Hiro was sitting in his Stamen suit in the mission hall. They had just gone out on a Gutenberg Class Klaxosaur and Goro got stuck inside the Klaxosaur, ejecting Ichigo out just before the Klaxosaur combusted. Apparently it was able to combust its outer skin.
They were talking about rescue methods while Ichigo was unconscious. Zerotwo was leaning on his shoulder and Hiro was on his Comms, typing in discord.
Monkey Godking: Hey. @everyone
Death Elder Smith: Yo man how goes it
YAIDS: Wasup
Monkey Godking: meh its good
Logic: 🥱
Monkey Godking: Goro got stuck in the Klaxosaur
Death Elder Smith: Yall fuck yet, you got zanpukuto as well Oh~~~ That's bad
Monkey Godking: what? Zanpauktos? where and yeah lmao
Death Elder Smith: From bleach
Monkey Godking: dw its good for building character .... obviously
Death Elder Smith: Sex or being stuck in a dinosaur?
Monkey Godking: i dont have one is what im saying isn't it the same thing?
Death Elder Smith: For you yes
Monkey Godking: AHEM
Death Elder Smith: Heh
YAIDS: @Death Elder Smith Sex with a dinosaur?
Monkey Godking: Zerotwo
Death Elder Smith: Klaxosaur is a dinosaur @YAIDS
Monkey Godking: barely
Death Elder Smith: His little strawberry is a dinosaur. Monkey is fucking Barney
Monkey Godking: bro
Death Elder Smith sent a gif
YAIDS sent a gif
Hiro sighed to himself and rubbed his eyes, Zerotwo looked over and said "What's that?" Hiro almost jumped in shock and said "Uhh..." she looked at him with a sweet smile and he sighed "A group chat with people from my last life."
Zerotwo said "Friends?" Hiro said "Eh. Kinda?" Zerotwo smiled happily and said "Tell them I said Hi!" Hiro scratched his neck, this isn't going to end well... These guys are degenerates... He still typed out.
Monkey Godking: hais... Zerotwo says hi
YAIDS: Hi zerotwo
Death Elder Smith: Hi beautiful
Monkey Godking: oi go back to the pub
Death Elder Smith: What if she ever wants to date someone more.... evolved I'm open
Shazy: Yo ZeroTwo
Monkey Godking: you mean devolved?
Shazy: Pffft LMAO
Death Elder Smith: You shouldn't talk about yourself like that monkey.
Monkey Godking: oof
Death Elder Smith: Anyway girl make him take you to some good worlds
YAIDS sent a gif
Shazy sent a gif
Death Elder Smith: One piece has a literal country made of sweets
Zerotwo's face was black and Hiro coughed saying "What can I say? I never said they were good people..." She said "What is this country made of sweets?" as she tapped on the message with her perfect fingers. Hiro turned green and said "Well, there's a place where everything is made of candy, cakes, and sweets."
Her eyes sparkled and she said "Oh, Darling! Can you take me there?! Please, please, please!" Hiro smiled warmly and said "Of course, my love." Zerotwo cheered and kissed him, he smiled happily and she leaned her head on his shoulder as he typed again.
Monkey Godking: yeah well when you get a system and all these magic abilities you can try again. yeah we'll go there at some point though .... *shudders* the balloon
Death Elder Smith: You just thought about swimming in the honey lake huh? Now she's shaking you frantically
Monkey Godking: no ahem NO
YAIDS: You can make the sweet island you inner world like blood elf
Monkey Godking sent a gif
Death Elder Smith: Why stop at island?
Monkey Godking: I dont have an inner world...
Death Elder Smith: Yet!
YAIDS sent a gif
Death Elder Smith: Ah your system might give her one It probably likes her better than you anyway
Monkey Godking: how did you know!? dude its crazy
YAIDS: Haha now we know who has the pants in the relationship
Death Elder Smith: You think your the only one who met a system
Monkey Godking: you should see these perks she has its unreal shes like maybe 1000x stronger than me
Death Elder Smith: I had an encounter once with a Korean cunt. Did not go well..... for him
Monkey Godking: lol
Death Elder Smith sent a gif
Monkey Godking: the chats pretty dead today eh?
Death Elder Smith: If you want him to listen to you offer him powers Like batteries or something He probably dropped a hint in the form of an arc reactor or nano tubing
Monkey Godking: nano tubing?
Death Elder Smith: Maybe even solar panels
Monkey Godking: like....
Death Elder Smith: The same thing powering superman's sun suit
Monkey Godking sent a gif
Death Elder Smith: No super man
Monkey Godking: fuck superman
Death Elder Smith sent a gif
YAIDS send a gif
Death Elder Smith: Yeah well he at least looks male. After all your impurity cleanses you probably look like you hang out at the red light district
Monkey Godking: ...
YAIDS: Hahaha
Monkey Godking: @everyone
Death Elder Smith: Does your hair go past yo her shoulders
Monkey Godking: is there anyone else? alive hello? is my mic on? No
YAIDS: You can match dresses with zerotwo too
Monkey Godking: it doesnt
Death Elder Smith: If it was me I'd chop it off, unless your letting pinkie style it @YAIDS gets it Hahahahaha
Monkey Godking: im going to jump
YAIDS sent a gif
Monkey Godking: you better pray i don't come back to earth and find you
Death Elder Smith: Good that way zerotwo is single
YAIDS sent a gif
Monkey Godking: so close to a ban
Death Elder Smith: What is a god to a non believer
He rubbed his eyes and the door to the mission room opened. Ichigo stomped in and got into an argument with Miku over how much Goro sacrifices for her, but she doesn't care about it at all. Well really it wasn't any of Hiro's business so he continued typing.
Monkey Godking: alright Kanye relax oh hey Ichigo is up
Death Elder Smith: More vegeta abridged.
Ichigo said "Right, Hiro?" Hiro looked up and said "Uh. Right?" completely confused. Um excuse me, did you not see me here doing something else? Um can you please not drag me into the firing zone? He went back to his Comms and typed.
Monkey Godking: oh no Ichigo is up
Death Elder Smith: Oh!
YAIDS sent a gif
Death Elder Smith: Go simp for her too! In sure zerotwo would let you have a harem
Zerotwo looked up at Hiro, who said with a black face "Like I said. Degenerates." Zerotwo giggled and said "Hehe~ If you dare... Its a real shame I'm faster than you." Hiro smirked and pulled her into his lap, saying "Maybe, I'll have to chain you up so you don't run away?" Zerotwo giggled and said "There's no need. Where am I going to go without my Darling?"
She spread out her hands and shook her head, as if she naturally had no other options. Hiro chuckled and scratched the bridge of her nose as he said "I love you." she smiled sweetly and said "I love you too, Darling~"
Monkey Godking: excuse you
Death Elder Smith: With a body like yours she's bound to swing both ways.
YAIDS sent a gif
Monkey Godking: sorry I dont look like a frog ya bug eyed twat
Death Elder Smith: Again you shouldn't refer to yourself like that. We all know your insane enough for it. Well I think you should go save goro and collapse the government.
YAIDS sent a gif
Death Elder Smith: Maybe the system would be nice enough to give you a civilization starter kit. Give it to goro as a wedding gift
Monkey Godking: i think I'm going to strangle you from the screen
Death Elder Smith: You can try but the whole time your girl will be thinking off me
Monkey Godking: We're Purging today! Get ready
Death Elder Smith: Getting angry cause I'm accurate?
YAIDS sent a gif
Death Elder Smith sent a gif
YAIDS: I gotta go but good luck with the Goro situation -sent a gif
Hachi told them the plans while Ichigo refused and put forward her own plans from Zerotwo's observations of the Klaxosaur. Hachi allowed the plan to go through and said "If it doesn't work, plan be will come into affect." the group nodded and took a bit to prepare. Hiro continued typing in the Discord.
Monkey Godking: he doesnt need help he can handle it alone i just have to dump Ichigo into the Klaxosaur
Death Elder Smith: I'll be chilling here writing some stuff. Can't wait to I get my own system. Yours is probably a male so I'm going with a female.
Monkey Godking: Hais, gotta go
Death Elder Smith: Did you check if it could update and if it has settings
Monkey Godking: no
Death Elder Smith: Might wanna do that
Monkey Godking: it does what I want anyway. anyway I gotta go
Death Elder Smith: For now~
Monkey Godking: Bye
Death Elder Smith: Bye
Monkey Godking sent a gif
YAIDS sent a gif
Hiro closed the Comms and the group got in their Franxx, dashing out to save Goro. Strelizia was holding Ichigo in it's palm as they flew to the Klaxosaur. Hiro said "Hmm... Are you upset, Angel?" Zerotwo pouted "Why do WE have to take her? Why can't somebody else do it?"
Hiro chuckled and said "It's it because we're the best?" Zerotwo's pout turned into a cheeky smile as she replied "That's true, me and my Darling are the greatest! Ahhh!" Hiro snickered saying "My little Angel, hmhmhm~" he started humming as Strelizia jumped into Zorome's Franxx's hands and was thrown into the air.
Strelizia spun in the air and stabbed it's lance into the exhaust hole, ripping it open before shoving Ichigo inside and jumping off, doing 3 flips in the air and landing on the ground saying "Ta-da!"
The other Franxx clapped and held up signs with numbers. Zorome said "Meh. Not enough flips, 9/10." Hiro felt his mouth twitch and Zerotwo laughed as Zorome's Franxx got Goro's Franxx smashed into it.
Goro shouted "Run! It's gonna blow!" Hiro chuckled and blasted off, passing Futoshi and Mitsuru's Franxx, he grabbed their necks and threw them through the air as boosters appeared behind Strelizia and the duo shot through the sky.
Behind them a massive explosion went off.
Strelizia went flying and Hiro was upside down as he said "Ah, fuck." before smashing into the ground. The duo smashed around like pinballs inside the Franxx. Strelizia finally stopped and Hiro was on stop of Zerotwo, he propped himself up with his hands and looked down to see her eyes looking at him with a teasing look.
He looked at his hands and they were firmly grasping her breasts. He said "Hm." before squeezing a few times "Everything seems in order." Zerotwo burst out laughing and pulled him in, rolling over and kissing his lips. The inside of Strelizia was full of laughter and loving feelings.