3 Hokages, 1 Orochimaru

Everything was silent and Zerotwo clapped. Hiro smiled and Kakashi looked around, all the sand ninja here were dead... The giant Boa were dead as well, everybody was just standing there unsure of what to do.

Hiro said "You should probably go wipe out the Sand Ninja I missed, yeah?" Kakashi immediately gave the order and all the ninja disappeared.

Hiro made a bunch of shadow clones and turned them invisible, ordering them to go pull the shadows of all the dead people, friend or foe, he didn't care at all. They all disappeared, spreading out in the city, sneaking around and ripping Shadows from all the dead people without a care in the world.

Hiro said "Angel, if you want to go after the kids you can." Zerotwo said "You're not going?" Hiro shook his head and said "Gotta make sure someone dies." She pursed her lips and looked at the wood filled square before saying "Don't make it obvious."

Hiro saluted and disappeared, she smiled and shook her head before disappearing as well.

Hiro appeared above the square and turned invisible before sneaking inside.

He landed on a piece of wood and looked at Sarutobi holding the first and second Hokages and Orochimaru. He looked at the open view and branches blocked off all vision from the outside, isolating the inside of the area from view.

Hiro made sure there was no way anyone could see inside before jumping to a branch behind Orochimaru and revealing himself. Sarutobi and Orochimaru looked up, Sarutobi said "So you were in on it from the beginning."

Hiro smiled and said "I wasn't actually. I didn't come from Land of Wind." he pulled the air and the shadows under the first and second Hokage flew to him before kneeling down on one knee in front of him.

Hiro smiled and added "I'll have to thank you, Orochimaru. You gave me a nice gift. The first, second, and third Hokage's shadows... Very good." he took out the Jutsu scroll and had the First and Second Hokages inserted their Chakra into it, adding all their Jutsus into the scroll.

He sent them back after they were done and slapped Orochimaru with the scroll, adding his as well. Sarutobi coughed up blood and said "Who's side are you on?" Hiro sneered "Not yours, but Konoha's."

Orochimaru frowned and Sarutobi said solemnly "I see..." Hiro shrugged and said "What did you expect? You ruined the village. Minato and Kushina gave their lives for the village, their only requirement was for Naruto to live a happy life. Not only did you do absolutely nothing for him, you blocked off all information about the attack. Nobody knows that the 4th Hokage and his wife saved the village by sealing the Kyuubi in their own son."

He laughed "Naruto is a hero to the village and yet he was living alone, isolated by everyone. He didn't even have enough money to eat proper food and yet he didn't hate anyone. All he wanted were people to recognize him."

Hiro got angry and shouted "Do you realize?! When I brought Naruto into my home, he was malnourished? His entire body was frail and weak! Not only that but your lapdog Danzo still came after him and my own daughter. What a joke. That clown died before he even realized it."

Hiro sneered "The village will return without you. If it were up to me, you would be removed from the Hokage monument. I mean honestly, you almost destroyed the village with your own hands. Letting Danzo do whatever he wanted, interfering with balanced Genin teams for surveillance... Do you know, when I found Sakura, she was about ready to take her own life? Because she was brainwashed with all this 'Will of Fire' nonsense and believed that not becoming a ninja was the end of her life. Sheesh, good thing I saved her or else there would be a dead 12 year old."

He pointed at Orochimaru and said "Your own student is trying to kill you, I mean, how bad can you get? The other one is a perv but he's not bad, forget about the last one, she's a complete idiot. A big chest no brained Medical Ninja that can't stand the sight of blood! HA! What a joke. Even this snake boy agrees with me"

He shook his head and said "You ruined Naruto's life, pay for it with yours." the Reaper behind Sarutobi slashed down and cut the Chakra arms from Orochimaru, disabling his arms for life as Sarutobi fell backwards, dead.

Hiro flashed to Sarutobi's corpse and pulled out his shadow, he looked at Enma and said "Give me the Monkey Summoning Scroll Contract, I will make someone suitable for you. Sarutobi was guilty but his lineage was not. I assume you know Konohamaru?"

Enma nodded and sighed "Is it true?" Hiro said "I wish it weren't. I'm sorry for your loss." Enma just sighed and disappeared, leaving a giant scroll. Hiro picked up the scroll and kept the sword before looking at Orochimaru and saying "What are you waiting for? Christmas?"

Orochimaru said in shock "You're not going to kill me?!" Hiro looked at him strangely and said "Why should I kill you? Did you hurt my family? Sarutobi's dead, your grievances with Konoha are over. If you want Sasuke, I couldn't care less, just don't bother me or my family. I just want to relax, it's everyone else that keeps fucking around and attacking places. Just go do your research alone somewhere, isn't that better? I don't understand why you keep attacking Konoha, just leave it alone and do your own thing?"

Hiro waved and said "You're so smart, why do you act so stupid? Like for no reason? I don't understand. If you research, you're going to get results. You're just delaying your work by attacking and doing nonsensical things. What does destroying Konoha achieve? You want to be immortal, but you're wasting precious time for nothing? How stupid can you possibly be? Jeez! Scram! I'm getting angrier just looking at you!"

He waved and made Sarutobi's shadow insert his chakra into the scroll and print down all his jutsus before sending him into his shadow and putting the Jutsu scroll away. He grumbled angrily and completely disappeared, the last thing Orochimaru heard was "Fucking shemale retard idiot..."

Hiro shuttled around the city looking for something and found it. Minato and Kushina's graves, he pulled a sneaky and reached his hand through the dirt, saying "Sorry." before pulling out a strand of red hair and a strand of yellow hair.

He covered up the graves again and bowed before leaving as he put the hair in the system space and threw the Monkey Scroll along with the Snake sword in there as well. He flashed around the city and collected his Shadow Clones as Orochimaru escaped the village.

He went back to Kakashi and lit a cigarette as Kakashi said "Hokage?" Hiro replied "Dead." Kakashi closed his eyes and said "Orochimaru?" Hiro replied "Escaped." Kakashi sighed and Hiro said "Orochimaru, his 4 goonies, and Kabuto were the only ones to escape. The rest are dead with the exception of Gaara, Temari, and Kankuro."

He closed his eyes and exhaled a mouthful of smoke as he continued "Village damage 43%, Sasuke lost to Gaara, Naruto cleaned up, Isabella knocked out Kankuro, Sakura took down Temari and healed the injured. Jiraya came back, 48% of the Anbu are dead. We can possibly convert Gaara and the other 2 to Konoha Ninjas..."

Kakashi shook his head and Hiro said "In that case they escaped." Kakashi looked up at the sky and sighed, Hiro explained "It's not all bad. The village can be rebuilt, fresh blood can be added to Konoha's core. The old left, the young have to take over. Not only that but we can make Konoha better than before."

Kakashi was silent for a while before looking at Hiro and saying "You'll help?" Hiro rubbed his nose and said "We're friends aren't we?" Kakashi smirked and patted Hiro's shoulder saying "Glad to have you on board, Hiro." before walking away.

Hiro complained "What's with the edgy exit? You're making it seem like it's the end of the chapter!" Kakashi waved over his shoulder saying "It is the end of the chapter!" Hiro was speechless.