Second Fight

Sarah showed Rosy around the house as it was Rosy's first time visiting. Leo was watching the martial arts documentation on tv. Although, he lied about coming here to watch it, didn't mean it doesn't exist.

A lie is more believable the closer it is to the truth after all. The documentation usually showed the journey of amateur fighters that gained a little fame. Sometimes a famous fighter would have interviews as well but the fighters at the peak in this world rarely interacted with the media.

It seemed that they didn't want to waste any time to give interviews, at least that was how Leo perceived it.

Frankly, it was a miracle that fights were even watched as much as it was now. The fighters in general were more serious in this world. There was rarely any showman among the fighters. They never provoked or taunted each other if they hadn't a personal grudge.

Of course, most fighters had the necessary confidence to step inside the octagon but most still were too humble. It surprised Leo to no end as their strength could easily be considered superhuman, but they were more down to earth than any fighter Leo knew in his past.

In fact, it seemed the stronger a fighter became the humbler he was. This was all good and nice, but it wasn't good entertainment. The only reason why it was equally as popular as it was in his past life was the fantastical strength that they showed here.

Obviously, Leo had countless conspiracy theories for this, but he would eventually reach their level and would come to know these things by then. There was no real reason to break his head over things he couldn't figure out.

"We should leave now." Mike said as he gathered the two girls before he put on his jacket hiding the holster on his side. They all got dressed and got into the sedan with tinted windows that stopped in front of the gate. Mike had put Leo's bike in the trunk so he could just drop them off after the fight.

Rosy was amazed by the large interior of the car before watching the outside while Sarah pointed outside while explaining some things to her.

"Stop!" Rosy suddenly shouted. Mike was shocked. "What?? Did something happen? Are you alright?" He fired off while approaching her. If something happened to her, he would be in real trouble.

"Outside. A small, big puppy! I want to pet him!" Rosy shouted while pointing at a dog that was sniffing another dog's butt.

"Rosy we have places to be. We can't stop for every dog." Leo denied her. She pouted before she mumbled something. "rosY WE HAVe PlaCEs TO BE. WE CAN't StoP For EVeRY doG."

Leo didn't hear her, but he still cuffed her head.

After driving into the city, they stopped in front of the corporation's building. Leo looked through the windows to see a red, white logo on the corporation's doors, which coincided with the corporation's name. At the side of the building, he could read their motto. "Science for a comfortable life."

After a short while a man with white hair stepped outside. He gave off a refined look with his suit and sleeked back hair. Even with his white hair, he seemed to be middle aged.

Leo had done his research and knew that the man was in his eighties. He was used to people appearing younger by now, so he wasn't that surprised. The president of the corporation sat inside the car.

He was followed by four people of which Leo recognized three of. One was the fighter that had represented Mike's corporation the last time and apparently another fighter. At least, he gave off an aura of a fighter. His fine controlled movements, his composed attitude and his strong body were all hinting at him being exceptionally strong.

The other two were children his age. Both were students of Mang Tou as well and few of his better friends, Lenny and Shunlei.

Leo was surprised to say the least. He didn't expect to see any familiar faces. Of course, he assumed that the current representative would be the same fighter as in the other fight he witnessed, but he couldn't figure out why the other two were here.

Lenny and Shunlei were surprised as well but they still got inside the car. Oswell, the president of the corporation, greeted Leo and Rosy before he turned his attention to Mike and the two fighters. He didn't even seem faced after seeing Rosy, an unknown young child, accompanying them.

The two fighters only nodded at him as they seemed to know him before turning their attention to the conversation the adults were having.

They started driving and two groups quickly formed. "How are you here?" Leo couldn't contain himself any longer and asked.

"My brother was allowed to invite me to watch his fight!" Lenny seemed very proud or rather happy as he said that. 'Huh, he is the younger brother of that fighter. Maybe that's why he wants to learn martial arts as well, to imitate his brother?'

"I couldn't let him get any advantage on me, so my brother used his connection to have me join as well." Shunlei said casually.

'She must be referring to the other man that joined them.' Leo thought as he looked between his friends and the two fighters. They resembled each other a bit.

It wasn't too surprising that the two had siblings that were fighters. Most would join a martial art because it runs in their family. Leo was the same since his father used to be a competitor, though he was the only one in his family of his past life that joined a kickboxing school, but maybe that was another reason it had taken him 22 years to take it on in the first place.

Either way, he had to use a… favor to watch the fight and they could just ask their brother to take them! It's not fair! Leo inwardly complained.

"How are You here?" Shunlei asked while raising an eyebrow. "My father invited him." Sarah made herself known. The other two hadn't noticed her before and with her they noticed Rosy who was looking at them smugly.

"So, you two get beat up by my brother all day!" Rosy said as she pointed at the two. A hand was quickly covering her mouth. The two glared at Leo who was trying to suppress Rosy's ridicule.

"Ah, so we get beaten up by you, huh?" Shunlei cracked her hands. She was a battle maniac among the martial artists. Wild as a beast as some would say in their school. Such a provocation obviously couldn't be ignored by her.

She was ready to pounce at Leo before a hand chopped her head. She crouched down as she held her head in pain. Shunlei then looked at her brother who didn't even interrupt his conversation with the others.

"We will settle this tomorrow." Shunlei opted to glaring at Leo before her view was obstructed by Sarah.

"Don't worry there will be nothing left after I am done with him." Sarah said as she eyed Shunlei. "It was supposed to be just the two of us here and now there are so many joining…" Sarah mumbled as Shunlei and Sarah stared each other down.

Shunlei's head was only filled with fighting, so she was only thinking that Sarah was stealing her sparring partner.

After Sarah said her piece it seemed that some sparks between the two girls were flying. "Leo, why are they fighting?" Rosy asked her brother as they watched from the sides.

"They fight over the privilege of who is getting to beat him up I presume." Lenny interjected. "Oh." Rosy seemed to have come to an understanding.

'Mommy told me to tell her if girls were fighting over Leo. Oh, no! Brother is getting corrupted like daddy!' Rosy said as she hugged Leo's arm tightly, not wanting to let go as she eyed the two girls.

Leo could only watch on helplessly. It didn't help that Shunlei's brother, Ri was staring him down as well. During the ride Leo was able to get to know a few things about Lenny's and Shunlei's brothers.

It seemed like Dave was also training at their school for a few years now. He had been a kickboxer before he started doing Lethwei and through his connection, he was able to get his brother into the sport as well.

Ri was a practitioner of Chinese Kenpo and was already making waves in the local martial arts community, Shunlei bragged. He seemed to have participated in some fights for a corporation as well. Mostly to get experience as almost all fighters here did.

Fortunately, the car trip was over quickly, and they could all get out of it. Although, it wasn't cramped Leo still felt cornered in that car. Very similar to the other fight, this one took place in an abandoned/ish building.

A small kindergarten group and a few intimidating adults went inside and took the stairs to go to a higher floor.

They went to the third floor and saw a group already forming a half circle. The other fighter was there as well.

Dave, Lenny's brother, took off his robe and went inside the fully formed ring now. The other CEOs and presidents of other corporation didn't comment anything about the children. They would only glance at them weirdly for a second before ignoring them, they opted for shouting their encouragement towards the fighters.

The fighters put on their bandages which were then approved by the referee. It didn't take long until the referee announced the start of the fight.

As soon as the fight started, Dave's opponent rushed him with a barrage of jabs and quick combinations. Dave calmly slipped and rolled under the punches like it was nothing. It didn't take long for Dave to recognize a pattern in his opponent's attacks.

Dave closed in with the jab as he did in the other fight and ignored the hook that followed the jab. The hook was of no concern as he was too close for it to hit him properly even if it had the speed to reach him before Dave could strike, but it didn't, and his opponent was paying for it dearly.

With an elbow to the side of his neck, right on the carotid artery, Dave cut off the blood supply to his opponent's brain momentarily. His opponent felt extreme pain before dizziness hit him. Using the short inactiveness of his opponent, Dave followed with a liver shot, which paralyzed his opponent's legs.

Even if his opponent were mentally completely there with no dizziness his legs would still completely shut down with such a well-placed liver shot. Dave's opponent stumbled backwards while slowly collapsing to the ground until a roundhouse kick met his face, breaking his nose and knocking him completely out while sending him flying across the floor.

Two minutes in and the fight was already over. The audience seemed surprised as well. Usually, these fights would keep going for a few more rounds before a winner was decided.

Dave turned to Lenny giving him a thumbs up before he was declared as the winner. It seemed like he wanted to show off to his little brother and considering the sparks in his eyes and the constant 'This is my brother!', it seemed effective.

'Truly an art. The way he slipped and rolled. His precision and strength, his read on his opponent is truly exceptional.' Leo marveled. No matter how often he saw it, he would never not appreciate it.

He looked down at his little sister who made wide eyes as she stared at the downed fighter. He ruffled her hair and took her by the hand before following the crowd outside.

"Leo?" Rosy said as she looked at her brother. "Yes?" His little sister's eyes were sparkling. "Can I play Lefway with you too?"