Chapter 99

Honestly, it was surprising how quickly things could progress when you just got stuck right in there and battered in.

This morning, I was in Vermillion City, sharing a bed with Hilda, right now, it's only just after seven in the evening, and I'm on Cinnabar Island, while Hilda is already in Unova.

The marvels of flight, huh?

I sat on my bed in the pokemon centre, dropping the towel I had around my shoulders and grinned, "So that was Rosa, huh?" I mused aloud.

She was…fun.

And very attractive. I can definitely see the resemblance between her and Hilda. They had similar eye colours and facial structures, alongside the same coloured hair. Rosa was a bit taller than Hilda though I noticed…and absolutely stacked up front. I mean, Hilda is stacked as well, but wow, Rosa has her beat in the chest size department.

And she had some real nice hips. I wonder how the backside stacks up?

Granted, I'd say Hilda's facial features are a bit more refined, more classical princess vibe to Rosa's girl next door type.

Both were good though.

"I wonder how they'll react when they send out Dragonite?" he mused. That thing, was an utter beast. While it was under his ownership, he could see the attacks it knew.

Dragon Claw, Dragon Rush, Dragon Breath, Dragon Rage, Thunder Wave, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Flamethrower, Extreme Speed, Wrap, Slam, Hurricane, Dragon Dance, Surf, Hydro Pump.

Its move pool was utterly fucking absurd, so crazy it made me actually hesitate to send it to Hilda and consider sending her the angry runt.

It was no wonder the one I kept apparently had an inferiority complex a mile wide if that was the standard for Dragonite around that island. Or at least it seemed so during its time with that clown Iris.

He really was a runt compared to that one. Hell, I'm just guessing, but I think even Pidgeot would have trouble taking that Dragonite down one on one.

And considering Pidgeot without his wings after taking an explosion to the face right after evolving kicked the crap out of Surge's Electivire…

That Dragonite was most likely a total monster.

Honestly though, tempting as it was to keep it myself, I sent it to Hilda for two reasons. One, I can trust that Dragonite to follow her commands and have the strength to protect her if something really does come up, and two-

Well, I think it'll be way more fun to raise the runt.

And strong as that other Dragonite is, he's a bit too chill. The runt, once I win him over, has the drive to throw himself into the grind alongside me!

He has something to prove to the world and I can work with that.

"Speaking of, Dragonite and Gyarados should be ready soon." I mused, leaning back on the bed and staring up at the ceiling.

I'd left them with Nurse Joy after arriving on the island. And to my surprise, the place was actually quiet, all the hotels only moderately filled.

But then, going by my estimates, it would have been the height of summer when Ash and co arrived on Cinnabar Island originally, and considering the massive beach and such…

Yeah, it was no wonder things got jam packed then.

First though, there's still something else I want to take care of tonight. Thankfully, it was still pretty light outside and my destination isn't far away.

Bouncing up from the bed, I made my way over to my backpack sitting on on the computer desk provided with my room for the night and began grabbing out some fresh, dry clothing.

A huge mess of pokeballs jostled around inside, a hundred of them in total. There was a sale at the poke mart on the island when I arrived, and I got a good deal for buying in bulk, so I got them all for ten thousand pokedollars in total.

Brought me below two point eight million which was annoying, but eh, I'm not that OCD that I would sperg over it.

…Too much.

I'm not sure how many I'll need to be honest, so I went with a hundred to be safe.

Once I was ready, I left my room, locking the door behind me and made my way outside.


Not long later, I was once again flying through the sky on Fearow's back, heading through the ocean directly west of Cinnabar Island.

"You doing okay bud?" I asked, touching a hand to his neck, "You've battled quite a bit today and carried me a lot as well." sure he got to rest for a few hours after arriving and had some good filling food, but even with how intense out training is, he's beyond to be exhausted.

"Fera!" Fearow gave a derisive squawk and halted mid-air, jostling me a bit. I had to resist the urge to latch onto his neck, even though I know I'm very tightly secured in the saddle I'm sitting in.

He spread his wings out widely and proudly and beat them hard in the air, gales of wind visible warping the sky in front of me from the sheer power behind the wing beats.

I chuckled, "Alright, alright, my bad." I apologised.

He's affronted I'd even think him incapable of it just because of what he did earlier apparently.

You know, it's weird how good I'm getting at understanding my pokemon.

Nodding, pleased, Fearow spread his wings and began scything through the air once more towards our destination.

I'd long since mapped it out, and figured out the coordinates for where it was just like Dragonite Island in preparation for this day.

All said and done, it actually didn't take very long at all to reach our destination, especially not with how fast Fearow can fly.

I mean, Ash and co had no problem getting there quick after all in a simple row boat.

It was enough to show the place wasn't that far off from Cinnabar. I remembered that they met that Wartortle at the beginning on the beach as well, and from there got a general direction.

From there, I just looked over the maps to find the closest island from that direction that was big enough so sustain a decently large population of pokemon.

Simple and easy.

And it only took twenty minutes to get there. Granted, more than half of that was more actually finding the island itself and not travel time, but still, it was good time.

"Yes!" I hissed, a feeling of victory rushing through my veins as I looked down upon the island from directly above.

The sun was beginning to set and light was fading into dusk, but even so, the island wasn't all that big, and I had a clear view of multiple Squirtle and Wartortle spread all around the island.

And the biggest prize of all that I saw, the main guy I'm here for, the Blastoise was perched on a rough looking nest atop some large rocks directly in the centre of the island.

"Take us down." I ordered Fearow, my hand going to my belt and taking up three of them between my fingers.

"Row." Fearow nodded and a moment later we descended, landing smack dab right in the middle of the densest grouping of Squirtle and Wartortle going about their day.

There had to be at least twenty of them.

They noticed us quickly, all stopping to stare at me in curiosity.

"Come out Victreebel, Bellossom, Milotic!" I called out, tossing the pokeballs up into the air and bringing out the pocket monsters within, "Sleep Powder, Hypnosis!"

In a trio bright bursts of light that illuminated the island, my three pokemon formed into existence.

And jumped straight into action.