
Two subdued voices rang out inside Leo's room.

"First of all, how was I supposed to know that she wants to fight now too and second why is it a bad thing? Let her learn some self-defense, isn't that a win-win scenario?"

"And what are we going to tell your mother, huh? That Rosy just randomly wanted to train Lethwei, a sport in which at least one of the fighters comes out bloody? You think your mother will allow this, Leonidas? No, of course not! She will ask questions and she will figure out that I let you go watch an illegal fight!"

"How did you allow me that? You didn't know that I wanted to go there!"

"Oh, you think so?? Mike had confirmed it with my mentor and the two had asked me if it was alright. You think my mentor or Mike would just send you off to an actual fight without telling me?!"

"Eh. Perhaps?"

"Oh, and don't get me started that you wanted to blackmail Mike! And what did I hear about you extorting Sarah? You can't trick your friends only to get some benefits out of it!"

"I didn't…" Leo mumbled. He didn't continue as he had already decided that he would take that L for Sarah in the first place.

John continued in a hushed voice. "Anyway, we have to get that out of Rosy's head before she tells your mom about it. So, this is what we are going to do-"

"John and Leonidas Thompson! Get both of your asses down here!" Ally's voice rang out from downstairs.

The two paled and were quiet for a moment as if they could wait their way out of trouble. "NOW!"

They gulped and slowly went downstairs to find Ally in the kitchen with a wooden spoon in her hands.

"I heard something interesting from Rosy today and I am a bit confused, so Please care to explain something to me?" Her voice seemed calm, too calm. She had a big smile on her face that didn't reach her eyes while she repeatedly hit her palm with the spoon.

The two men sat down at the table and waited for her to continue. "I don't know if I am forgetful, but it seemed like you failed to mention that this martial art show you were watching was actually an illegal fight between two companies."

Leo opened his mouth, but he was quickly interrupted by his dad. "Yes! I am so disappointed in you, son. I was ready to smack him just now, Ally. When I found out I was shocked that our normally good behaving boy would do something like that! I didn't want to worry you, so I didn't tell you but-"

While he was continuing his charade, Leo shook his head at his father who was trying to throw him under the bus!

"Do you think I am stupid?! That's it! You both get an ass whoopin'!" And an ass whoopin' they got. It took the rest of the day until Ally calmed down and unitedly decided to talk to Rosy.

Unfortunately, the three couldn't convince Rosy to not train Lethwei. In fact, their resistance only reaffirmed her will to train but they did manage to come to a compromise.

Obviously, only the two parents were against it wholeheartedly. Leo in fact wanted her to start training. They would be able to spend more time and, in the future, if boys broke her heart, she would be able to break them.

Long story short, she would start her training with Leo and if she wanted to continue training in it, she could join the school when she turns 7.

The parents hoped that her interest would shift in the coming year. She was still only two months away from 6 years old. A whole year would be one sixth of her life span, her opinions on things will change a lot in that period.

Either way Leo was satisfied with the results. He now could spend even more time with his adorable sister and it only cost him an ass whoopin'. It wasn't the worst deal in his books.

The day of the additional training day with Mag Tou finally came and Leo was excited to say the least. Maybe he would finally glimpse at the secret of why this world's martial arts were a lot more advanced than in his past life.

Don't get him wrong, he was already a lot more advanced than 99 percent of his past world, well at least of his age bracket but he wasn't quite supernatural. He even estimated that if he continues to improve himself at the same rate, he wouldn't transcend the realm of what he thought was possible.

He would be at the peak of the peak, no doubt. He put the work in which are backed by scientific studies of his past and his determination, his tolerance of pain and his patience were greater than most children, but he wouldn't become the greatest.

He was already clear of that due to his current trajectory. Lenny and Shunlei for example were exceptional. He knew of their training routines and got to know of their mindset and tolerances. He had to acknowledge that the difference between them was not that great.

In fact, he was only confident in beating Shunlei, as for Lenny, he wasn't confident at all. Lenny was someone that he had to put real effort in to stay his better and he only knew the extend of skill that Lenny showed in the school.

Fortunately, their mentor, Mang Tou, had recognized Lenny as an absolute prodigy. This relieved Leo a lot as that would mean that there weren't many individuals like him running around being complete beasts.

Lenny was something else and the more skilled fighter, but he wasn't disheartened by it, in fact he was happy. With such a prodigy in his sight he would be able to push himself harder than before.

Anyway, he would now meet the three in the martial school. He had ridden the bike to get there as his dad didn't have time to drive him and it wasn't that far away, anyway.

He entered the building and as usually saw a bunch of people training. Leo saw Mang Tou and Shunlei waiting at the side. He greeted them and joined their conversation for a bit before Lenny arrived.

The three then went through a short hallway towards a room with matts and four pillows on the ground. Each sat on one of the pillows with Mang Tou in the front facing them. Mang Tou started his current lesson with a warning.

"Like I said before this is something you can't divulge. If you do some people will come looking for you to get that information out of you, so don't tell anyone not even your family. The more people know the higher the chance of someone with malicious intent finding out, so Keep It To Yourself!"

Leo became increasingly excited. If this information is so valuable that people would hunt you down for it, it must be something rare and fantastical. As for the bad people wanting this information? He would take that risk, after all this will be his first step into what he perceived as the supernatural. What Leo couldn't understand was the fact that Mang Tou would be willing to give this information to three brats.

"In the coming weeks I will be guiding you through this meditation technique until you can do it on your own completely. Your task will be to use it the first thing in the morning, every day. You must take it even more seriously than your physical training, especially now. In your young years you will experience the greatest improvement."

'Meditation, like those in cultivation novels? Am I going to learn how to control chi and how to absorb it from the atmosphere? Do I have to do it outside to catch the energy from the sunrise? What about the tim-' Leo's thoughts were already running wild but he had kept his attention on his mentor. He couldn't miss a single world!

"This meditation will make you stronger, faster and more endurable. It will take a long time until you see the benefits from this practice as it will come only gradually but it will place you at the peak. No fighter will be able to dismiss you after you become proficient in it. Now follow my instructions."

Leo could feel that the other two were as excited as he was.

"Keep your back straight but not stiff and keep your hands laying on your lap. Now take 2 to 3 deep breaths in through your nose and out through the mouth… With the next outbreath close your eyes and let your breath return to your natural rhythm… Feel the weight of the body press down and notice how your body feels right now. Is there any restlessness or stillness in your body…any lightness or heaviness? … Start at the top of the head and gently scan down your body… Just notice the different sensation, what feels comfortable or uncomfortable… Don't change those sensations, just observe them as you evenly scan down your body… The moment you realize you are distracted, suppress those thoughts and bring your focus back to the body as you continue to scan down towards your toes…And now coming to the resting point in your feet, in your own time just gently open your eyes again."

This meditation session had gone on for 15min. 'Alright, body scan meditation to bring in our focus to our body or probably so we can easier realize the difference once we train in his technique.' Leo thought after he opened his eyes.

Mang Tou had a slight smile on his face as he watched the three. "How did you feel, did you notice anything?" Mang Tou turned to Shunlei indicating for her to answer first.

Shunlei frowned as she thought how to answer. "I felt especially restless. I just wanted to jump up and move my body. It was difficult to remain sitting after noticing it and I couldn't keep my focus on scanning down. I couldn't suppress those thoughts of jumping up and releasing my energy."

"Indeed. You are always quick on your feet with seemingly never-ending energy, but you don't know how to remain still. This meditation will teach you how to control this energy and redirect it how you want. Control it. Don't let it control you."

Mang Tou turned to Lenny next, who thoughtfully looked at his clenched fist. "My body is completely tense and tight. I also felt heavy, especially the pressure that seemed to be laying on my shoulders."

"Indeed. Your trained body doesn't know how to relax, how to soften. You will have to improve your body awareness and forcefully relax your muscles and release that tension."

Leo listened to their insights and Mang Tou's solution and he was a bit confused. 'His guidance is a bit weird. Why should we suppress our thoughts? In meditation it was common to be distracted by one's thoughts but if you tried to forcefully wave away those thoughts, your mind will be in more chaos than it was before.

I had done that when I started meditation on my own but after using a few guided meditations, I realized that letting thoughts come and go on their own was more beneficial. Thoughts can go away as easy as they come if one doesn't focus on it.

To just acknowledge them was all one had to and/or should do. After all, if I can't suppress my thoughts, won't I be completely taken over by them?

I should be in control of my emotions and my actions regardless of the random thoughts coming up in my mind! The rest sounded like the usual beginner meditation guide, nothing too spectacular.'

Leo realized that Mang Tou and the others were looking at him, so he told them what he felt during the meditation.