Chapter 28

I have to admit, Cerulean City is far different than I expected. Flying overhead on Fearow, my eyes strayed towards the water ways crossing throughout the city. to be fair, there wasn't actually a lot of them. But with the buildings all spread apart and not bunched together, and the sheer amount of greenery throughout the city, it was a beautiful sight when combined with the shimmering blue water streaming through the city from multiple directions.

And the gym was something else. Not at all like that Dewgong carnival looking thing I remember it being from the early anime. No, it was of a huge, gleaming hexagonal building, the roof made up of so many criss crossing windows.

Actually, looking a bit closer, they might actually be solar panels, I'm not sure. Either way, the massive gym situated in the very centre of the city, and so large it took up the whole central area was actually a familiar sight. I saw it once before in the Sun and Moon anime.

I bit my lip. 'So, I can't be sure what I know will be wholly accurate.' I mused internally. That could be a problem. Most things had been the same as the early anime so far, but this is totally different.

..How did they get the money for this thing though? Because of Misty's sisters being practically celebrities maybe?

I shook my head, ridding myself of those thoughts for now. I'm tempted have Fearow take me in for a landing there right now, just so I can get the badge out of the way. But, I should really go get my pokemon checked up at the pokemon centre first.

So I directed Fearow towards a large towering building with a red roof. Honestly, I never noticed before in the anime, but Pokemon Centre's are massive. This one goes straight up, but it generally looks like a giant ass five star hotel.

We descended moments later, winding down to reach the front of the Pokemon Centre. But as we did, I noticed a large gathering of people around the battlefield to the side of the Pokemon Centre, multiple dozens of people all surrounding the battlefield.

A roar of victory split the air and the crowd of people cheered. I caught sight of a towering bipedal red feline pokemon which I easily recognised as an Incineroar at one end of the field, but I couldn't see the other before Fearow dipped down fully and landed.

I hopped off his back and grinned at him, "Wanna go check that out?" I asked.

Fearow cocked his head to the side before shrugging his wings and then tucked them into his side and began walking towards the crowd of people with me.

"Wartortle is unable to battle, Incineroar and Cross are the winners!" a mae voice resounded out over the voice of the crowd just as we got close, and I noticed a bespectacled man standing atop a large rock with a mic in hand off to the side.

My eyes narrowed at the name dropped though. Cross? No, it couldn't be. Could it?

"Is that it?" a bored sounding voice drawled, "That was pathetic."

I pushed through the crowd to get a look, people practically jumping out of mine and Fearow's way. I was just in time to see a blue white furry tailed turtle get recalled to its pokeball and a reedy looking black haired boy huff and storm away.

And on the other side of the battlefield, there was someone I recognised. 'So it is him!' my eyes widened, taking him in. Long scruffy orange hair, a look that somehow conveyed both boredom and scathing disgust. It was Ash's rival from the alternate universe movies. Cross, the guy who he got his Charmander from instead of Damien in that series.

"Cross is once again victorious for the sixth time in a row," the announcer on the rock called out, "Who is his next challenger!?"

There was a slew of uneasy murmurs throughout the crowd. None of them stepped up to the plate though and Cross scoffed, spitting to the side in contempt.

"I'll take him on." I grinned, stepping out of the crowd and Fearow flared his wings a bit, making people jump away in fright as he cawed out in amusement.

Cross raised an eyebrow at me as I stepped up to the ow vacant spot left behind by the Wartortle trainer, looking at me with beady little orange eyes before scoffing and crossing his arms, "You're kidding right?" he spat, "You look like a total noob kid, you probably haven't even been a trainer for even a year yet!"

"Yep, less than two weeks," I shrugged, "Not that It'll make a difference. There's a world of a difference between me and a scrub like you."

It was almost amusing at how easily his eyes narrowed in anger and a snarl left his throat. But, to be upfront. I don't like this guy. From what I saw of him in the movie, he's an arrogant asshole, abusive and a thieving bully.

I'm well aware some people are different here. Ash and Misty definitely were a bit different, , their ages definitely were and he might be too. But the way he acted just a minute ago with his previous opponent tells me, he's still a dick.

True, I'm a biased cunt, but I'm also a shameless one.

"You little..!" Cross snarled, his hands flexing into fists. It must be quite insulting actually. He's got quite a bit of height on me, he looks to be about late teens, like sixteen or seventeen at least. And I'm definitely around twelve. Sure, I've bulked up a lot since I ended up in this body thanks to Chansey, but I'm still short as fuck.

Not that it stops me from looking down on others. I don't need to be taller than everybody else to look down on them.

But I do have a plan already formed, and I'm not just doing this to piss him off, even if it is amusing. Pushing his buttons is just the way I'm going about getting what I want from this guy.

Reaching down to my belt, I grabbed Beedrill's pokeball, "Come out, Beedrill." I released the bug and poison type of my current team, "This pokemon is the one on my current team that I caught the most recently, he should be well enough to deal with anything you have."

Beedrill appeared before me, crossing his lances over one another and staring ahead coolly with vibrant red eyes at Cross and his Incineroar, not even flinching when the towering red and black fire type snarled angrily at my words.

Cross ground his teeth together before releasing a deep breath through his nose, "Come back Incineroar," he lifted a pokeball and brought back the fully evolved fire type abruptly, quickly switching it for another pokeball, "We'll see how big you talk kid when my weakest pokemon slaps yours around, get out here Charmander!"

My eyes widened and glee filled me as he fell for it! It felt like the world stopped around me and my breath picked up as it appeared. Small, with gleaming orange little scales, a small flame at the tip of its tail and the cutest little face the world has ever seen.

A Charmander!

Want filled me. So much want. My hands began shaking a bit and I had to slip them into my pockets so nobody noticed just how literally jonesing I was right now. I want it. I want it so bad it hurts. I don't think I've ever wanted something so much in my entire life.

I had to take a quick deep breath myself just to get myself under control.

Thankfully, Cross was too busy glaring daggers at my Beedrill to notice how shaky I was. My eyes feasted on the little orange fire type, it cast an almost nervous look back at its trainer before its eyes narrowed in what I think is determination and it lowered itself into a little crouch facing forward, getting ready to leap into action.

"Since both trainers have released their pokemon, you may begin!" the guy on the rock called out.

"Flamethrower destroy that damn bug!" Cross roared out an order rapidly.

Charmander obeyed diligently and cocked its little head back, flames spilling from its lips before throwing its head forward and spitting out a large stream of flame about half the height I am.

It was powerful! I could feel the height rise rapidly around me the second it spat the flames out. But it was too slow to do anything to Beedrill who spent his time constantly training under intense gravity and sparring with my try hard birds in the air.

Fearow snickered at my side as Beedrill swerved around the plume of flame easily and shot rapidly through the air towards Charmander, cutting through the distance of about thirty metres in a few split moments.

"String Shot! Twineedle!" I shouted quickly.

Charmander's flames splashed into the ground of the battlefield a bit in front of me and splashed outwards, scorching the ground. Some almost spilled up near me, but Fearow beat his wings harshly from my side and cleared it away.

Before Charmander could react and cut off its attack, Beedrill spat out a large thread of sticky string that wrapped around the little fire types chest.

Charmander yelped, flames puttering to a stop as Beedrill tugged and dragged it through the air towards him.

Crimson red energy surged around Beedrill's lances, "Counter you idiot!" Cross shouted out the second Charmander was in range.

But it was in vain and too slow. The first crimson energy enhanced lanced stabbed into Charmander's stomach, and I winced as a squeal of pain left the little lizard.

It made my chest throb but I forced myself not to show any mercy as the second lance ploughed into the fire types chest after the second, its squeal getting louder. Then, Beedrill was a blur as he began to rapidly stab into Charmander over and over, dozens of times in the span of a few seconds.

He didn't let up for a whole ten seconds, and when he pulled back, the force of his blows no longer keeping Charmander in the air, the little fire type fell to the ground.

To my astonishment, it twitched and began to feebly push upwards trying to stand again. But, just as it rose up to its full height, its yellow coloured chest a mess of blood and purple bruising, possibly a little poisoning as well, its knees buckled out underneath it, and the little fire type tumbled forward, hitting the ground limply, eyes shut, unable to continue.

I bit my lip, forcing myself not to rush out and pick it up.

Instead, even as silence permeated the area with everyone totally quiet, I plastered a big giant and totally fake smirk on my face and directed it towards the ginger pick at the other end of the battlefield, "Well, how do you like that?" I taunted, "It's been what, thirty seconds, if that? Like I said, you're a scrub mate."

Cross stared at the downed Charmander wide eyed, before a snarl left his lips, "Useless as always!" he spat. Then, to my disbelief, he dropped Charmander's pokeball from his hand down onto the ground, then rose his leg up and brough his foot down hard. There was a crackle of electricity as the pokeball smashed to bits and Charmander's eyes blearily opened a bit as the fire type glowed blue for a brief second before it dimmed down, "I don't need a weakling like you!" the older teen spat.

Charmander feebly pushed itself up, and I had to force myself not to sprint over and smash my fist into this guys face as it stumbled over, despite the mess of injuries it had - which I was responsible for - and stumbled over to the boy slowly.

It hugged his leg, but Cross just spat and threw his leg back, tossing the pokemon off him, "Get off of me you piece of trash." the orange haired teen spat and made to walk away.

"Chaaar!" Charmander feebly called after him, attempting to push itself up.

It stopped though, and turned to look at me wide eyed from where I now stood behind it, as my pokeball gently touched the back of its head and slipped open. "Char?" it tilted its head to the side in disbelief, just before being turned into red energy and sucked inside the ball that quickly slammed shut and began wiggling in my palm.

..I honestly couldn't control myself. The second it was released from its pokeball, I grabbed an empty pokeball and made my way over, creeping my way over like the creep I really am sometimes. A wild Charmander up for grabs in front of me? Self control was practically erased from my dictionary at that point.

I turned to Cross and saw him looking at me wide eyed, "What the hell!?" he shouted, "Why the hell would you catch that weakling! You just said how much of a scrub I was because of it did you not you weirdo!?"

"I said you were a scrub, not your pokemon," I taunted him. Euphoria filled me as the pokeball pinged a moment later, signifying a successful capture, and then it glowed white and teleported away to the Viridian Pokemon Centre. A high filled me, better than any orgasm I've ever had. I couldn't stop the laughter that bubbled up out of my throat, "Thanks for the Charmander, you moron. Feel free to seethe in jealousy when I train it up into a badass Charizard." I taunted one last time before turning and walking away.

"Wait, where are you going!?" he shouted after me. "You'll never get anywhere with that stupid Charmander! It's a weakling! I've loaded it up with tons of TM's and it still sucks ass!"

I utterly ignored him. The only important thing about this guys entire existence was Charmander. Now that I have it, he may as well be a fly to me.

"Let's go." I said to Fearow and Beedrill, and the bird began to outright caw out in laugher at the stunned silence that surrounded us, and my actions.

"..Err...this mysterious trainer and his Beedrill are the winner...." the guy on the rock called out feebly.

Huh, oh yeah. I hadn't even given my name. Oh well.

I turned to the bug and poison type floating through the air beside me, "Great job," I praised him with a smile, "Our first real battle together and you completely dominated that fight, and you even got me the Charmander I've always wanted, you were magnificent."

Beedrill looked me in the eyes for a moment before his wings vibrated a bit harder and the bug pokemon nodded. Which was good enough for me. I'd learned Beedrill tended to buzz his wings like that when he was feeling something along the lines of happiness.