"Holy!" Hilda suddenly gasped and grasped my arm, "Look at that Jord, check the size of that thing!"
I turned and looked at what she wanted me to and my mouth dropped low, eyes going absolutely wide.
It was a Krabby. But, compared to some of the other Krabby I could see, it was gargantuan. It had to be three no maybe four times the size of any other Krabby I could see and would come up above my waist in height.
...And it was just casually walking around the beach flipping over a shell before moving on to another and looking under it. '..Looking for food maybe?' I thought idly in a bit of a daze.
It was that big.
I wanted it!
I grabbed one of the pokeballs from my belt and began walking over to the Krabby.
"Jord?" Hilda threw me a confused glance before realising what I as doing, "Ah, well good luck, I guess!"
As I approached it and got closer the huge Krabby stopped what it was doing, "Koo kee?" it rumbled, before waving happily at me with a massive claw around the size of my head.
Friendly litt- guy isn't he? "Alright Krabby?" I greeted it with a wave of my own in return it nodded its huge head and looked at me curiously, "So you look like a pretty amazing guy, I was wondering if you're up for becoming my pokemon?" I asked.
No point in not starting off polite to a new team member after all.
"Koo?" Krabby's body tilted to the side at my words.
"Yeah, I'm looking to become the best trainer and you look pretty strong," I grinned at it, "And I love Kingler's, they're amazing. So I figured you'd be a good addition to my team, you up for it? I can promise you'll get the best training you can find and you'll never need to worry about food again."
Krabby stared at me then for a few moments before raising one claw and snapping it shut and open a few times, then pointed at me then back at itself, "Koo kee koo!" it rumbled.
If I'm not wrong here; "You want me to battle you first?" I asked.
"Koo kee!" the huge Krabby nodded eagerly.
"You're on then mate!" I grinned again and held the pokeball in my hand up. I'd chosen this pokemon specifically to make sure it couldn't retreat to the water and gain the advantage if it came to a battle, "Milotic, come on out girl!"
In a burst of bright light the huge and graceful serpentine form of Milotic appeared in front of me trilling a beautiful song. She turned her head around as she appeared to beam brightly at me before turning to face Krabby and lowering her body and getting ready to fight.
"Kee..." Krabby gave Milotic a wide eyed look before giving itself a shake and suddenly launching itself through the air with a powerful leap, claws erupting with bright silver light.
Metal Claw I'm guessing.
"Iron Tail!" I shouted.
Milotic spun and lashed out with her massive scaled tail, the entire lower half of her body erupting into the same silvery white light and dwarfing Krabby in size.
Tail met twin claws and a blast of displaced air almost pushed me back a step as they clashed from the force of the blows.
"Kooo!" Krabby gave a shout and to my surprise, it was Milotic that was being overpowered!
It was a good thing Milotic was a serpent and mainly fired attacks from her mouth then!
"Dragon Breath!" I added.
Milotic twisted her head gracefully in that way only a serpent could, as if she had no bones at all and brought it up, yellow-green flames pooling in her mouth before being unleashed in a large torrent of draconic flames.
Krabby's eyes widened and it quickly broke off, pushing off of Milotic's tail to get some distance. It wasn't enough to escape, but it gave it enough time to bring up its Metal Claw enhanced claws in a cross block while its body gleamed brightly with the same colour as its claws and Milotic's tail.
The flames washed over Krabby and and blotted itself form out completely within the embers of green and yellow.
"Iron Tail!" I quickly ordered again as Milotic allowed the flames in her mouth to pitter out.
Her tail still glowing, Milotic shot forward just as Krabby came back into view still glowing silver and she like a blindingly fast bolt of lightning slithered across the sand and lashed out with her tail once again, this time smashing it straight into Krabby hard enough to send a massive geyser of sand shooting up into the air and send Krabby flying up through the air.
Krabby flew for a good twenty feet before slamming into the ground. But it didn't land on its back in a heap or anything, no its legs glowed white and it slammed itself down.
One claw was held out towards Milotic and a split second later a barrage of large muddy brown bullets erupted from the centre of it and shot blitzed through the air towards Milotic.
Without me having to command her, Milotic quickly slithered through them with all the grace and agility of a legendary serpent, each one missing her and slamming into the ground like a series of small missiles kicking up plumes of sand with each impact and blotting both pokemon from my view for a split second.
My eyes widened a split moment later though when the sand fell down and Krabby was suddenly launching through the air towards Milotic one head sized claw held wide open and aimed at her throat, glowing with a blinding white power that put the glow from its legs to utter shame.
A memory trickled to the forefront of my mind. Of Ash vs Morrison during the Hoenn League. And Grovyle being defeated in a single blow by Gligar.
With Guillotine.
"HYPNOSIS!" I roared out on instinct.
Milotic the good obedient girl that she is, obeyed instantly. And just as Krabby was upon her, mere moments from clasping into her neck with its claw, she gave a loud beautiful trill and a huge series of dark rings erupted from her eyes and washed over Krabby.
The huge crab pokemon fell limp almost immediately in the air, falling asleep and sailing right passed Milotic to slam into the sandy beach, hard.
When the sand died down from its impact, it was to show Krabby sound asleep in the sand.
I breathed a sigh of relief, "Holy crap this thing is a monster." I ran a hand through my hair. That battle lasted less than a minute, probably thirty seconds at most, yet by my count Krabby used Metal Claw, Iron Defense, Mud Shot, Stomp and Guillotine!
What a beast to just casually come across! Shaking my head I walked over to Milotic and lifted my hand up to pet her on the head, "Good job girl, for your first battle outside of sparring you were amazing!" I praised her.
"Mii!" Milotic gave a happy trill and lowered her huge snout to nuzzle me, drawing a laugh from me as her hair stroked across my face.
Once she had her fill, I turned away from her and retrieved an empty pokeball from my pocket and enlarged it. I was just about to walk over and toss it to Krabby when-
A pokeball suddenly through out from the side coming from the forest I just came from with Hilda and smacked into the huge Krabby. My eyes widened in shock as it popped open and sucked Krabby inside.
It clicked shut and I watched in a shocked daze as it rolled slightly a few times while glowing red before letting loose a ping of success and slowing to a stop.
"Woohoo, I got it! Another one in the bag!" an excited voice cheered and my head mechanically turned to where the pokeball came from, "And look at the size of it, it must have been super rare, how lucky for me to nab it so easily!"
It was a boy. Dark skin, black hair, slender appearance. He was dressed in skinny black trousers and a grey hoody showing off slim noodle like arms.
Fucking Goh came running out of the forest with a huge grin on his face and picked up the pokeball of my Krabby.