....Well that didn't last long. Hilda withheld a sigh, she didn't even know what she was expecting there, it wasn't exactly hard to understand was it?
Well back to the drawing board. Maybe she could just tease him about that lap dance and then just not give him one? No, she was already leaning towards that. She needed something more.
Emboar had been annoyed for the past two days after they battled Jord and Pidgeotto and lost utterly.
They got completely destroyed.
Sure it had taken that Pidgeotto quite a few hits to bring down Emboar, but it was still completely one sided because of how absurdly fast the thing was. Emboar hadn't even managed to land a single full on hit.
Seriously, that Pidgeotto was a freak of nature. Just like its trainer she supposed.
"Why are you interested in buying land at this point anyway?" Hilda asked, putting that humiliating battle out of mind, "I doubt you're anywhere near wanting to settle down." and he'd only been on his journey for about a month now. Sure, with his wins in the two gyms he'd battled in he probably had enough to buy a decent sized plot of land for a house, but that didn't measure up with the image she had of him.
"Well I'll have a ton of pokemon in the future and the Pokemon Centre in Viridian City can't look after them for me forever," Jord shrugged laying down on his side on the bed and propping himself up with his elbow, "May as well make plans in advance for it all and get it out of the road quickly."
"Ah, I get it," Hilda nodded in understanding, "You're going the Professor Oak route, right?"
Jord raised an eyebrow at her, "....What are you talking about? What does Professor Oak have to do with this?"
Ah right, despite how smart he was, some simple things like that, like taxes would escape him. It made sense to her now. After all, despite his knowledge and skill, he grew up on the streets and probably never attended school like her, "You know, like how he own Pallet Town?" Hilda replied, "He bought all the land for the place years ago and then started letting people live there later down the line, but in the beginning it was just a massive plot of land he built a home on for his pokemon to live in comfort."
"Seriously?" Jord sat up again in surprise.
"Oh yeah," Hilda leaned back on her bed, careful not to jostle Snivy, "He made it a bit of a trend among high earning trainers. Nowadays they all buy large plots of land. Heck, a bunch of the top rankings trainers in the world buy plots of land in Undella Beach to make summer homes. I know Lance, Wallace, Steven Stone, Alder and the like all have places there. Hell, nowadays you can't even buy land there without having won a pokemon league, it's crazy!"
It was a real elite of elite place and only the most elite pokemon trainers stayed there.
"Guess I'm getting a beach house there sometime soon then," Jord grinned, before quirking an eyebrow at her, "Wait, what about Cynthia?"
"...Cynthia?" Hilda's brows furrowed. That name sounded familiar. Where had she heard it- "Ah, you mean Cynthia Shirona? The new Sinnoh champion that won a few months ago?" of course he'd ask about the beautiful blonde champion over the others.
He was such a predictable horn dog.
Jord blinked looking lost for a second before shrugging and grinning again, "Yeah her, that's the one." he nodded.
Hilda shrugged herself, "No idea, It's not like I actively keep track of Undella Beach, my cousin just told me about it one time." she already knew her limits after all. She was in no way the kind of trainer material that could reach the same heights as the likes of Cynthia Shirona and the other league champions.
"I can't believe you!" I winced at the harsh scolding voice, "I don't hear from you in over a week, and in that week your Bellsprout and Oddish jump to Victreebel and Bellossom and your Feebas is somehow a Milotic! And then on top of that you decide to dump fourteen pokemon on me in the span of a few hours and don't call me until the next morning?"
I rubbed at the back of my neck. It's been a long time since I've been scolded like a child not thinking of anyone else and I felt a little guilty.
Mostly because of the deep bags Nurse Joy had under her eyes, "I've no idea how you found five Smeargle of all things, but considering you caught a gang of Meowth led by a Persian I assume they're related," she continued her tirade before shaking her head, "Really, I don't care how you got them at this point. But Silph Co has not stopped messaging me since they appeared in the system."
....Well that was quick. "They're offering money for them already?" I asked.
"Of course that's what you took from that," the pink haired nurse rolled her eyes, "Yes, they're offering the same amount they were going to originally for your first Smeargle. Five hundred thousand apiece, though they are only offering three TM's per each one, apparently they just shipped out a ton not long ago and are in the process of re-training many of their own Smeargle."
I withheld a whistle. That was some amazing dosh. Two point five million for all five of them. I could probably haggle and raise the prices a bit if they were reeling a bit from expounding a bunch of TM's from the looks of it, but I'd prefer to get access to the money instantly. I'm impatient like that.
I was originally hoping one of the Smeargle were female. But they were all holders of twigs and berries. I called bullshit mind you, the games claimed Smeargle went fifty/fifty on gender.
Apparently they were never told of that fact.
"Alright, I'm willing to sell them," I grinned in excitement and mentally pumped my fist into the air. This was perfect. After all, my monthly interest will be going in soon, "Can you patch my messages through to them and handle it for me?"
Nurse Joy sighed, "Of course I will," she rubbed her forehead, "Call a bit more will you and let me know of these things after they happen. Your pokedex is on a phone for crying out loud and you have a ton of money now, there's no excuse for you not to have a contract so you can make calls from it."
...Oh yeah, phones could make phone calls couldn't they? I had completely blanked on the fact that initially it was my phone.
There was that goldfish memory of mine kicking in again, "I'll get right on that." I promised her.
"You better," Nurse Joy huffed, crossing her arms, "The amount of pokemon I'm taking care of here has more than doubled since we took up sponsorship for you."
I winced again. Yeah, I could understand how that could be a pain. Especially when she was already the holder of a very busy job.