Chapter 150

"…Contests?" she gave me a confused look, "What are those?"

"They're basically competitions where trainers called Coordinators put on a show with their pokemon to make them look good and stuff," I explained, "They're kind of like the actor to the standard trainers sports player kind of thing if we're comparing. A lot of them even dress up in costumes, especially the cute girls so they can get a ton of fans."

Chloe blinked as I grinned at her, "And you're pretty cute," I said, "With some effort and good pokemon, you could probably do pretty well."

"…Don't you have a girl you're totally into?" Chloe's cheeks burned red.

"Hilda's great, gorgeous and amazing, but she's the one that went off without wanting to make anything official," I shrugged, "The grind never ends, so I'm not exactly gonna just wait around for however long it takes her to decide to come back."

"….You're even younger than me, you've got time." Chloe pointed out with a squeak.

"Do I though?" I smirked at her and looked directly into her eyes, "Let's say hypothetically you're the one. That one girl that's perfect for me. But I don't pursue you because I'm waiting for Hilda. And then you get together with this friend of yours, fall in love, get married, have kids. Boom, opportunity gone."

I leaned forward while holding her gaze with my own, "See, there's a big difference in having time and letting opportunity pass me by," I clicked my fingers and leaned back again again with another shrug, "You get me?"

"I suppose…" Chloe uttered before quickly shaking her head, "Though not that there's anything between me and my friend, we've just known each other since we were kids and it felt like he was climbing up the adult ladder way faster than me….well until he messed it all up, but still."

"Fair enough," I merely said, "But hey, if it's just about a job, your dad can probably hook you up with one. Hell, I could hook you up with one, I'm going to need help around my place once its built and I can definitely afford it."

"The problem is finding something I really like though…" Chloe grimaced.

"Most people never get a job they like, they do it for a living cuz they need to and nothing less." I replied.

"That's true sadly," Chloe clicked her tongue, "…I suppose being more realistic, I should get a job I can stomach and keep my passions separate from it."

"That's what most do, the easier and better paying job the better," I nodded, before giving her a mischief filled grin, "Though I've got another job spot open if you want to give it some thought."

"You do?" Chloe blinked.

"Yeah," I nodded, "I'm thinking of getting a cheerleader or two to accompany on my journey and I think you'd look real good in an outfit for one and shaking around a couple pompons. What'ya say? I'll give you a great salary."

"Eh...EHHH!?" Chloe gaped at me.

Her cheeks that had been cooling off, immediately blazed red hot once again. I pounced on the opportunity and pulled out my phone, "See, I've got this buddy called Gary, thinks he's so cool cuz he drives around with a bunch of cheerleaders on his journey as a trainer," I continued and brought up one of the texts he sent me, with him posing with his cheerleaders, "And you're much prettier than any of these women, so if I got you as a cheerleader, I'd totally one up him."

Chloe shyly ran a hand through her hair and fiddled with her long braid, "You're…just saying that," she glanced away from my eyes, before they flickered back to meet mine, "I'm nowhere near as pretty as any of those girls."

"Sure you are," I laughed, "You've got such pretty eyes and hair, and such a cool style, and unlike them you're not the simpering giggly and annoying type. Ten out of ten for sure."

"…You're dangerous." Chloe replied with a giggle.

"I mean, I need to be to reign in pokemon like Aerodactyl," I chuckled, before standing up and holding my hand out, "How about we go get something to eat? It looks like Professor Oak and your dad will be busy for a while."

"Well…I mean, it's better than just sitting here doing nothing." she flashed me a smile and took my hand, letting me pull her up.

I led her towards where I knew the cafeteria was, and as I did, my eyes glanced over to the other end of the room where Surge was leaning against the wall, arms crossed.

He raised glanced at my hand conjoined with Chloe's, before snorting and looking away.

….I'll need to deal with that guy later and see what's up with him. But for now, I have much more pleasant company to play with.


Two hours later I stared up at the ceiling, one arm behind my head as I relaxed against a pillow, while the other was wrapped around the delightfully soft and warm curvy, nude body of Chloe as she hugged herself to my side.

"I….can't believe we did that." Chloe gasped, her head buried in my shoulder.

I chuckled, "It's pretty common for trainers to get up to this kind of thing to be honest," I replied, trailing a finger up her spine and drawing a small breathy gasp from her, "You feeling okay? Nothing hurt?"

"No…just a pinch at the start, and after that…." Chloe trailed off, a smile tugging at her lips as her eyes flickered up to meet mine, before she buried her head in my shoulder again and avoided eye contact with me.

I couldn't help it, my chuckling turned into full on laughter.


You know funnily enough there's actually a TV Tropes page for this story now. Alongside ones for Systematic Shinobi and Stacking The Deck. Kinda sucks though they haven't got much updates added to them. If any of you guys want to visit the Tv Tropes pages and add to it, feel free.