The More The Merrier

A lot. That was the conclusion Leo came to. It has been a few months already since he started going to that school. He went their 3 times a week while training on his endurance and strength for another 2 times a week.

So, he was currently training 5 times a week with Sunday and Monday as a break. It sounds a lot, but it is just an 8-hours-a-week training plan. It was rather lenient as he was just introducing this kind of strain on his body.

If it were his old world, he would have gone slower, but he felt that his body could endure harsher training. He already planned the next few years. He would increase his workload in the next week to training 6 times a week and afterwards change his routine completely every two months.

It was just a way to let your body keep guessing. The human body adapts to training rather quickly, so he would need to change it up every few months before it could. He estimated that he could even change his routine every month, but he wasn't sure how much stress he should put on himself.

Obviously, he had searched for the studies of the human adaptivity that he used to eat up in his past life, but he could hardly find any conclusive research. It was frustrating that he couldn't find it as he assumed that the adaptivity on this earth would be on another level like everything else.

At least, his own adaptivity seemed to be on another level as he started becoming stronger and faster quicker than he had ever had.

Therefore, he just slowly upped the speed of increasing intensity of his training. He didn't want to injure himself, but he also wasn't willing to reduce his possible gains too much. For all it's worth the gains he already made were significant and as long it continues to work, he would continue improving his routine.

He also felt a bit weird about his body. It felt like his strength wasn't appropriate for the muscle mass he got. Of course, muscle mass wasn't the only thing deciding the strength one could assert but seeing his children stick arms and nonexistent pecs benching more than he could after his first year in the gym weirded him out a lot.

Nevertheless, he loved the feeling of getting stronger even though his aspect didn't represent it. He already planned the next few steps outside of mere conventional physical training to prevent injuries and reach his former level of fitness. Lung, barefoot, joints, explosive, hand, and grip training were things on his must-train-list.

There were other things he wanted to explore but he already had enough on his plate for now. He needed to dial back a bit if anything.

His parents were starting to get worried about his workaholic attitude and Rosy complained as well. Rosy couldn't understand why his brother didn't want to spend as much time with her anymore. It almost broke his heart seeing her saddened by the lack of time they spend together and when they did spend time together his mind was elsewhere, which was why he started meditating mindfulness again.

It helped him live more in the moment, so he wouldn't feel the need to train all the time in fear of being left behind and could relax from time to time.

Meditation in general became one major point on his list to prevent himself from burning out. He also used it to remember that there are other things important beside his ambition.

He shifted his routines and become more efficient in doing things he needed and things he wanted to do, so he could spend more time with his friends and family.

One of his better ideas was to incorporate Rosy in his training. He picked her up to do some squats or run around. He also swung her around like a bat. Rosy was happy to play with her brother to say the least.

For her it was just fun games with a thrill to it. Being swung around made her feel like she was flying, being carried around while Leo sprinted was like riding a weird looking horse.

Good thing that it exhausted the two almost equally. The two would then relax on the couch watching some cartoons.

He also introduced a deload week every few months. In that week he wouldn't do any training except for his martial arts and stretching. Just relax occasionally, like a vacation.

Either way after next week he would need to revamp his routine again. He just needed to see what Mang Tou had in mind.

Mang Tou had asked Leo, Lenny, and Diana, the only girl in the beginner class and another 'serious' child, if they were interested in an additional training day. It wasn't because they were lacking and needed extra time to catch up to the others, it was the complete opposite.

They were at the top of the beginner's class and with an additional day, Mang Tou wanted to introduce them to more advanced techniques, at least that's the way he conveyed it. Leo assumed that Mang Tou wanted to let them in on the older children's training.

He would need to know how difficult that training will be, so he could move on from there. Maybe even decrease one of his personal days to get enough rest. Well, he could only speculate for now, it was better to wait until he knew what the session would look like before deciding anything.

Currently he put away his done homework and saw that Rosy was playing with his action figures that he got a long time ago. These action figures were now only relicts of the last week. Oh, how naïve he was back then enjoying such silly toys meant for children.

'Oh, Rosy, how good it must be to have such a strong imagination that one could still play with these fi-'

"Rosy, stop! You can't have Son Wugokung lose against Ultra Man! He is just a robot there is no way he can defeat him!" Leo said agitated.

"But Ultra Man has a cool pewpew arm!"

Leo took the action figures and put them away only to see Rosy pout. He knew that she wouldn't cry over this, but she would annoy the heck out of him if he didn't distract her.

He wanted to wait until his mom came back from the supermarket, but he had another idea. "Hey, Rosy. You know how I'll met up with Sarah and her dad today, right?"

"Uh, hum." Rosy thought for a second before nodding. "I have that great idea!" Leo exclaimed excitedly, however, it was in fact not a great, not even a good idea. "How about taking you with me but you have to promise to not tell mom and dad, alright?"

Rosy smiled brightly while nodding strongly. "But Emy has to come with us! She won't tell mommy and daddy, she swears!" Rosy said determined while hugging her teddy.

"Sure, she can tag along." Leo then went down and wrote a few lines for his mom that they would go visit Sarah's house and put the sheet on the table. He also wrote down the phone number of Sarah's dad, so she could call if she were worried.

Afterwards the two got dressed. Leo put a helmet, which was a little too big for Rosy, on her head and strapped Emy on Rosy's back before placing her on the bike's luggage carrier.

He then sat on the bike, ready to go.

"Alight, hold on tight Rosy!" "Ahhhh. Not so fast!" Rosy screamed. "Rosy, we are still standing." Leo deadpanned as he stared at her over his shoulder.

"Oh. Tehe." She said while gently knocking on her head with her fist. "Where did you learn that. Did you watch that show again- Never mind, I'll drive now!"

Leo than paddled towards Sarah's house while Rosy was constantly commenting on the surroundings. "Whoa. Leo, look at that puppy! I want to pet him!" "Haven't you petted enough dogs already? We stopped like 5 times already!"

"But… he's cute and fluffy and giant and cute and fluffy. Oh, look he's looking towards us." Rosy waved her hand and as if to response the dog's tail waved as well.

Leo ignored her as he turned at the corner. Sarah's house was visible now. "Whoa, look Leo look at that house! It's giant and and and giant!"

"Yep~" Leo said as he drove to the entrance gate of the fence. He pressed a button next to a speaker.

"Wait, I'll come down." Sarah's voice came out of the speaker. The gate opened after she finished speaking. He then drove a few meters before reaching the entrance door. He placed his bike next to it. He waited for a few moments until Sarah opened the door.

"Hey, Rosy. Haven't seen each other for a long time, have we?" Sarah smiled as she let the two of them in. "Are you a princess?" Rosy asked as she ran inside and looked around in wonder.

"Hmph. Yes, of course!" She said while placing her hands on her hips. "You wish." Leo mumbled which wasn't missed by Sarah.

Before she could reprimand him, a voice sounded out from the top of the stairs in front of them. "Why did you bring your sister with you?" Mike, Sarah's father, came down frowning.

"I thought you wanted to watch another- you know. It is already critical to bring you with me but your sister. She is what 3- *Thud* Fu-" He wanted to swear but quickly suppressed his urge as he looked down.

Rosy had kicked his shin and glared at him. "I am 5 and 10 months old, you insolent fool!" "What the-" Mike blinked in surprise.

"Ha! Good one." The pride of an older brother could be seen on Leo's face as he gave Rosy a thumbs up which she returned in kind.

Obviously, Leo was slapped by Sarah over the head. "What are you teaching your sweet innocent sister!" She didn't wait for him to respond and went to Rosy trying to correct her vocabulary in vain.

Mike approached Leo. He couldn't help but sigh. "You know I can't bring her in good conscience. If your parents figure out that I intended to bring you to a fight, they will never forgive me. It will be worse if they learned that I even brought your sister."

"Don't worry about it. You know that I train martial arts already and I told my mom that I would bring Rosy with me. She was totally fine about it." Leo dismissed and as if god willed it Mike got a call from his mom.

"Oh, hey Ally-. Yes, they are here- Yes, I can drive them home later- The martial art show? Isn't that why he came here? Absolutely, he will be back at 18 o'clock. Alright, bye. Huh. I guess she can come then."

Ally thought they had gone to go watch a martial arts documentation as Leo had used that excuse multiple times already. Obviously, that was a lie that he had used just for this moment and as fate wanted it, it worked out perfectly.

He didn't think he would bring Rosy with him but the more the merrier, right? Either way, they had to wait for a bit before they would meet up with Mike's boss and their fighter. Afterwards they would go to their meeting point and watch another fight.

Obviously, Mike had first refused to bring Leo to another fight even if that was his request, especially because preventing anyone from knowing that Leo had witnessed an illegal fight was the precise reason why he had accepted that deal with him in the first place.

Fortunately for Leo, he could convince Mike to bring him by mentioning that he was being trained by Mang Tou, a character that couldn't easily be ignored in this city. What really sealed the deal was the fact that Mang Tou himself had asked Mike to bring Leo to a fight after Mike confirmed Leo's relationship with the martial artist.

As a matter of fact, Mang Tou and the company behind Mike had a tacit agreement. From time to time some fighters of Mang Tou's school would participate in a fight to gain some experience and earn some cash on the side. Of course, that wasn't something Leo knew, and Mike had no intention of revealing that little fact.