Please stop flirting with me.

Hiro finished eating breakfast and walked into Hephaestus' shop. He walked up the stairs, ignoring the people telling him to stop. He had his headphones on and he yawned as he slid them to his neck and knocked on Hephaestus' door.

She opened up with a half opened eye and grunted questioningly. Hiro yawned and made a noise, Hephaestus left the door open and walked back inside, grunting. Hiro rubbed his eyes and walked into the room, closing the door with his foot.

Hephaestus laid on the couch saying "Make something." Hiro pulled a book on her bookshelf an it slid over to reveal a forge. Hephaestus jumped up, fully awake now, as he said "How did you know!?"

Hiro yawned "Isn't it obvious? Why would you have a bookshelf? Why is there heat coming from a bookshelf? Why is the bookshelf so perfect? Silly Hephaestus, you need to make things look bad for secret rooms."

He 'tsk tsk'd' her and walked into the forge, Hephaestus was dazed, did he just call her silly Hephaestus?

Hiro pulled out some magic steel and said "Aiya... Just this?" he sighed and mumbled "Stingy god..." before spinning Sun into Mjolnir and hanging it by his side as he whistled and heated the metal.

He slipped his headphones on and pulled out the metal with tongs and smashed Mjolnir down on the metal, working it into a simple sword.

If Thor or anyone from Asgard knew that someone was using Mjolnir as a forge Hammer, maybe they would chase him across the universe in anger.

Hephaestus looked at Mjolnir in a daze asking "What is that?" Hiro, obviously, didn't hear her and continued, humming to his music and tilting his head from side to side. Hephaestus didn't ask again after being ignored, she felt a bit awkward.

A while later

Hiro sharpened the sword and run his fingers across the flat of the blade, leaving a trail of ice that exploded, leaving blue inscriptions. He slapped the blade and it buzzed. He held it up and looked at it with one eye.

Hephaestus looked at the sword in amazement, when suddenly, Hiro chopped it at his arm. Hephaestus' eyes widened as she said "STOP!" Hiro still had his headphones on so...

The sword slashed down on his arm and didn't even leave a scratch, stunning Hephaestus. Hiro looked at the sword and smiled, no chips, cracks, or dents!

He slid down his headphones and put Mjolnir down, he flipped the sword in the air and pinched the tip before pointing the hilt at Hephaestus with a straight face. She was completely stunned, absolutely stunned, this guy... She was 10832629% sure he was insane.

She said angrily "What are you chopping at your arm for?! Idiot!" Hiro was startled and said "I do it all the time..." Hephaestus said badly "Don't anymore! If you lose your arm, how are you supposed to forge? You're amazing at it, it would really be a big fucking shame if you couldn't anymore!" as she grabbed the sword from him.

Hiro was stunned, should he tell her that it'll just grown back?


Probably not.

Hephaestus looked at the sword in amazement saying "How did you-" Hiro was looking at the sword over her shoulder saying "Engraved and Enchanted. It's not like your magic weapons. It's magic forever, not one time use. But this is just garbage so..."

Hephaestus didn't notice the closeness and said in disbelief "Garbage!? Are you joking?!" Hiro shrugged and said "If I made you a sword for real or a Nano prosthetic, you would understand." she said with a frown "You weren't trying?"

Hiro froze and said "Uhh... Well, to be honest. Your metals are really shit so... If I went serious, the metal wouldn't be able to handle it." she said "Is that a challenge?" Hiro blanked for a minute and said seriously "Don't get flirty with me, my wife will kill you and me."

Hephaestus froze and threw the sword at him shouting "I WASN'T!" Hiro caught the sword and said "Anyway, I'm telling you the truth. If I give you the metal I have, you would blow whatever weapons you've made in the past out of the water."

He waved the sword around and said "I refuse to even put my mark on this sword. You can have it." as he handed her back the sword, she took it and said "What metals?" Hiro looked at her forge and said "Is this your personal forge? Divine Fire and all?"

She nodded and Hiro said "That's good or else we wouldn't even be able to heat the metals up." she pursed her lips and crossed her arms and asked sarcastically "What do you use? The flames of the sun?" Hiro looked at her in shock and said "How did you know?!"

She froze and said "What?" Hiro said happily "I do! My wife helped me make my forge! She has flames with the heat of the sun." he sighed and added "What a wonderful wife I have!" Hephaestus felt her mouth twitch, what are these subtle hints? She wasn't flirting with him!

Hiro took out a block of Vibranium, Uru metal, and Adamantium, placing them on the table. Hephaestus walked over and looked at the metals before saying in shock "What are these!?" Hiro smiled and labeled them as he said "Vibranium, Uru, and Adamantium. Vibranium is the best for armor and shields, Adamantium is the best for sharp weapons, and Uru is the best for Magical weapons... Well, the best of what I currently have anyway..."

Hephaestus suddenly said "Wanna make something with me?" Hiro took two steps back and a vein popped up on her forehead as she said "Purely work related that is." Hiro said "If you're thinking of a Damascus style blend, it won't work. I've tried already."

She clicked her tongue and held her chin, looking at the metals before saying "You have more?" Hiro nodded saying "A lot more. Of all of them." Hephaestus grinned and said "Let's make stuff!" Hiro added "As friends, of course." she froze and shouted "I'M NOT FLIRTING!"

A few days passed

Zerotwo went to the dungeon to grind levels while Hiro had Isabella and Mittens, who were watching Hiro and Hephaestus make armor, weapons, and magic weapons. Hiro left his insignia on the products, it was a little blue Monkey with pink wings, named 'Winged Monkey'.

Isabella drew the insignia from before and Hiro thought it was a monkey, but it turned out to be a cat. Needless to say, she wasn't very good at drawing. She tried to draw Mittens and this was the result, but she was happy that her drawing was used.

Hiro patted her head and smiled, giving her a lollipop. Hephaestus said "That's like the 12th one you've given her..." Hiro looked at her dead in the eyes and said "They're sugar free." before continuing to work.

Hephaestus felt her entire being twitch in annoyance but continued to work regardless.

A few more days passed

Winged Monkey gear was released to the public after having a stockpile. It was an instant sensation! People loved it, it was clearly the best gear on the market and Hephaestus revealed that it was in fact someone from her Familia that made it.

The adventurers immediately scrambled to buy everything even though it was incredibly high priced. Easily the most expensive thing on the market, and yet they bought it all.

Hestia was rolling in money from Hiro's earnings. Whatever he made after the split for Hephaestus, he split again and gave to the Familia. He told Hestia to not blow massive amounts of money because that would reveal that she had a part in the Winged Monkey brand and Hiro didn't want the attention.

He really just wanted to relax and kill some gods.


Hephaestus was like an addict and dragged him to her place, even acting coquettishly. Hiro was spooked, his looks really were a curse! When Hephaestus heard that, she almost beat him to death.

Eventually, she just straight up moved into his house with Hestia and they forged at Hiro's house instead.

Hiro was at a loss, he felt like she was too addicted so he complained that he had to walk so far everyday and now, she's living in his house!

What's worse was, Hestia seemed to make his house base of operations for their Familia. Zerotwo didn't mind, but Hiro really just wanted peace.

Now he had a big boobed loli and a big boobed not-loli in his house. As well as a fox girl and Bell.

Speaking of Bell, Hiro noticed that Lili, the supporter was coming around now.

He was torn, she a thief, but she was addicted to the wine from that white guy, whatever his name was. She was also a loli in need... but then again... His house wasn't a hotel. Another person in it, loli or not... Maybe he should start charging rent?

He rubbed his chin before saying fuck it and deciding to go hunting again.

More shadow soldiers for him.

Zerotwo thought the house was much more lively with more people, Isabella seemed happy about it, so she didn't care too much. Though, she was a bit pissed it was only girls other than Bell. She noticed Hiro was keeping a distance from them and repeatedly mentioning 'My wife' around them, she found it funny and cute.

Hestia was another story all together though, she wasn't worried a single bit about Hestia. Mostly because every time Hiro and Hestia were together, they both had evil scheming grins on their faces and talked about how to get Bell for Hestia.

She wanted to say their relationship was like brother and sister, they were close. Not as close as her and Hiro but close. Zerotwo didn't mind at all, actually she thought it was good for Hiro. All his other relationships were almost like teacher and student instead of friends.

She noticed that out of all the people they met, Hiro was really friends with Roger, Rayleigh, Gildarts, Erza, and now Hestia. Roger was dead and the rest, other than Hestia, were in different worlds.

She actually felt a bit bad for Hiro, he only had 4 real friends. None of which were in their Original World. She had full confidence he would never cheat on her, the thought actually never crossed her mind.

Plus, Haruhime was acting like a maid for some reason and helped out around the house. Zerotwo found out she was a prostitute before, but Hiro told her the kicker, she was actually still a virgin because whenever she saw a man naked, she would foam at the mouth and faint.

Zerotwo thought that was hilarious and nobody told the poor fox girl, or Bell actually. Because of his damn big mouth. She went on and on about Ais.

Hiro swore he knew everything about Ais before even speaking to her in an actual conversation. Not stuff that he knew before. Like the stuff they don't show or tell you in the anime. Bell was in depth, he even had a book full of her likes and dislikes.

This kid.

He was a bit crazy.

At this point, everyone, except Bell, was aware of Hiro and Hestia's schemes behind the scenes to get Hestia and Bell together. They supported it, really they supported anything as long as it stopped him from talking about Ais.

Night rolled around

Hiro went out of the house and walked to the Soma Familia residence.

He slipped on his headphones and hummed to himself as he walked into the place and locked the door behind him. It was pitch black and Mjolnir made another appearance. The glowing hammer alerted the Familia, who looked over to see blue glowing horns, eyes, and gleaming white fangs forming a cruel grin as he said "Kill them all."