Chapter 100

"Bella!" with a wide smile, cute little Bellossom hopped and spun in the air, the red flowers on her adorable head rotating and unleashing a mist of sparkling blue powder that swept over multiple Squirtle and Wartortle, the water types succumbing quickly and slumping over asleep before they even realised what was going on.

While Bellossom took the right, at the same Victreebel gave shrieking howl and bent over facing the left, exhaling and expunging a similar, yet bigger cloud of Sleep Powder spores through the air.

The Squirtle and Wartortle on that side fell asleep just the same.

That was enough to spurn the rest into action. Panic filled the assembled the remaining turtle pokemon and they turned tail and tried to flee deeper into the island.

They didn't get far, cries of dismay erupting from the lead Wartortle's throat as red ringed waves of akin to sonar waves swept over them as Milotic used her Hypnosis attack.

And they fell asleep just the same.

"Man, sleep status is bullshit broken man." I laughed, pulling my backpack from my shoulders and unzipping it.

"Wartortle!" I heard a cry of anger from behind me that made me pause and I looked over my shoulder just in time to see one final Wartortle still awake, shooting through the air towards me, head first, covered in blazing white aura of power.

Skull Bash, huh?


It wouldn't amount to much though.

I didn't even need to issue any orders. Fearow swivelled around, one wing erupting with an ominous dark power and lashed out at the Wartortle just as it reached us.

The ground shook as the water type was slammed into it, hard.

"…War…" it groaned, and feebly tried to push itself up.

It never got the chance.

Fearow slammed another Throat Chop into its back, and the middle stage water pokemon fell limp.

Hmm, that one had some spunk to it.

I'll keep that in mind, just in case the Blastoise is a dud.

I slipped free from the saddle on Fearow's back and reached into my backpack, grabbing up pokeballs and one by one, starting with the Wartortle defeated by Fearow just now, began catching the mass of sleeping Squirtle and Wartortle.

"Good job guys," I praised them all, bringing their attention to me, "We're not done yet though." I quickly added before all three of them swamped me to cuddle.

We can cuddle after I've captured them all.

"Let's find the rest." I said, jerking my chin into the deeper island.

"Bella bella!" Bellossom nodded happily and bounced over to land on my shoulder, while the other three much larger pokemon, too large now to hang over me like they all had when they were smaller, trotted, bounce and slithered behind me, following my lead.

Instead of heading straight into the centre of the island where the Blastoise was, I decided to first circle the outer area of the island and work my way inwards.

It didn't take that long, the place really was only like five hundred feet in diameter. Honestly, the only reason the Blastoise probably didn't notice as we swept around and inwards, picking off and capturing any stray Squirtle and Wartortle we came across, was because of the dense foliage at the centre of the island.

By time we were done and I caught up them all from my estimates, about twenty minutes had passed.

And I've caught a total of twenty five Squirtle and eighteen Wartortle. Quite the hall if I do say so myself. According to Misty, Squirtle went for, at the cheapest, twenty thousand.

So these Squirtle were worth at least five hundred grand in total, probably more though to be honest, because the orange haired girl had expressed during our time together, that she'd only heard of one going for that much once, and in general it was usually closer to between fifty thousand and eighty thousand they went for when being sold.

Not that I plan on selling them to be honest.

It might be a dickish thing, but having so many Squirtle and Wartortle under my ownership? It's a massive flex.

And I do so love flexing.

Not even a Hyper Beam to the face could wipe the massive shit eating grin from my face right now.

With all the lower evolutions taken care of, it was time to go for the main prize. So, with my four pokemon in tow, I headed straight for the centre of the island, pushing through the foliage to reach my destination.

Hmm, I should get some more camping gear.

And a machete.


Two machetes, for dual wielding action.

Foliage will rue they day it dared hamper the path of the great Jord.

Blastoise came into sight a moment later, and I whistled. He's a big boy for sure. The great big blue skinned turtle wasn't quite asleep, but idly relaxing it.

My impressed whistle was enough to jolt it fully awake, its eyes fluttered wide open with a couple of blinks and then locked on to me, before narrowing.

A second later, it rose straight up to its feet, and like I said, he's a big boy. Easily over seven feet tall and wider than I was tall as well. A metallic thunking noise resounding from its shell, and from the holes at its shoulders, twin shining cannons longer than my arms and thicker than both of my legs together shifted into view.

"Blast!?" Blastoise thundered, cannons cocking and aiming at me.

Milotic's mouth pulled up into a snarl and Victreebel shrieked angrily at the fully evolved water pokemon.

In response, Blastoise growled, and a second later, twin massive jets of water erupted from its cannons shooting directly for me!

They never reached though.

A shimmering spherical green barrier swirled into existence around us, the twin jets of water slamming into it with thunderous force and grinding into the barrier, but failing to penetrate all the same.

"Good job Fearow!" I praised, flashing the big bird a thumbs up, he was getting really fast in deploying that now.

Fearow grinned back at me with his massive beak, and let the barrier drop. As soon as he did, I pointed at the Blastoise, "Victreebel, you're up!" I decided quickly.

He and Bellossom are more support, so they don't battle much. This will be good for him.

Victreebel bounced in place, before leaping forward towards Blastoise with a joyful shriek.

So cute with his venus-fly trap like mouth and ear drum piercing shrieks.