
"First things first. I will tell you the course of action for the next few years. In the beginning we will work on your technique, while building up your endurance, agility, and strength. Before I will let you have serious sparring session, I want you to be steadfast in your technique even if you are dead tired, so no whining about why I won't send you in the ring."

Leo didn't realize it before but aren't the children a bit too attentive? Only two were looking around the area or at the other children. It seemed like they were bundles of energy that wanted to run around but only refrained from doing so as they imitated the other children.

'Well, those seem normal at least but what's with the others. They look a bit too diligently. Their gazes sharp and focused with no sign of nervousness or concern. I know why I am like this and my friends as I influence them, well except for Jack, but it seemed the number of weirdos in this world is higher than I initially thought.' Leo thought.

"After getting that out of the way, I will start by teaching you to jump rope. Everyone. Go get one and let's start… John you as well. I am going to whip you into shape again."

John smiled wryly as he had predicted and prepared for it.

"Don't worry about me. I just want to watch my son before joining the others inside. I have some catching up to do with the boys anyway."

"No." Man Tou instantly denied. "You will only distract them and only train half-heartedly. I am going to oversee your training myself."

"But… Alright." John first wanted to argue but he was quickly shut down by a glare. In the end Mang Tou taught a group of 6 children and 1 adult.

The group facing Mang Tou started jumping rope, while he observed them. Behind Mang Tou's back was a giant mirror, so they could watch themselves as well.

Jumping rope was one of the first things Leo had prudently picked to relearn quickly. One of the best ways to increase multiple things at ones. Reduce risk of injury in foot and ankles, improvement of the cardiovascular health, increase of bone density, improvement of dynamic balance and coordination, reflexes, and muscular endurance.

In his past life, it was one of the first exercises he did almost religiously, mainly because of it being a major calorie burner. All in all, it was a great bang for the buck exercise.

Obviously, in this life he picked it up to drill his footwork. Any decent fighter would have it in their workout routine.

His experience made itself known quickly. It was weird as he only practiced for a few weeks and was already proficient as if he had done it for months already. He knew that his memories would make him learn faster but he realized it with jumping rope more than ever.

He could clearly remember how he used to struggle with it at first. It wasn't that difficult to learn some variants, but he couldn't jump indefinitely without making a mistake. In the last few weeks, he probably made more progress than the first 4 months when he learned it for the first time.

Speaking of improvement, it wasn't that Leo ignored or didn't realize his advancement in other things like his writing and reading comprehension, but these were things he did well almost the entirety of his past life. He simply didn't know how long it had taken him to learn how to write and read, otherwise he wouldn't be surprised by his learning progress of jumping rope.

Back to the group, Leo wasn't the only one jumping proficiently. There were two others that seemed to be doing well. His father, although out of shape, didn't lose much of his coordination, it seemed. He got exhausted rather quickly during the warmup, though.

Afterwards Mang Tou drilled some arms & legs coordination by having them raise one leg while punching out with the arm on the other side. He did some other exercises as well to get them used to some movements before moving on to the more technical stuff.

Mang Tou stood in the middle of the group. "The most important things you will have to drill into your body is your stance and how to throw a jab. The stance will be your basis, it will help you keep your balance and from it you will need to be able to attack, defend and create your angles or distance.

The jab will the first punch I will have you throw for the near future. It can be used as an attack, as defense, it establishes the tempo of the fight, of the range and most importantly it is a major set-up punch. It probably will be the most important and used punch in your repertoire so watch carefully as I perform it for you!"

Mang Tou stood in his stance as he performed the jab while commenting about what he was doing. He was doing it very slowly and multiple times as he rotated around in the group so everyone could see him from a different angle.

Leo didn't learn something revolutionary as it seemed to be the same as in his past. To perform a jab, he needed to rotate his hip to throw his punch, while pivoting on his front leg inwards. Leo used those power jabs all the time to create some distance. It is called a power jab because he could generate more power with the addition of his hips and legs than he could with just his shoulders and arms.

Usually, he would initiate with a straight cross, so the jab is loaded and ready to shoot out. Therefore, one can get that extra power for the jab through the hips and a push off the ground with his back leg.

Of course, the classic jab with only the rotation of your shoulders is quicker than the jab that moves the hips and foot as well. After all, you must recover the jab before throwing it out again. If you involve the hip and the foot as well, you will need more time to come back to zero.

Leo's thoughts were interrupted as Mang Tou continued his demonstration as he stood before a heavy bag. "Alright, this is what it should look like full speed. *Swish*" A stupidly fast jab shot out and returned. The jab followed by a loud crack as if a whip slashed out. It all happened faster than Leo could blink.

In fact, Leo wouldn't be sure if something happened at all if it weren't for the sounds generated or the heavy bag being swung into the air before crashing back down. It was silent apart from the clinking of the metal chains trying to hold the heavy bag.

Most of the other children seemed just as impressed as he was. One boy, however, wasn't surprised at all, in fact it seemed like he had seen it hundreds of times already.

Leo looked at his father, he didn't know why he looked at him, probably to see if what he was seeing was real. He shouldn't be surprised by the events. He had reincarnated after all! He shouldn't be surprised but here he stood inside a remote building edging a forest being taught by a master martial artist whose jabs rang out like whipcracks.

In his past life, humans already achieved unbelievable things with their body and minds. Be it the extreme pain tolerance, the act of throwing needles through glass with their hands or breaking stone with their fists that monks have demonstrated.

There were even people that were able to see underwater like dolphins or humans that outperformed actual calculators. Leo knew that he himself despite all his training had never been close to his full potential, but he still felt like he had already heard and seen the extremes of human performance.

Knowing that this world's humans were tougher than in his past was one thing but accepting it wholeheartedly was another. Actual seeing it being performed in front of him brought these unreal stories he heard in this new world to reality.

He never dismissed those stories, but he was surrounded by normal people! He once again felt like a young adult hearing about people doing two finger handstands.

He wouldn't be able to ignore those after this. To be superhuman by his past life standards was being offered to him, he was motivated like he never was.

"That was the jab. A simple punch that you will not be able to do without. Learn and perfect it. So, go on try it out. Team up as a couple. One will perform it while the other will block it with the focus mitt on the shelf. I will give you some pointers during your practice."

The boy that wasn't surprised at Mang Tou's prowess came up to him. He introduced himself "Hello, I am Lenny. How about we team up?" He was being straightforward in contrast to the other children that looked around a little unsure before talking with each other.

Lenny was rather solemn when he expressed his desire to team up with Leo.

Leo thought that it would be nice to befriend someone like that. Someone calm and decisive. Humans tend to imitate the people they're surrounded by. If Leo surrounded himself with people that strive to be better, he would do it subconsciously as well.

'Surround yourself with people that you admire.' One of his mantras that he adopted in his late past life. To incorporate certain strengths people had into his own life was something that Leo had strived to do.

Additionally, talking to someone that can relate to his passion or even shares it helped him overcome several lows that he had. The simple act of hanging out and talking with them helps more than some might think.

Lenny seemed like a person who would grow up to be someone that could be admired and since they shared the passion of combat, he knew that they could support each other.

Maybe Leo judged Lenny's character a bit too fast to know if he could be admired or if he should be friends with him, after all he met him only a few tens of minutes ago and only talked a few sentences with him!

Obviously, this decision wasn't made logically. Leo just relied on his gut feeling. He merely used his first impression of Lenny to decide. A kid that was proficient in jumping ropes, listened attentive to his instructor and was straightforward. Even if he weren't that admirable children were generally brutally honest, so it wouldn't be too hard to uncover his personality.

Wasn't like children had an excruciating complex personality to begin with.

He interrupted his thoughts as he realized he didn't say anything yet! "Hey, I am Leo and sure. Want to have a go first?" Lenny stared at Leo for a second before he gave Leo a slight smile as he answered. "I would be thankful."

'Man, this kid is polite.' Leo thought as he went to get the mitts. The other children had picked one to team up and one of a couple followed Leo to the shelf holding the mitts. Leo put a pair on and then went to his partner.

Leo held his hand up. "I am ready if you are." Leo barely finished his sentence before it was followed by a loud clap. Leo felt the force his mitt was hit by Lenny's blow.

Lenny didn't stop as he released a whirlwind of jabs.

Leo had to really concentrate as he caught the jabs that were sent flying his way by Lenny. Leo dug his feet into the ground, so he wouldn't be pushed back.

Those weren't the jabs of a beginner! These were jabs of a boxer who had only trained his jabs for a several years.

He was impressed and his conclusion was already confirmed on the first day of his training. This world, the martial artists, the people, the beasts and now even the children, everything was on another level. No, they were several levels beyond of what Leo thought of possible and now he knew that monsters were already walking their ranks, in his age bracket.

Which opens a crucial question. How much will his memories of another life help him in such a world?