Chapter 52

As guilty as I feel over the trouble I caused Nurse joy, it's totally overshadowed by her coming through within a few hours. My bank balance had multiplied more than five times over, approaching ten times over even and I had a full fifteen TM's to use on my pokemon.

Or I did, before I used them on my pokemon during this mornings training session. Now I have a lot less than fifteen.

Specifically, I have one left. The fifteen Tm's I chose were; Teleport, Protect, Toxic, Earthquake, Hyper Bean, Thunderbolt, Agility, Rock Polish, Swords Dance, Surf, Sunny Day, Shadow Ball, Solarbeam, Ice Beam and Frenzy Plant.

The only one I have left is Frenzy Plant.

I taught Teleport to Butterfree. God I'm going to fucking abuse that. I gave Earthquake and Rock Polish Of course to Graveler. Graveler was so very happy to get Rock Polish he wrapped me up in a four armed hug that would have crushed my spine were I not just built different than regular scrubs these days.

Fearow got the most Tm's. I gave him Protect, Toxic and Hyper Beam. He would eventually fall behind Pidgeotto quite a bit when he evolved and got Mega Evolution, so I thought I'd give him an instant little boost to start out with right now to let him keep up.

I would have preferred to teach Raticate Thunderbolt, but he wasn't here so I taught it to Clefable because there was a little something I wanted to work on before I got to Surge.

Agility went to Pidgeotto. He was already my fastest pokemon by far, with this his speed would become even greater. Surf and Ice Beam went to Milotic, she'd been training ever so hard over the last week and was eager to please, and she'd be devastating with them both.

I taught Shiftry both Solarbeam and Sunny Day. Solarbeam would be able to be fired instantly with Sunny Day and Sunny Day would also boost Shiftry's speed through his Chlorophyll ability. An ability both Bellossom and Victreebel shared. Shiftry was the most experienced of the three as well, so he was the ideal choice to teach both attacks to the other two grass types on my squad.

Zubat did such a good job yesterday, I couldn't help but reward him. I taught him Shadow Ball, and I got two full grunts out of the little bad, progress! I could tell he was both psyched and grateful.

Such a cute little tsunbat.

And the last Tm I had besides Frenzy Plant, I taught to Charmander. I couldn't not let my boy get a TM like that. Besides, moves do differ here a bit. You couldn't just spam a stat boosting move multiple times here. Dragon Dance worked more like Kaioken, but stuck at a steady boost and couldn't be raised higher.

Swords Dance on the other high raised the muscle power of the user and while it didn't drain stamina like Dragon Dance, or at least as much, overuse of it according to the Pokedex would lead to torn and worn muscles.

Thank fuck for Chansey. Ideally, I'll want Charmander to have enough durability and endurance to use both at the same time and then murder stomp anyone who gets in his way!

Which just left Frenzy Plant, 'Which I'll be teaching either to that giant Bulbasaur in the Orange Islands or a Treecko I grab from Petalburg Woods.' I mused. Either or, depending on where I headed first.

"What's got you so happy?" Hilda asked breaking me from my thoughts, "Seriously, you've had this huge grin on your face since I came down for breakfast, it's making me fear for my virtue here, did you take a nude photo of me or something?"

"Maybe, who knows," I snorted, keeping my 'little' gains to myself. Gotta make that image of mine spit shine after all, "Putting that out of mind, where the heck are we going? We're nearly at the edge of the city here." Hilda had wanted him to come visit some attraction or something with her of the cities and he'd agreed since he didn't really have anything else to do right now while he was here.

At least for the moment. Besides more training. And I don't think there was anywhere here I could really get a good generator and gaming system that I could take with me.

While this side of Hollywood was actually liveable, it wasn't exactly a booming place.

"Weren't you listening when I told you?" Hilda rolled her eyes, "We're heading to the edge of the city to Cyan Lake. It's a pretty famous and popular fishing spot and really the only big tourist attraction left here. Legend says a family of Dratini live in it and have drawn people in from all over."

Wait. That sounded familiar. And now that I think about it, this place isn't that far off from Saffron City. Saffron was closer than Vermillion City actually. But fuck going there for my next gym battle. I'm not touching Sabrina with a ten foot pole.

Ash can deal with that crazy cracker.

Yeah, if I remember right. This should be that lake Ash went to in Battle Frontier where that one guy was trying to buy the place out and run out all the pokemon in the lake using his Crawdaunt.

Hilda tugged me along with her out of the edge of the city into a large forest surrounding one part of the city. It had a long clean path through it that she led me along and within another few minutes of walking I found myself stepping out onto the shores of a huge and beautiful crystaline blue lake.

I had to stop and whistle, "Damn, this place is beautiful." I looked over it admiring it.

It was no Scottish Loch, but it was a beauty of a lake nonetheless and I'm totally gonna try and make something like this for my own water pokemon to live in later.

All around the lake I could see dozens, maybe hundreds of people. Lots of people tracing the lake edges with fishing rods, kids in swimsuits running and playing through the water. People sunbathing or swimming and even tons of pokemon out and about.

I could see Wingull and Pelipper spread out all over the place, Krabby walking along the shore, people riding on larger water types like Dewgong and being carried through the water.

This was the most single populated place I'd seen since coming to this city.