My name?

Hiro continued walking, when the bird he saved flew in front of him and before circling around and flying away. Hiro followed the bird and mumbled "Could it really be a bird companion... I just saved it on a whim..." he sighed and came to a lake.

He saw the clothes on the side and finally remembered he wasn't in a normal world anymore, remembering where he was, he looked to the figure swimming in the lake. He said to himself "A real Deus Ex-Machina bird? What a strange fellow..."

He walked to the edge of the pond and looked at the water at his feet, he needed a serious wardrobe change. This clothes were ridiculous, who wears knee high socks with knee length khaki shorts? Especially when the top of the uniform his heavily militarized? Either you go all the way or not, half isn't an option.

He heard splashing and looked up to see nothing.

Suddenly, a figure shot out of the water with a fish in her mouth.

Despite all the different types of girls he had seen, there was something special about watching her slender and graceful figure erupt from the water. He was entranced, her alluring blood red horns, aquamarine eyes, the red tint at the bottoms, her long and beautiful, wet, pink hair.

Hiro finally understood why the Chinese describe a woman's skin as flawless White Jade. It truly was just that, flawless. Her slightly pink shoulders, her seemingly translucent white skin, her delicate fingers, not even mentioning her hourglass figure or perfect breasts, she was absolutely the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.

Forget about all those whores from his past life.

Forget about the girl he was enamored with.

Forget about everything.

There was nothing else he could describe her as, if not perfect beyond comprehension. He couldn't look away, staring into her eyes as if he had lost his soul while a bubbly feeling spread from his stomach and to the rest of his body.

It was a light and fluffy feeling, a feeling that when you taste it once, you'll crave it. Desperately clawing at every opportunity to feel it again, you'll do anything to feel like that again...

An Addiction.

A very terrifying addiction.

For the first time in a long time Hiro felt something except boredom, something unexplainable, something that made him happy, excited, but also deeply scared. It was too late to go back, it was impossible to change, he was hooked, without knowing it he became addicted.

Just like that.

With a single look.

He stared and the girl got right in his face, he took a deep breath and calmed himself down. He was 22 years old before, he had some semblance of self-control. It wasn't high, but he could calm himself down and act calm.

He had been acting his whole life.

It was just another day.

The girl said flatly, revealing her sharp canines, "Wooow~ An here I thought YOU were dead..." before moving to the side and walking away. He suddenly remembered, he was an idiot, he was supposed to act like a nice guy.

He turned around and said "What were you doing bathing out here?" the woman licked her arm and said "I thought ocean water was supposed to be salty..." Hiro walked to the side and patted his unfortunate looking clothes as he replied "You are aware this isn't an ocean, right?"

The Girl sighed to the sky and replied "Yeah. I'm aware of that, but this puddle was the closest thing I could find to an ocean so here we are. Well? Aren't you going to swim?" Hiro paused and said "M-Me? No.. I'm good..." thinking back to what just happened.

The Girl tilted her head and said "Really? But it feels so nice, and the way you were STARING, I thought you wanted to take a dip too." Hiro froze and said "I thought I saw a lochness monster, you were swimming inside so I was going to save you and fight off the monster at the same time..."

He turned to the water before adding "But the monster disappeared..." he frowned in thought, as if truly pondering where a giant monster could've hidden. The girl was stunned for a good few seconds before laughing, Hiro looked back and was sent into a trance again, every action she made was beautiful.

He just couldn't look away, hearing her laugh made him happy. He subconsciously smiled too, getting infected with her mood. The girl turned around and Hiro got a good look at her behind 'Oh dear lord in heaven! Do you truly exist? Have you answered my prayers? I'm sorry I called you ugly!'

Her cheeks were round and plump, he secretly chanted in his mind 'Amitabha, lust is a sin! Lust is a sin! Ami- Fuck it. You only live twice, another peek won't kill you.' he looked at her long slender legs and her delicate toes, he literally almost started bleeding from his nose.

Listen, humans were creatures that valued beauty. People naturally like beautiful things, the so-called 'Like someone for their personality' only happens after you like their appearance. A truly ugly person could be the nicest person in the world, but are you going to stomach looking at them because they're nice?

Don't lie to yourself.

If you do, then you're obviously someone who wants to make themselves seem like a nice person by talking to the uglies, or, you're ugly yourself. Nobody wants to be ugly, okay? Even ugly people would kill someone to become attractive.

As for the 'Look past appearances' or 'Don't judge a book by it's cover' what a joke. It's all bullshit. If you have 2 books to pick are you going to pick up a mangled book with shit stains on it, or the one that smells like flowers and is in pristine condition.

Of course you're picking the clean and pretty one. Even if the content is awful garbage, you won't even glance at the trash book. Newsflash, both books smell like nothing, your brain made you think of flowers and tricked you into actually smelling them.

Thus, it wasn't wrong for Hiro is be attracted to her flesh, as for her personality. Ha! Will it even get that far? Hais... Then he remembered, he was the MC here wasn't he? So there IS a chance!? His heart beat sped up uncontrollably.

The girl smiled and looked over her shoulder saying "Thanks for scaring the monster away~" Hiro's bones melted at her smile, why was he feeling this way? He really wanted to just care for her in every way possible.

No! Bad! That's how you go into this situation, moron! New life! New life!

Hiro let out a breath and said nonchalantly "No problem, anytime you need me I'll be there." he was internally screaming 'Idiot! Did you just come onto her!? ARGGGHHHHH! Are you a creep? Just be there every time?!'

He had a serious look on his face and the girl giggled before getting dressed, Hiro squatted in front of the water and looked at his reflection. Sure enough, he was Hiro alright. What a shame, the kid was slightly less handsome than his past life. This is okay though, he can work with this. A few changes here and there and we'll have a terribly handsome fellow.

He checked the length of his hair and found it to be the perfect length. This could be the start of a new era! He said in his mind 'Clank, go you have any hair ties?' Clank responded "Bro. Are you joking right now? I thought you were smart."

Hiro felt his mouth twitch as he replied "I know you get all your things from somewhere. They don't just appear out of thin air, it's the Law of Equivalent Exchange. There's always a price, just get me a hair tie."

Clank was silent for a few seconds before saying "You know, somehow, I really hate you a lot. Why can't you be dumb like everyone else? All my system friends say they have the dumbest hosts, and yet, I get stuck with you. Before I know it, you'll be getting stuff for free! More than hair ties! Actual items! This is madness!" although he said that a hair tie appeared in Hiro's hand.

Hiro grinned and said "That's a good system. Clank, you and me... We'll be good friends in the future. Hehe" Clank felt like crying 'Who wants to be friends with you!?'

Hiro tied up his shoulder length hair into a messy bun and threw a rock across the pond, the girl said "You're a Parasite?" Hiro came back to life and replied "No..." she fixed her hair and said "So you don't pilot?" Hiro though for a moment before saying "I can't pilot, I don't have the ability. What's worse is I dragged my partner down with me..."

He frowned to himself 'Hiro, man. Couldn't you have tried a little harder bro? What am I supposed to do here? I've never even seen a mech, Hais...' he sighed and added "I don't have a place here anymore..."

The girl turned around and smirked "So you're just like me?" Hiro turned around and she added "I'm always alone too, thanks..." she put on a white metal clip that attached to her horns as she continued "To these horns."

She put her hands on her hips, Hiro looked at her and thought 'She looks amazing in uniform... Her horns are beautiful too... Is this a secret fetish?' he was dragged out of his thoughts when she started speaking again "If you don't belong here, build a place where you do. If you don't have a partner, find one!" as she walked forward and added "And if you can't..."

She lunged at him saying "Take one!" she cheekily licked his face and fell on top of him as he fell backwards. Hiro was in a daze 'Too cute? Did she just lick me? Why am I into it?' When his clothes were ruined now as he was half submerged in the water.

She propped herself up above him very close as she groaned "Your taste makes my heart race. It has a bite and lingers on the tongue..." she licked her lips and looked into his eyes as she said "The taste of danger..."

Hiro had his mouth open and she said "Would you have preferred a kiss?" Hiro almost shouted 'Yes!' but held back, she pursed her lips and said "Oh, you guys don't know about those huh?" she leaned forward and whispered in his ear "It's a special thing~"

Hiro was very, very, close to hugging her and showing her just how special a kiss was, but in the end. He didn't dare. She got up off of him and stood up, smiling as she said "You know, I think I've taken a liking to you. How would you feel about being my Darling?"

Hiro blinked and said "Darling? But I can't pilot a Franxx." she held out her hand with a happy expression, she thought he would be confused about what a 'Darling' was. The original Hiro would be, but not this Hiro, well they were the same person just different. She said "Your ability is probably still there, just lying dormant, but I can awaken it for you. Also..."

Her expression softened as she said softly "It's nice you weren't frightened by my horns at all..." Hiro reached out to take her hand, when there was a rustling in the bushes and she said "Too bad... Looks like our time is up." as she turned around.

Hiro was lost, the happy feeling was gone looking at her back as she stepped away. He stood up and looked at the people who ruined the mood in hidden anger. 'Don't show it or you'll be a little lab rat...' he calmed himself down and looked at the new people coldly.

A man with a sling and an oxygen mask said "We've been looking for you. Why do you keep running off on your own?" as he walked towards the girl. Hiro analyzed the situation, throwing his knowledge of the anime to the back of his mind as he thought irrationally 'An enemy in love?! Wait. Love? What is that?'

He was absent minded as the girl said flatly "It's not like we have anything to do until the welcoming ceremony tomorrow." the man with grey hair and potential rival in love, slapped a military hat on the girl's head, covering her horns, as he said "Well, as your partner, I'm the one who suffers for it."

Hiro came back from his reverie and mumbled "Her partner? What is this situation? No.. It can only be me!" terrible thoughts popped into his head about murdering this man in an elaborate scheme, as nefarious plots were brewing in his mind, the man looked at him and said "Are you a parasite cadet? Your ceremony is tomorrow, right? Sorry for any trouble she may have caused you..."

The group, of what Hiro could only describe as 'Men in black' from his previous life, clothed the girl in a military jacket as Hiro looked at the nice man, who was supposed to be hateful, and replied "It wasn't any trouble at all... Also when you mean partner...?"

The man said "Let me give you some advice. Stay FAR away from this one, alright? She's not the kind of pistil that just ANYONE can handle..." as he walked away with the group. Hiro felt the flames of rage burning inside of him, not only did this guy just secretly insult him, but the girl he had inexplainable feelings towards as well!

'There's the hateful part, very good. Makes it easier for me to hate you.'

They walked away and Hiro suddenly shouted "Hey! Wait! What's your name!" despite knowing her name and everything about her, almost to the point of obsession. Not good. Yandere vibes radiated off him. Oh no! The spiral into being a yandere starts from obsession! ABORT!

The girl stopped and didn't look back as she said "My name? Do we Parasites even have names?" Hiro couldn't reply to that, it seemed he was called 'Code 016' by the adults. She added "Well, my code is 002... But everyone calls me Zerotwo for short."