My Love... Trust me.

Strelizia smashed out of the Transport Plane and flew off to the battlefield. Hiro groaned in pain inside Strelizia and Strelizia trembled as Zerotwo looked back and said "Darling! Are you okay?!" Hiro said "Good! I'm Good! Keep going, Angel."

Zerotwo looked troubled, Hiro smiled to her and said softly "My love... Trust me." Zerotwo bit her lips and her tears pooled in her eyes as she nodded and went back to focusing on the Franxx. Hiro said "A little blood loss never hurt anybody, right?"

He grinned and chuckled before coughing and driving the Franxx forward, turning on the thrusters to full capacity as Strelizia shot through the sky. Zerotwo was still worried, but Hiro put his hand on her lower back and said "Angel, calm down. I'll be fine. I promise."

She relaxed and nodded wordlessly, Hiro smiled and they continued. Truthfully, he wasn't too sure he would survive. Even Clank wasn't sure. Hiro shrugged and figure the golden soul he ate had some kind of Plot armor. Maybe it was good for a few death scenarios?

Well, we're about to find out.

A while later

Strelizia flew towards the other Franxx in the distance, the other Franxx were stunned and said "Hiro!?" Hiro coughed and said "One Klaxosaur, Angel." Zerotwo said "On it, Darling!"

Strelizia shot through the group and grabbed the tail/mouth of the Klaxosaur and ripped the entire thing out of the ground, throwing it into the sky, freeing all the other Franxx. Ichigo said "Hiro! We can't rely on Strelizia this time!"

Hiro coughed and said "Goro, control your woman. I'm a part of this squad too. Plus... You'll never find the core." as he pointed above. The other Franxx looked up and saw the giant worm and gasped.

Hiro could've sworn he heard a 'Nani!?' damn he missed it!

Strelizia looked up and Hiro suddenly grinned, Zerotwo said with a grin "You're crazy! Let's do it~" Hiro chuckled and Strelizia held the lance in it's hand as it crouched on the ground.

The Klaxosaur flew down to the ground, with it's tail/mouth wide open. Hiro and Zerotwo roared in unison "Game over!" as Strelizia blurred and blasted off the ground with the lance pointed upwards. It went straight through the Klaxosaur, appearing in the air with a core on the lance.

The Klaxosaur exploded into blue blood and Strelizia slowly floated back down to the ground. It flicked the core off the lance and into it's left hand, then it walked towards the group and crushed the core to pieces as Hiro said "Mission Completed."

A while later

Hiro got out of Strelizia and Zerotwo rushed to hold him up as he stumbled. He straightened out and said "Thank you." Zerotwo smiled sweetly saying "Of course, Darling." Hiro and Zerotwo looked at each other and chuckled.

Hiro whispered "Love, bring me back to the residence? I... I can't walk" Zerotwo jumped in shock and said "Darling, you!" Hiro said quietly "I'm alright, just tired..." he sighed "I need a bath." Zerotwo giggled and they left.

They returned to the residence and Hiro suddenly said "Change of plans." Zerotwo looked at him and his stomach growled, he blushed in embarrassment and Zerotwo burst out laughing, but choked on her laugh as she drooled saying "Are you going to cook?!"

Hiro snickered and said teasingly "Anything for you~ Love of my liiiiiiffeeeeeeee~" Zerotwo rolled her eyes and dragged him to the kitchen saying "Cheeseball." Hiro was being dragged on the ground and saying "Light of my woooorld, yin to my yang, queen to my king..."

He went on and on and Zerotwo laughed at him as they disappeared into the house.

A while later

Zerotwo moaned in enjoyment as she finished the sweet, yet healthy, food in front of her. Hiro was sitting in a chair and watching her with a smile. She smirked and said "What are you staring at, pervert?" Hiro replied with a teasing look "A big, beautiful, cute monster... MY cute monster." Zerotwo leaned forward on the table and propped up her chin with her hand as she said "Your cute monster? Does that make you MY monster pervert?"

Hiro said in shock "Are you going Yandere on me!?" Zerotwo pursed her lips and didn't reply, instead she reached over the table and grabbed his collar, pulling her to her face as she said "You're mine, understand? Only mine. Forever."

Hiro suddenly had an excited look in his eyes as he said immediately "Of course I am." he moved forward and sealed her lips shut, licking her teeth before inserting his tongue into her mouth. Zerotwo groaned into his mouth, sending shivers down Hiro's spine.

They separated and were both breathing heavy from the lack of oxygen, Hiro had a peculiar glint in his eyes. Zerotwo looked at him and reached over saying "Even if I didn't claim you..." she pulled off his hair tie and swung the plushie of herself in front of his face with a smirk "You claimed yourself for me, Darling~"

Hiro turned green and said quickly "You see, that was uhh..." Zerotwo pursed her lips in amusement, waiting for an explanation. He puffed his cheeks and said "Listen, Angel. That's my stuff, okay!? I'm a weird guy, too bad you're stuck with me. So really it doesn't matter if I have a shrine in my room dedicated to you, even if you run away I will hug your thighs and come along! Hmph! Hmph!"

Zerotwo said in shock "You have a shrine in your room?!" Hiro sneered "Do you want me to have a shrine in my room?" Zerotwo was stumped and pouted "No fair. You can't just tease me like this!" Hiro's soul almost flew away from his body looking at the cutest pout in the entire cosmos.

He moved like lightning and pecked her pouting lips before saying "I don't... But there can be one! All hail Zerotwo!" he put one foot on the chair and waved his fist saying "Our lord and savior, Zerotwo! Any who blaspheme our Goddess are heretics!"

Zerotwo laughed happily and Hiro was lost in her smile, he recovered quickly and kept shouting "I am the Lord's envoy! All shall listen to my words, if not, Heretics!" Zerotwo clapped and giggled, Hiro snickered before suddenly saying "Do you want to see my room?"

Zerotwo said "Huh?" Hiro said "Yeah! Come on, me and Goro share a room. It's more convenient for Fight Training in the mornings." he grabbed her hand and dragged her off as he heard a series of 'Dings' in his head.

[Congratulations! You've completed [Ride of Death!] You've received: Bloodline Fusion 20%, Super Mystery Chest.]

[Title Feature Unlocked! You've received the title 'He who Rides with Death' +20 Charisma, +5 Luck, Dread Pressure (Passive)]

[Congratulations! You've completed [Things are getting complicated, you need allies!] You've received: Impurity Cleanse (Rarity: Flawless), Random Talent]

[Congratulations! You've completed [Embrace your inner Yandere!] You've received: Random Power, Random Power Upgrade]

[Random Power Upgrade Used! Stone Skin > Copper Skin (Upgradeable)]

[Random Talent Used! You've acquired: Inexhaustible Stamina!]

[Random Power Used! You've acquired: Impenetrable Mind!]

Hiro looked at the screen in front of him and could pretty much tell what everything did. Zerotwo looked at him and said "Hm?" Hiro smiled widely at her and said "Is my Angel scared?" He patted his chest and said "Don't worry! I, your Hiro, will protect you!"

Zerotwo giggled and said "You're punny." Hiro looked at her with his mouth wide open, she smiled and gave him a 'V' with her fingers and stuck her tongue out. Hiro sighed and said "Hais... Too cute!" Zerotwo giggled and let him drag her to his room, her heartbeat increased slightly at the thought.

The duo entered Hiro's room and Zerotwo looked around before sniffing and going to sit on Hiro's bed. Hiro coughed and said seriously "Zerotwo." she looked over and Hiro pointed to a wall saying "This is where the shrine will be..." Zerotwo spat and said badly "You got me all serious for nothing!"

Hiro chuckled and sat next to her on the bed saying "Don't say that. It really will be there!" Zerotwo giggled and looked at him affectionately, Hiro felt his heart thump and she said softly "Why? Why me?"

Hiro was stunned and quickly held her hand saying "You don't understand? The first time I saw you, I was entranced. Your confident figure, your horns, the wild yet controlled look in your eyes... Everything about you made me shake. One look was all it took. I can't explain it either."

He looked at her hand and rubbed it slowly as he continued "After we rode together for the first time, I couldn't stop thinking about you. Every moment without you felt like ages..." he frowned and continued "I didn't like this feeling, the feeling of being alone. I was completely alone before you came into my life, today when you walked away, I felt the world crumbling around me. As if my most important thing was being taken away from me."

He suddenly had a drop of water fall on his hand and looked up to see Zerotwo crying while looking at him. He quickly wiped her tears with a sad expression as he said "Don't cry. I'm sorry for being stalker-ish..." Zerotwo laughed through the tears and said "Idiot. I'm happy."

Hiro was startled and said "You cry when you're happy?" Zerotwo said "I cry all the time." Hiro mumbled "Maybe I should buy more tissues..." Zerotwo laughed and hugged him, she squeezed tightly and whispered "Thank you.... Darling."

Hiro rubbed her back and said with a smile "Anytime, Angel. I'm here whenever you need me. We're partners." Zerotwo looked up and kissed him, pushing him back onto his bed. Hiro separated his lips and Zerotwo said "What's wrong?"

Hiro pursed his lips and said "I have something for you." Zerotwo tilted her head and Hiro took off the Lover's Necklace before holding it out in front of her saying "For you." Zerotwo looked at the necklace and froze, mumbling "For me?" Hiro nodded and said "Of course! Who else? Ichigo?"

Zerotwo quickly snatched the necklace and muttered "Don't you dare." Hiro waved his hands quickly saying "Are you kidding? Not in a million years." Zerotwo pouted and said "Good. Now put it on my neck!"

Hiro said "You-" Zerotwo glanced at him and he shut his mouth, grabbing the necklace and putting it around her neck, they were face to face and looking in each other's eyes. He said 'Gift' in his mind and the necklace flashed.

Zerotwo ignored it and hugged Hiro saying "I feel weird." Hiro blurted out "Do you want a massage?" before slapping himself, Zerotwo said "A massage?" Hiro said in disbelief "You don't know what a massage is?"

Zerotwo shook her head and Hiro closed his eyes saying righteously "I, your man, will give you a massage tonight! But... AHEM* You have to be naked so..." Zerotwo said "You're just a pervert... Hais..." as she threw her hands up, apparently giving up on changing his pervert habits.

Hiro snorted with a funny look on his face, he grabbed Zerotwo and said "I really will give you a massage. Best thing in your life!" he added something else in his mind, Zerotwo said "Okay!" Hiro jumped up and down before dragging her to the bath room, it was literally a room with a bath in it. The bath was huge!