Chapter 149

Ten acres of land.

That was just a bit over forty thousand square metres of land. A single phone call was all Professor Oak needed to make after we came to a deal, and he purchased that amount of land in just a few minutes.


For me.

Just for the chance to study a few of my pokemon for a bit. Not buy any of them, not keep any of them. Just for me to loan them to him and Professor Cerise for a little while to study.

And even that won't really be a problem, because they'd already decided it was best to study them in a place they came to consider home, so they'd be doing it at my place.

…Which Oak was going to have built for me.

'You wot mate?' I stared blankly ahead, a half an hour later as Oak and Cerise went about making plans for getting my place done quickly, and chattered excitedly all the while.

Honestly, initially I was expecting only to get a little help with it, put into contact with people that would give me a good deal, being endorsed by Oak for good prices, that kind of thing.

I wasn't expecting him to pay for everything and make all the calls for me to get the process massively streamlined.

I have actually underestimated how much the old man wanted to study my fossil pokemon.

I'm not complaining or anything, but holy fuck. Ten acres, are you kidding me? That's absolutely gargantuan. That was like five times the amount I was initially wanting to purchase.

That wasn't even the end of it. The old man had literally pulled out a tablet of some sort and brought up a bunch of different mansions and asked me to pick the style of one I wanted built.

And basically told me to go wild.

I ended up picking one with a huge swimming pool with a natural rock formation, a jacuzzi straight out of an architects wet dream, a small garden with palm trees surrounded by marble bricks and even a pagoda with cooking equipment and other stuff underneath.

Old man Oak had simply nodded, laughed a little and got straight to it. What the hell man.

If he could casually afford shit like this, it kind of begged the question why his own home and lab were so simple and plain?

I guess he just liked that kind of style? Or well he'd had the place for decades, so maybe he just had it built cheap then and stuck there?

Well, no matter.

What was important was the other thing that came with owning such large amounts of land and being responsible for ones own pokemon. Specifically, I was allowed to carry as many pokemon as I wanted.

Meaning, my carry limit was full on lifted. I could literally carry every single pokemon I owned around with me if I wanted.

…I'm obviously not going to do that of course, because training that many pokemon at once, feeding them all and such?

Fuck that.

I have literally one hundred and seventeen pokemon. That will be one hundred and nineteen once I get that Altaria from Lance and Togepi hatches.

"…This is crazy."

My gaze turned towards Chloe who was staring at her dad and Oak just as blankly as me. We were the only ones in the room beyond them. I'd given my pokemon to Nurse Joy to give a check up after teaching the Fissure Tm to Charizard and Delia had wandered off with one of the Chansey for some reason.

"You're telling me." I shrugged in sympathetic understanding.

"No considering the absurdity of today around you, I don't think you're having as much trouble processing this as me," she rolled her eyes and sat down beside me, "….I knew pokemon trainers were incredibly popular, everyone around me is always going on about it, but I never realised just how much money was involved."

"You'd be surprised, I wasn't expecting all this craziness, I just rolled with it and used it to my advantage," I replied, "And as far as money goes, it's pretty lucrative but only if you have what it takes, the vast majority of trainers don't even last a couple months and just use the starting funds they get as trainers to start their own business or get a small place of their own."

…Today has been something else entirely. I won't complain though. It has been amazing.

"….You're telling me," Chloe snorted, "The way you were casually talking about giving a girl a pokemon that could go for twenty five million. You shouldn't even be in High School like me yet, but you're already a multi millionaire and super famous now and going to own a massive mansion and piece of land."

Hmm, if I remember right, didn't she have a whole issue of not knowing what she wanted to do with her life after she graduated school? And actually, I resent that, even if I was the actual age reflected by my body, I would still be in high school back home.

High school started at twelve where I'm from.

"I've been wondering what to do as a career once I graduate for over a year now, ever since my friend graduated and became a trainer himself, I feel like there's a lot of pressure on me," Chloe mused aloud, "But, maybe being a trainer is the right route? As long as I don't make dumb choices like him and become a lab sponsored trainer for my dad, it might not be too bad."

"I mean beating gyms is pretty good money," I shrugged, "Beat a few of them and you have a nice nest egg of cash, especially as a trainer sponsored by a lab. But there's more than one path as a trainer, you could be a coordinator for instance."

They weren't too shabby either in the winnings department. From what I saw, a standard contest had a ten thousand poke dollar winning prize and second place got five thousand, while the semi finalists got two thousand each.

And there was a hell a lot more contests about than gyms. And there was two to three scheduled literally every week leading up to the Grand Festival. And in the last month up until the Grand Festival there were four or five per week.

And even after you got five ribbons, you weren't banned from competing in them. so you could hit up as many as you wanted.

With a good flying pokemon to zoom around on and some skill, one could make a pretty comfortable living out of that.