Oni Coffee

2 months came and went

Isabella brought Izuku over to play occasionally during this time. Izuku always felt nervous because Hiro and Zerotwo watched him like hawks every second he was there. He felt like he was being watched by monsters.

Hiro finished his new shop and put up a sign 'Oni Coffee' before patting his hands and smiling. The shop had two floors, the first was the coffee shop and the second was the house area. He made an ultimate Coffee machine but it was still manual use only.

He looked at the machine fondly, his dad owned a cafe before he died. He wondered how he was doing. It had been so long... He wiped his eyes and brought in the Ultimate Coffee beans, Super Coffee beans, and normal coffee beans.

He made a signboard that displayed the different types of coffee along with sizes and beans. There were 3 different beans with varying prices. Though in the end they were extremely cheap for the effects. He decorated the inside and hung up the signboard before deciding that he would also make pastries like Croissants, Chocolatines, Muffins, etc.

He smiled happily and a screen popped up in front of him.

[Oni Coffee added to Memory World!]

[Quests Updated!]

[Main Quest: Kill All For One- Reward: ???]


[Get Trigger! Reward: Quirk Enhancer Power]

[Heal All Might! Reward: Ultimate Mystery Chest]

[Teach at U.A! Reward: Potential Unlocker Upgrade]

[Get the Quirk Destroying Drug! Reward: Quirk Enhancer Power Upgrade]

Hiro figured out that the Quests would only appear when the Cannon started as today was the day Izuku meets All Might.

Isabella was now a massive All Might fan, just like Izuku. They were really good friends and Izuku had more confidence in himself because of her. Hiro watched as Isabella scrapped Izuku's awful Hiro costume and draw him a new one that didn't look like a rabbit.

Izuku was crushed and Isabella said "What if you meet All Might one day and he sees your costume? He might run away in fear!" Izuku didn't have anything to retort and Isabella suddenly laughed "Izuku Midoriya! The only one to make All Might scared!"

As she got up and pretended to be menacing. Izuku chuckled and Isabella giggled. They were too close for Hiro's liking. He didn't say anything, but he wanted to. Zerotwo stopped him saying "Let her do what she wants. Or else, she'll run away!" Hiro was depressed and Zerotwo kissed him before pulling him into the bedroom with her medium sized bump, giving him a wink.

It was early in the morning and Isabella was already gone to school, Hiro got excited and went into the bedroom, closing the door behind him.

A while later

Hiro opened his Coffee shop and sat behind the counter, looking at the Mt. Lady headlines and chuckling to himself. She always stole the fame, it was kind of funny. She was, what Hiro would call, a 'Fan Service Hero'. She wore tight clothes and stuck her big ass out for pictures.

He didn't say anything about it, but he wondered how she wasn't embarrassed having the world basically see her ass like that. He was pretty sure she was wearing a thong underneath too! It was black and barely visible under her white suit.

He sighed and shook his head, kids nowadays.

Then he paused, kids? Nowadays?

He was 33! Damn it! He still looked 20! He was calling himself old!

Hiro didn't get any customers today and went to the school and picked up Isabella early saying "Family Emergency." Isabella was confused and worried, but Hiro grinned "Nothing happened. I simply wanted to spend time with you."

Isabella pouted "You could have said I had a doctor's appointment!" Hiro put her on his shoulders and said "Where's the fun in that?" he walked through the streets and Isabella asked "Where's Mama?" Hiro said "She's resting at home."

Isabella said softly "Is she okay..." Hiro smiled and said "Yep!" Isabella stayed quiet, she didn't look okay. Hiro didn't explain, he looked into it and through his own analysis, the baby was growing in her just fine, but it was 'eating' more than normal.

The strain on Zerotwo wasn't excessive, but it did make her tired most of the time. Hiro was worried at the beginning but he found out that the baby was just feeding, he relaxed and fed Zerotwo more and more nourishing foods from his Inner Farm.

She had a feast everyday, Hiro made sure that she ate because it was the only way for her to keep her strength. It was working as she felt less tired as the days passed, Hiro was happy and snuggled with her every night, pampering her to the extreme.

Hiro and Isabella were walking on the street with Mittens in her backpack. They watched as a slime looking guy ran away with a bunch of money. Isabella said "We should stop him!" Hiro pursed his lips and said "We're not going to do anything."

Isabella said "Eh?" Hiro pointed and said "He is." Isabella looked over and shouted "ALL MIGHT!" All Might grinned "Have no fear! For I am here!" Isabella cheered on Hiro's shoulders and Hiro smiled, holding her legs.

This damn girl was growing fast. She was heavy too! Her chest and behind were big, if Hiro was a normal person, he would be crushed. Though, despite that, her body was toned and perfect. He was proud that his kid was so pretty, he would be devastated if she was ugly.

Hiro smiled "Wanna follow them? You might see something crazy." Isabella looked at Hiro and said "Baba, do you know something I don't?" Hiro pursed his lips and said "What gives you that idea, baby?" as he turned invisible with Isabella.

Isabella said "You know everything!" Hiro laughed and replied "Of course, Baba is omnipotent. Don't you know?" Isabella pouted "You just dance around the questions..." Hiro chuckled and jumped into the sky, landing on a rooftop before jumping to more of them as he followed the sludge guy.

He said "So this Izuku boy..." Isabella looked at her father, knowing what he was about to say. Sure enough, Hiro continued "He's like your boyfriend or something?" Isabella, despite anticipating his words, was still angry and beat on his head saying "It's not like that! We're just friends!"

Hiro nodded saying "Let's keep it that way, yeah?" Isabella pouted and Hiro added "No boyfriends for my princess!" she crossed her arms and grumbled as Hiro flew across the sky invisible, watching the sludge guy do his thing.

They watched as the Sludge guy attacked Izuku before All Might showed up and blasted the sludge guy away, bottling him up as Izuku was passed out on the ground. Hiro perched on a telephone pole as he and Isabella watched.

Isabella wanted to go see, but Hiro shushed her and told her to watch. She pouted and watched as Izuku and All Might interacted before Izuku grabbed All Might's leg and All Might blasted into the sky.

Hiro laughed and Isabella was stunned. They followed them and watched as All Might told Izuku that he couldn't be a hero without a Quirk as it was too dangerous. Heroes put their lives on the line everyday and without a Quirk it was too dangerous for Izuku too do, he would only die.

Isabella was stunned and looked at the sad Izuku, a bit angry. Hiro sighed and said to her "He's right. Izuku doesn't have a quirk, he has the will and determination to become a hero but he hasn't trained at all. If he ran out against someone who could breathe fire, he would turn to ashes before he even knew it."

Isabella said "But... You don't have a quirk. You're super strong." Hiro sighed again and said "Baby, Daddy is different. You realize that we go to different worlds right? Every world is different. Nobody here has Chakra, nobody has Mana, their bodies are evolved but not limitless. Where Grandpa Roger was, the human body is much stronger than here. They can get strong to the point of All Might or close by just training."

Hiro looked at the explosion far away and flew towards it as he explained "Izuku CAN become a Hero. There's no doubt he can, if I do some research into the bodies of people here, maybe I can figure out something about the limits of the Human body. But for him to become a Hero like All Might..."

He sighed and continued "It's not possible unless a miracle happens. You've been here for 2 months, you always reassure Izuku that he can be a hero but you know that it would be extremely hard for him, no?" Isabella was silent and cried "Why... Why is it so unfair?"

Hiro smiled and said "That's how life is. Life itself is unfair, just because you want something really, really, bad, doesn't mean that it will magically happen. You have to work for what you want. Everything you have is because Daddy worked hard to get it for you. You have goals and dreams but you have to work to achieve them. Nothing comes for free, everything has a price. Just because you don't see the price being paid doesn't mean that it's free."

He paused at his own words, if he knew this before getting killed he probably would've had a better life. Isabella was silent and Hiro sighed before smiling "You want Izuku to be a hero, you can help him. Whatever you want to do, I will support you. I already said this before, even if you want to be the World's greatest Villain, Daddy will help you."

Hiro smiled softly and said "I love you, Isabella. You're my little girl, no matter what happens to you, I will always love you. Even if you kill millions of innocent people, even if you destroy an entire planet of innocents, even if you wipe out an entire universe of people I will still support you. The love I have for you can't be described in words, you're my baby, my first daughter, my treasure, the most important thing in my life."

Isabella gawked at Hiro's words and he added "The world is a terrible place, full of deceit, evil, sin, and a bunch of other things that are ugly and disgusting... But there's also the beauty in life, the light of the sun in the morning, love from another, love for family, friendship, etc. I want you to only see the world with light, but there's a dark side to everything."

He looked down at the sludge guy trying to take over Katsuki's body as he continued "Just because sometimes the dark and light aren't clear doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Remember this, Isabella. Not everything is as it seems on the surface. You can shine as bright as the sun, but you will ALWAYS leave a shadow behind you. The brightest of places can also have the darkest corners."

He smiled and continued "Though, sometimes a little light can brighten up the dark. Look." Isabella looked down and saw Izuku running out to save Katsuki from the sludge guy and gasped. Hiro smiled "Just because I said he can't be a hero, doesn't mean I'm right. Fireworks shine bright but don't shine for long. For Izuku, whether he can become a hero is all he cares about, not whether he'll be a hero forever or not."

He crouched and added "Even if he burns brightly, even for a moment, he will be happy. That's what a Hero really is. Someone who will give up even their lives to save just one more person. Do you understand?" Isabella nodded in a daze.

Hiro smiled and stopped speaking as All Might showed up and handled the situation. Hiro stood up and said "Let's go home, Izzy." she nodded and Hiro flashed into the sky before shooting away and disappearing.