Owl Contract

Time passed

Hiro continued to train Sakura with Isabella and Naruto joining in. Even Mittens joined, becoming a ninja neko and gaining her own headband. Sakura was stimulated by Isabella and Naruto's impressive strength and fought her hardest trying to catch up.

Hiro smirked to himself as he used his tails to beat them back as they attacked him, they were outside as Hiro barred them from the Time Room before the Chunin exams, he wanted them to do it with their own strength, not boosted from a year of training in the Time room.

Plus, if they explosively increased again, then people would start asking questions.

Hiro didn't like people who asked too many questions. It was annoying.

He continued to write in the scroll as he didn't move a step and beat them back with his tails. He looked in a direction and saw the black haired edgy boy looking at himself. He smiled and went back to perfecting the new release.

This fucking thing has been the bane of his existence for a while now. He wanted to finish it and be done with it, but every time he solved a problem, he ran into another one. It was like going through a maze trying every path before getting to the end.

Eventually, the days passed and the Chunin exams came.

Hiro and Sakura continued to train everyday while the rest were doing the Chunin Exams. Hiro increased the Gravity around Sakura, who was just wearing a sports bra and compression shorts with the weights and nothing else.

Hiro smiled to her and put more pressure on her, increasing the gravity and attacking with his tails, getting faster and faster. Sakura adapted to the speed and was keeping up just fine. Hiro made special weights just for her, they constantly drained her Chakra and increased in weight as the time passed.

Hiro had been raiding the library these past few days and learning about Chakra and it's properties. He figured out that the more your Chakra emptied and refilled the bigger it got. Hence the training bracelets and anklets.

Hiro even made extra and sold them in the store, the absolute most expensive item at 40 million Ryo for a single set.

Though even now he had so few customers it was a bit ridiculous.

He had been here for 4 years! Where were his customers at? Jeez.

At any rate, Sakura was improving by the day and it made Hiro feel good.

A few days later

Naruto and Isabella came back, saying that they have a week before the exams continue. Hiro squinted and asked how the Exams were. They both said no big deal, Hiro smirked and brought them all into the Time room before making a giant lake appear.

He brought the kids up and said "Get undressed... Only to your underwear." the kids got undressed and Hiro looked at them all as he said "Gather the Chakra in your body to your feet and walk on the water."

Before sitting on the side and watching them. Sakura was getting drained constantly and had a hard time staying afloat, Isabella had no problems, and Naruto was struggling.

Hiro hyper focused and veins appeared around his eyes as he looked at Naruto, sure enough, the 5 pronged seal around the seal Minato made was there. Hiro smirked, perfect. If he can control his Chakra while it's being mixed with Kurama's Chakra, then when Jiraya undo's the seal, he'll be that much better!

He continued and said that they won't stop until they can all stand on the water perfectly.

3 months passed

Naruto and Sakura were finally able to stand on the water and they all jumped happily. Hiro smirked and said "That was phase 1, now for phase 2." as he slapped the water and it started rippling harshly, making all three and Mittens fall in the water.

Hiro dragged them out as it wasn't time for a swim and made them do it over and over again, only stopping when they collapsed before feeding them and giving them a little bit of rest before doing it again.

4 months passed

They were all able to stand on the rippling waves now and Hiro initiated phase 3. He made the lake a giant ring on water and the water itself was extremely chaotic, twisting and turning, rippling and splashing, sometimes even just smashing into itself and interrupting the flow of the entire ring.

Hiro got the idea when he was doing phase 2, he was going to do a waterfall but this was more interesting as the water was completely unpredictable and changed constantly. Not only did they have to stay afloat but they also had to watch the changes in the water.

It worked their Chakra control and Observation Haki at the same time.

They all had the Chakra Draining bracelets and anklets on them as Hiro made them run through the ring, if they fell into the water, they would get ejected and sent back to the bottom.

He told them that this was the final phase and they wouldn't stop until, they 1. could walk on it perfectly and run 10 laps or 2. 5 months passed.

The kids and Mittens were determined.

This training was moreso for Naruto than anyone else, but it was still good for the others in fine tuning their Chakra control. Hiro didn't take off Naruto's 5 pronged seal, nor did he even bother to talk to Kurama.

As far as he was concerned, Kurama messing things up and the seal making Naruto have to work harder was only beneficial to him. If he could control the chaotic Chakra, then when it's calm wouldn't it just be that much better?

He didn't understand why nobody thought of this before.

He even made Isabella, Mittens, and Sakura's Chakra chaotic when they were sleeping.

He watched them struggle endlessly on the kid named 'Ring of Chaos', he didn't say anything, didn't help, just watched and perfected the Oil release. He finished the Technique and he was now perfecting it, coming up with Jutsus to compliment it.

He wasn't going to give it to Sakura just yet, he was going to teach her Medical Ninjutsu first and then get her a summoned animal before teaching her Oil release.

5 months passed

They got better, but ultimately never completed the task. Hiro sent them to rest in the house and fed them before putting them to bed and cancelling the seals on Sakura, Isabella, and Mittens.

The next day

The kids left to go take the Chunin Exam again. They were doing preliminaries now before the month break when Naruto finds Jiraya. Hiro really didn't know much about Ninjutsu, so he was going to let Jiraya take over Naruto's training.

As for Isabella, he was just going to train her body and fighting skills along with Sakura... and Mittens.

Hiro wrote down the last bit of the technique on the Scroll and got a prompt.

[Congratulations! You've completed Make your own Ninjutsu! Rewards: Legendary Mystery Chest!]

Hiro opened it right away as he rolled up the scroll and labeled it 'Oil Release'.

[Congratulations! You've received Galarian Slowpoke Shadow!]

Hiro looked at the Slowpoke on the ground. It was black with blue highlights and laying on the ground on it's stomach with it's limbs sprawled out. Slowpoke looked up and said "Slooooww..." Hiro crouched down and patted it's head, getting a "Poookeeee..." in return.

He chuckled and sent it back to the SHADOW REALM!


His shadow*


He continued to train Sakura's fighting skills with his tails as the Chunin exams continued. He disallowed Sakura to use any Chakra while training and she was making incredible progress! He was quite satisfied with her and himself.

Time continued to pass

The month break started and Naruto left with Ebisu to another town, Hiro sent him off with a smile before going back home. Zerotwo took Isabella and Mittens, teaching them how to fight. She was better than Hiro at fighting, more flexible.

Hiro took Sakura and went into the Time Room with her as he did an intensive close combat body strength training for an entire year.

They came back out and Sakura was wearing heavier weights now, her surprising Herculean strength allowed her to handle 1 ton on each limb! What a crazy kid!

She was still just 12 years old too.

Hiro brought her to behind the house and sat her down saying "I have a gift for you." Sakura looked up in confusion and Hiro pulled out a giant scroll that was black and brown on the outside.

He unrolled it and it showed empty columns along with instructions. The borders had owl pictures.

Hiro explained "This is a Summoning Contract Scroll for the Owls. I'm giving it to you as the first Contract maker with them. Write your name in your blood in the first column and print your 5 finger prints in blood."

Sakura was stunned and teared up saying "Daddy..." Hiro patted her head and said "Yeah, yeah. You're my daughter too, are you not? You can cry later, sweetheart. Hurry up and sign the contract." Sakura wiped her eyes and smiled sweetly as she bit her fingers and signed the contract column before printing her fingers.

Hiro taught her the Summoning Jutsu and rolled up the scroll as she summoned an old looking Owl.

The Owl turned it's neck 180 degrees and looked at Hiro saying "The Summoning Contract? I thought I got rid of that ages ago!" Hiro chuckled and said "I stumbled upon it, old man. So you accept or what? I can give you treats if you do."

The old man Owl hooted angrily "WHO WANTS YOUR TREATS, BRAT!?!" before changing his tune immediately "What kind of treats?" Hiro took out some pokemon berries and fed the Owl, who said "Hmmm..." Hiro gave him a lollipop too, the Owl still hummed and Hiro was helpless, giving him a cut of roasted steak.

The Owl hooted happily and patted his stomach saying "I accept!" Hiro pointed at Sakura saying "That's the Summoner." The Owl hooted saying "Ah! A little girl?!" Hiro bonked him saying "My daughter." the Owl sang a new song "Excellent!"

Hiro and Sakura felt their mouths twitch and the old Owl hooted "Anyway, serious business. I will not be summoned normally unless you really need something important. Most of time you'll get the youngsters of our Flock. I only came this time to see what happened with the Summoning Scroll."

He turned to Hiro and said seriously "I trust that you will keep it safe." Hiro smiled and said "It's as safe as can be, old man." the Owl nodded and said "Good." he turned to Sakura saying "I expect good things from you. If any of the Flock complain about maltreatment..." he became sharp and hooted "I'll kill you."

Sakura said firmly "Never. I promise." the Owl hooted and said "Good! Then, Farewell!" before poofing and disappearing. Hiro smiled and ruffled Sakura's hair saying "Big success!" Sakura smiled and said "Without you none of this would be possible, daddy..."

She teared up and hugged him tightly saying "Thank you! Thank you so much!" Hiro smiled warmly and hugged her saying "It's my pleasure, sweetheart. You're a part of my family now, anything less than the best won't do."

Sakura cried and hugged him as he rubbed her back and walked away, holding her in his arms and carrying the scroll with his tail. He tied up the scroll with a rope and hung it over Sakura's shoulder saying "This is a big responsibility for you, but I believe you can do it."

Sakura smiled happily and nodded, saying "En!" Hiro smiled and said "Time for real ninja training! You ready?" Sakura nodded firmly, prepared for rough training.