down and took a seat on a rock and turned my attention to the water type. "Hey, can you go check out the water?" I asked, "See if there's any decent pokemon in there to catch?"

Poliwhirl nodded and gave me a little saluted, before obeying and turning around, making his way over to the stream and diving in.

I already have two water types at this point sure, and I have plans for quite a few more. But, come any league I participate in, and I'll definitely be taking part in at least one that I intend to win, my pokemon will be on record for any trainer to look at in the league database on my trainer page. Before Unova, Ash used to look up his opponents before battling them and seeing what pokemon they had.

The more pokemon I have, the harder it will be for my opponents to make counter teams. On top of that, having a variety of each type isn't a bad thing. Plus, I just love the idea of having a literal near army of super powered monsters to fight for me.

I cast a quick glance at Fearow to see him laying down beside me before pulled my phone from my pocket and started checking out the distance between places I wanted to visit.

Grandpa Canyon wasn't that far off from where I am right now honestly. I could probably reach there two hours from now with Fearow, if not quicker. It's set between Lavender City and Fuschia City, a bit weird considering the anime would have me believe it was after Fuschia City and close to a port area leading to Cinnabar, but well, Ash and his buddies got lost so damn often I couldn't really call bullshit.

Not that I plan on going there for a little bit yet though. Those Fossil mon were strong as fuck, they shook off Pikachu's Thunderbolt with ease, and those ones were terrified of the Aerodactyl even eight on one. There were two of each Kabutops, Kabuto, Omstar and Omanyte if I remember right after all, and they all would have had the type advantage. Yet they yeeted out of there like little bitches the moment Aerodactyl appeared. My team is going to need to get way more swoll to take down those bastards.

I scrolled over to Cinnabar island on the online map, and focused on the small chain of islands around it. There were four that were within distance. One of them had to be the island that Blastoise was on with all the Squirtle and Wartortle, the ones that got put to sleep by Jigglypuff.

That thing would add some serious power to my team. But it wasn't my first target. No, there was somewhere else, much closer that I researched around a lot over the past few days.

I scrolled over the map, close to Vermillion City. The area I scrolled over to was just blank blue, ocean water with no islands in sight, about twenty miles off of the coast of Vermillion's coast. There wasn't anything listed there island wise. I would have missed it totally if it weren't for the little nifty weather checker on my phone. The area I was looking at, was listed as storming.

If I moved even a few paces away, a distance of about five hundred feet in any direction, the storm listing would disappear. For anyone else, it wouldn't even be worth raising an eyebrow at. Something easily overlooked.

But for me? With the knowledge I possess? I know this area has to be where the Dragonite Island is. And it's my first target after I get my badges from Misty's sisters and Surge. Well second after I pop in and wreck Damien's face and take Charmander for myself.

Water Stones get sold at Cerulean City, that was easy to find out from Misty. And so do Prism Scales. I can have a Poliwrath and Milotic within the next day if I want. And I do. So I fucking will. With them, it should be possible for me to get to that island from the water once I get close from flying.

To be sure though, I'm going to see if I can get my hands on one of those compact re-breather things Ash used a ton in the anime. I don't know how much one will cost, hence why I'm dead set on smashing the sisters and then slapping around Surge for badges to get more money.

I was about to scroll over and take a look at the Decalore Islands on the map, when a loud splash of water drew my attention and I looked up just in time for Poliwhirl to land on the ground, dripping water. His arms were held above his head, and between his hands he clutched a..large pink and white fish that was struggling in his grasp.

A freaking Goldeen. "Is that it?" I asked. I was hoping for a Krabby or something.

Poliwhirl nodded once. I sighed and stowed my phone away, "Just toss it back." I told him. Seaking aren't bad, not really, but there's only a few pokemon I'll make an exception for when they're utterly useless outside of water.

Poliwhirl promptly tossed the Goldeen over his head into the water and saluted me. "Well, thanks anyway," I snorted, raising his pokeball and returning him in a beam of red light. I turned to Fearow who sat up at the commotion, and I could swear he had a shit eating grin splitting his long ass beak, "Let's just get a move on." I said.

Fearow snorted, but sat up and presented his back to me, letting me climb up and strap myself into the saddle again. And moments later, butterflies fluttered in my stomach for a brief few seconds as he ascended into the air with me on his back and we made for Cerulean City.