Chapter 54

Watching Milotic battle, Hilda was once again awed by the sheer beauty of the pokemon. The speed that it moved, and the sheer grace in each movement, the way the water type pokemon's hair flowed with each twist and each noise she made, a beautiful, soothing trill.

Hilda was reminded again why she tried so hard to capture her Snivy. She wanted a Serperior and a pokemon with that grace. She'd never be unhappy with Emboar, they'd been together long before she became a trainer and met her during movie shoots, but that serpentine grace, Hilda had long aspired to put it on screen.

Of course Snivy proceeded to kick the crap out of her Fraxure and Duosion before finally being brought down by Emboar. Attract and her no holds barred way of fighting were utterly killer to go up against.

It was just lucky Emboar was female.

She was however very surprised. Sure that Krabby was big, but she hadn't expected it to be so strong. Strong enough to actually begin to overpower Milotic in a contest of strength!

Sure, Milotic didn't quite have the sheer bulk of a Gyarados, but she was just as large as one and she utterly dwarfed the Krabby. And it was quite the battler, switching between attacks seamlessly and even using them as feints.

To a point where it even had Jord panicking when it pulled its final move with that glowing claw attack. She'd never seen Jord panic since she met him, it was quite the sight.

'Once that things gets put through whatever training he does with his pokemon, it'll become another monster.' Hilda couldn't help but smile sardonically and shake her head.

Whatever Jord was doing, it was making his pokemon grow not just in strength but in body size at quite a fast pace, all of his pokemon were a bit bigger than the average of their species from what she could tell from the pokedex and they were practically rippling with muscle.

He had literally turned all of his pokemon into complete muscle heads somehow. A Pidgeotto was not supposed to be able to casually carry a near full grown adult like her with one foot as if she weighed a weighed literally nothing!

How someone even turned a Bellossom of all things, barely bigger than her hand into a muscle head was beyond her, but somehow that crazy horny twerp had managed it.

In an instant, the battle was over. The huge Krabby lay in a heap and Jord was making his way over to praise Milotic for a job well done. As expected really, she supposed?

She cast an idle glance to her side and noticed that much of the activity in the immediate vicinity had ground to a stop. People, adults, children and pokemon alike had stopped what they were doing to watch Milotic in action.

There was even a boy standing at the edge of the forest they just came from watching the battle intently.

Jord it seemed hadn't even noticed, even when some of them began to cheer. But then he was pretty self centred and hyper focused to the point of tunnel vision sometimes from what she gathered.

She knew for a fact that if he had noticed, he'd most likely have been puffing his chest out in pride and basking in the adoration. He was vain like that.

They'd only known each other for a bit over a week. But the fact that the amount of times she had caught him posing and making muscles at himself in the mirror was above zero times, was fact enough to suffice as an explanation.

Jord turned away from Milotic a moment later, pokeball in hand and began walking over to Krabby. She noticed he tended to do that. He preferred to gently touch the pokeball to a pokemon instead of lobbing it full force like most others.

'Then again he literally dotes on his pokemon.' she mused. If he wasn;t hugging Chansey, he was cuddling Charmander. If he wasn't brushing Pidgeotto's feathers, he was laying around with Fearow.

And then a pokeball went flying through the air before Jord could reach the downed Krabby and it was captured in all of a split moment.

"Woohoo, I got it! Another one in the bag!" the boy she had seen standing at the edge of the forest cheered, a slender dark skinned boy who quickly ran forward and scooped up the pokeball, ""And look at the size of it, it must have been super rare, how lucky for me to nab it so easily!" he lifted the pokeball into the air...and bragged?

Hilda's mouth hung low in utter shock. What the hell did this guy think he was doing!?

She wasn't the only one to be shocked at the sudden turn of events. There were a few gasps of shock and one guy, a father playing with his daughter shouted, "What the hell do you think you're doing you damn thief?!" at the boy.

And the boy promptly ignored it, grinning at Krabby's pokeball.

Hilda tuned it out, her eyes going to Jord. He was just standing there, looking confused and in a bit of a daze.

Actually, Milotic was the one showing more of a reaction. Milotic, the elegant and gentle pokemon, considered to be one of if not the most beautiful pokemon in the world, the reason why Jord's battle had drawn so many eyes so quickly despite how short the battle, was;

Her eyes were narrowed in absolute fury and a serpentine hiss of rage, nothing like the usual beautiful melodic trill she released even in battle escaped from her mouth.

She was absolutely livid.

he was absolutely livid.

But then, as far as Milotic was concerned. The sun set when Jord went to sleep and rose when he woke up. She didn't know if Jord had even noticed it, but whatever he'd done during the time he'd caught her up until she evolved and now had made an impact. It was why she didn't even blink at being taught to fight like an utter thug, just happily accepted it and threw her all into being the kind of thuggish fighter Jord wanted.

Then, Hilda caught sight of a very miniscule reaction coming from Jord. His eyes tightening and one hand curling into a fist.

And her heart leapt into her throat. Because she remembered.

Team Rocket had stolen his original starter from him. And in return, he had outright attacked them and their pokemon, alone. And they were the ones that ran away even with pokemon backing them up.

And she had heard the story of how he caught Pidgey from his own mouth. He had punched Pidgey out himself, a story that Pidgeotto, that overly prideful monster bird that crushed her Emboar puffed out his chest in pride to.

...And this thieving opportunistic little asshole looked as if he was built like a twig and spent all his time indoors.

"Hey!" Hilda growled angrily, snapping into action and stomping over to him, "Who the hell do you think you are kid? You were there from the beginning, you saw Krabby agreeing to battle him and be his pokemon if it lost, what right do you have to butt in and steal the capture after Jord did all the work?" while it was quite normal for things to get heated beaten trainers and fights to break out, this was another thing entirely.

While it wasn't against the law because Krabby was not legally Jord's pokemon yet, it was something that was heavily frowned upon in the trainer circuit.

People that pulled this crap tended to 'disappear' sometimes, and if they didn't were practically made lepper's.