Dragon King Festival

Hiro watched the battle unfold before sinking into his shadow and appearing down in the Hell place where the rest were. He watched the group walk away after defeating the Garou Knights. He smiled to himself and did what he usually does.

Clean up.

He killed all 5 of the Garou knights, who's eyes widened at the sight of Hiro beheading them with his axes. Hiro pulled all the shadows where he was and took the scythes from Kama, they were a nice gift for Erza. A magic weapon that nullifies magic would be superb for her.

He left the corpses there and flashed back to the arena, sitting back in the spot he was at. He sent the Scythes to Erza through her shadow and she kept them without a word.

Hiro leaned back and continued watching with a nonchalant smile.

Gajeel fought Rogue after and absorbed the shadows becoming the Iron Shadow Dragon, Erza beat Kaguya from Mermaid Tail and was currently fighting Minerva. who had a new arm and tortured Millianna, one of Erza's friends.

Laxus was fighting the lightning God Slayer from Sabertooth, Gajeel beat Rogue, and finally Gray and Juvia were fighting Lyon and Sherria.

Hiro yawned watching the fights, unable to process what was so entertaining about them.


Laxus, Erza, Gray, Juvia, and Gajeel won their fights and only Sting was left. They all confronted him but Sting surrendered and Fairy Tail won!

Everyone cheered and celebrated, Hiro smiled happily and said "Look at that. You change Guild masters and just like that, the guild is #1 in Fiore." Makarov froze and shook his fist saying "YOU!" while the rest of the guild laughed.

Hiro disappeared and reappeared behind Minerva, he grabbed her by the neck, lifting her up and saying "Now you're in my hands..." he licked his lips and grinned "The pain on Lucy..." he pulled her close and stared into her terrified eyes as he said slowly "I'll give it back to you.... but much, much, more."

He flickered and appeared next to her father before piercing through his chest with his hands and turning his body to ashes. He pulled out the man's shadow and slammed Minerva on the ground as he pulled out pliers saying with an evil smile "Tell me, Minerva..."

He clicked the pliers and chuckled "Can you count?"

Gut retching screams sounded in the town for a while.

Hiro stood up and cleaned the pliers free of blood before kicking Minerva's corpse into nothing and pulling her shadow. He put her in his own shadow and sighed before disappearing again.

He appeared in the castle and flashed in front of Future Lucy, crushing Future Rogue's shadow blade and saving Future Lucy's life. His eyes glowed and he cast a genjutsu, making everyone believe that she died.

He caught Future Lucy and smiled softly saying "My little student from the future... Are you okay?" Future Lucy teared up and started crying, hugging Hiro and wailing "Teacher! Teacher!" Hiro hugged her and sank into his shadow, disappearing.

They reappeared on the roof and Hiro stroked her head saying softly "How is it?" Lucy cried and gripped his shirt tightly saying "So hard... Everyone! They... They!" Hiro shushed her and rubbed her back, calming her down slightly.

He said "What happened to me, Lucy-chan?" Lucy trembled and said "Teacher... You..." her eyes showed clear fear as she said with a trembling voice "You fought them all, every single dragon... But... It was too much. You had to protect the rest of us and... and!"

Hiro was stunned, did he really die?! But holy fuck! Fighting 10,000 Dragons at once! He felt his blood boiling slightly. Lucy continued "You took half of them down but..." she cried again saying "It was too much!"

Suddenly, everything started rumbling and Lucy held her head saying fearfully "They're coming!" Hiro carried her on his back and flashed to the sky, ran on the air towards the rest of the guild.

He landed in front of them and put Future Lucy down as he said "Miss me?" Makarov said "Where did you go? 10,000 dragons are coming!" Hiro shrugged and said "10,000 big deal! All we need to do is kill 'em, right?"

He looked up at the sky and said "Plus... There's only 7 that came out of the gate." as 7 dragons took to the skies and flew around. Hiro said "You guys can handle this one, yeah?" The guild said "EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH?!" Hiro said "Lucy, Wendy, Isabella, and Mirajane are at the other dragon."

Makarov said "Go! We'll take care of this one." Hiro nodded and said "Angel." Zerotwo nodded and smiled, he let out a breath and said "Don't die." he looked at Future Lucy and patted her head saying "Stay here, okay?" Lucy nodded and Hiro smiled before jumping off towards the Eclipse Gate.

He streaked through the sky and spun Sun into the twin axes before slamming them down at a giant green dragon.

Isabella shouted "Dad!"

The green dragon jumped out on the way and Hiro landed on the down, holding both axes as he said "Zirconis... I wonder if I can get both shadows..." he looked behind him and gushed out blood from his nose as he said "L-L-L-L-L-L-LUCY!"

Lucy covered herself up and Hiro turned back saying "Fuck! Zerotwo's gonna kill me!" Isabella covered her eyes and said "So embarrassing...."

Hiro took his short off and threw it behind him as he gripped the axes and flexed saying "You're going to die, Zirconis. Hehehehehe~" Zirconis said "Just you?! Take this!"

Hiro's clothes disappeared, leaving only the Zerotwo hair tie in his messy bun. He kept his head up and said "I don't need clothes to kill you!" the girls covered their eyes with their hands and, with the exception of Isabella and Wendy, opened their fingers to peek.

Zirconis said "Impossible! How can you fight!?" Hiro shouted "Clothes shackle your true self!" as he slashed down with Leviathan, Zirconis backed off and Hiro threw Stormbreaker at him, it flew through the air and stabbed itself right in Zirconis' head.

Hiro grinned and pulled Stormbreaker back before slamming the two axes together and merging them into a giant battle axe. He roared and jumped into the air, covering the axe in black shadows as he swung down on Zirconis' neck.


The battle axe, cut right through the dragon's neck and lopped it's head right off. Zirconis' head fell to the ground and Hiro landed on top of it, getting drenched by the blood spurting from Zirconis' neck.

He rested the axe on his shoulder and grinned.

Lucy shouted "PUT SOME FUCKING CLOTHES ON!" Hiro choked, all his awesome vibes shattering from a single sentence. He put on shorts quickly before pulling Zirconis' shadow, the giant dragon bowed it's head to Hiro, who grinned and merged him with the other Zirconis Shadow before sending him into his own shadow.

Someone was going to get a massive surprise, hehe~

Hiro took the entire dragon corpse and stuffed it into the system space before checking on the rest and sending Wendy and Isabella to go help the others with the 6 other dragons. He picked up Lucy, Mirajane, and Yukino before jumping to the guild.

The cats followed along with their owners.

Hiro arrived on scene and looked at Laxus fighting the fire dragon while everyone else was fighting the little baby dragons from Motherglare. Hiro put the girls down and shook his body, throwing off the blood.

Makarov said "And?" Hiro said "1 dead, 6 left." everybody was startled and Hiro said "Continue! This is no time to be stunned!" they got serious and continued, Lucy said "Future me!?" Future Lucy waved and talked with Lucy about how Hiro saved her.

Hiro grabbed Romeo and slapped his head, transferring Fire God Slayer Magic before slapping a 20 yr experience token on his head and unlocking his potentials. Romeo roared and exploded with black flames before charging at the little dragons and blowing them away with the Fire God Slayer Magic.

Hiro smirked to himself and chuckled "Making little monsters is my favorite pastime." Zerotwo slapped his head saying "What are you standing around for!? Also, this is the second girl who's wearing your shirt!" Hiro started to sweat as he said "Angel! Listen! The dragon I killed, his magic was removing clothes! I swear!"

Zerotwo narrowed her eyes at him with her hands on her hips, Hiro said "Lucy! Help me out here!" Lucy said "Uh.. That's what the dragon did." Zerotwo hummed in Hiro's face and he backed off saying "Dragons! Fighting dragons!" before running away to kill the little dragons.

Zerotwo burst out laughing and Lucy said "Eh? You were playing around?" Zerotwo giggled and said "Obviously, he would never cheat on me." she looked quite proud as she said that, making Lucy's mouth twitch.

Future Lucy sighed "They're the same as before." Lucy nodded next to her.

Hiro released his shadow army and clones saying "Kill all the little dragons! Clones go and pull their shadows! Spread across the city!" he looked up at the Fire Dragon charging at Motherglare and added "Hurry!" the shadow soldiers moved out and started killing everything.

Everybody was confused and Zerotwo looked at Hiro with a frown, why was he hurrying up? She asked him telepathically "Darling?" Hiro replied "Natsu's going to break the Gate and everything is going to go back to it's own time! I can only get their shadows and magic before then!"

Zerotwo slapped her forehead and muttered "Honestly, what did I expect from this greedy guy..." Hiro flashed around, slapping each Dragon with the Grimoire and then Future Rogue too. He recorded all their magic as he ran around killing little dragons with the Blades of Chaos, pulling their shadows as he went.

He continued running until he saw a giant fireball heading for the Eclipse Gate. Hiro recalled all his shadows and took them all back into his own before blending into the ground and speeding towards the Eclipse Gate.

He emerged out of the shadow and said "Natsu!" Natsu turned around and Hiro pointed at Atlas while running over as he said "I think I can keep him if you want!" Natsu was stunned and Atlas said "Hey! I want to go back, okay?!" Hiro said "Who cares what you want!?"

Atlas was stunned and Natsu said "You can?!" Hiro nodded but Natsu shook his head and laughed saying "Let him go. See you, Uncle!" as he waved to Atlas, who glowed and clicked his tongue, disappearing into yellow particles.

Hiro paused and his eyes widened as he turned around and flew off quickly.

He landed in front of Future Lucy, who was also glowing. She hugged him and said "Goodbye, Teacher." Hiro said "You can stay..." Future Lucy shook her head saying "I have to go back... They're waiting for me."

Hiro nibbled on his lips and pulled out a disc, jamming it on her right arm stump as he said "Even if we're not there in the future. Stay strong, Lucy." he smiled and patted her head saying "I'm proud of you." Lucy teared up and disappeared into particles saying "Thank you... Teacher..."

Hiro looked at the empty space silently. He saved her because he didn't want his student to die, but going back to nothing...

He clenched his fists, wasn't that worse than death?

He looked at the spot Future Lucy disappeared from and clenched his teeth together, tearing up and doubting his decision to save her. Mavis appeared next to him and looked at the spot silently, Hiro said "Am I wrong?" Mavis replied "You saved her life."

Hiro retorted "Now she has to life without everyone in her own time. Isn't this worse than death? I-" Mavis cut him off saying "Sometimes making a difficult decision is what it means to be a Guild Master. The past, present, or future. A member of Fairy Tail is a member no matter when they're from, caring for the Guild is the responsibility of the Master."

Hiro didn't say anything and Mavis patted his shoulder with a smile as she said "Even if only one of us is alive, we will live on through the mark. She might be the only one, but the rest is watching over her, she'll never be alone."

Hiro wiped his eyes and looked up at the sky, smiling "Is that so..." Mavis smiled and nodded, Hiro closed his eyes and said "I like that..."