Heroes vs. Villains

Hiro woke up and went downstairs to make a coffee, it was the next day. He looked at his mystery chests, he had 4 Mystical Mystery Chests, 15 Ultras, and 6 Ultimates. He yawned and changed 10 Ultras to one Mystical before opening the other 5.

[Congratulations! You've received Flight!]

[Congratulations! You've received Quirk Converter!]

[Congratulations! You've received Heat Vision!]

[Congratulations! You've received Ultimate Wheat seeds!]

[Congratulations! You've received Pansage Shadow!]

[Flight and Heat Vision added to All For One!]

Hiro yawned and patted Pansage's head, feeding 100 shadows into him before sending him to the Inner Farm as he made happy sounds. He yawned again and looked at the Quirk Converter.

[Quirk Converter: Turn Powers into Quirks and vise versa.]

Hiro nodded to himself and walked back up the stairs, his tail left a coffee on the table next to his bed for Zerotwo as he knocked on Isabella's door and walked inside.

She was sleeping, with the sheet on the floor and her limbs sprawled out everywhere. She had a spaghetti strapped tank top with short shorts on and she was drooling with her hair all over the place.

Hiro looked at her and touched her head, he directly gave her Flight before picking her up by her ankle. Her shirt slid down and Hiro snorted, she doesn't wear a bra when she sleeps? He didn't know about women sleeping habits but he assumed it was more comfortable?

He turned around and dragged her to the bathroom, before throwing her into the tub. He didn't really care about her sleeping habits either. He went into the basement and pulled out a costume he made before stuffing it into a suitcase and leaving it on the table along with a thermos.

Hiro turned on the TV and drank his coffee, Isabella came down with her uniform on. Hiro's eyes were half open and he grunted. Isabella looked over and Hiro's tail pointed at the suitcase and coffee as he grunted again.

She smiled and kissed his cheek before grabbing the suitcase and coffee and walking out the door. Hiro went to take a shower, cleaned himself up, then opened the shop before doing what he does everyday.

Isabella went to school and opened the suitcase to see a brand new Super Hero costume! She was stunned and there was a letter inside saying 'You can fly now. -Daddy' Isabella hugged the suitcase and teared up, Hiro told her that the Super Hero suit from the school or government or whatever was trash.

He promised he would make her one himself.

Of course, it had to be the best! He took all her measurements, which was awkward for her because he was her dad, but he did it nonetheless. Actually, he found out that he could just look at her and figure everything out if he used his True Fire Eyes.


She had her costume now! She loved it too! The rest of the class came in and they all started talking. Isabella pulled Izuku over and showed him the costume Hiro made, he was stunned and she gave him a smug look.

She dug through the suit case and pulled out a bag labeled 'Little Midoriya' Izuku was stunned and held the bag saying "Your dad made this for me?" Isabella smiled and nodded saying "He's the best!" Izuku opened the bag and there was a costume inside with a letter.

Izuku opened the letter and started sweating profusely, Isabella was confused and looked at the letter. 'If you make my daughter cry, I'll kill you. -Mr. Eien' Isabella rubbed her forehead and said "What a guy..." Izuku trembled and said "S-Scary..." Isabella giggled and said "He's not so bad! I was just a bit upset yesterday..."

Izuku blinked and said "Huh? Why?" Isabella looked around and whispered "Well, I don't really know anybody else here..." she pulled his sleeve tightly and added "You're my only friend and you were with other people yesterday..." Izuku held her shoulders and said "Why didn't you say anything!? I'm sorry!"

Isabella blinked and smiled "I didn't want to be annoying." Izuku sighed and said "You're my best friend, you're not annoying me." Isabella smiled softly and Aizawa walked in saying "Shut up and sit down. Not flirting in my classroom."

Everybody sat down and Aizawa continued "Today, we're go-" All Might smashed through the wall saying "I AM HERE!" Aizawa sighed and leaned back saying "Whatever..." All Might laughed and said "I'll be your teacher today! Everyone get into your costumes and follow me!"

The class left the room and Isabella said "He didn't use the door!" Aizawa rubbed his eyes and said "He never does..." Isabella giggled and said "Don't worry, Teacher! I'm sure they won't take it out of your pay!" Aizawa grunted and said "Beat it." Isabella chuckled and ran out of the room as Aizawa was glaring at her.

A while later

Isabella walked out of the changing room with her new suit on.

(Image Here. Except the logo on the chest is a half-blue, half-red 'Oni' insignia outlined in gold.]

Izuku came out too and swung his arms around, mumbling "Perfect, though a bit tight for my taste..."

(Image Here, without the batons)

Isabella gave him a thumbs up and said "You look great!" Izuku smiled "You too!" Isabella giggled and flicked her hair saying "I always do~" Izuku chuckled and they joined the group, All Might was impressed with Izuku's costume. Very Cool!

All Might explained the exercise they were going to do, 2 teams of 2 against each other, One of the teams are villains and protecting a 'Bomb' while the others are heroes and trying to either get the bomb or beat the villains.

The teams were picked randomly and Isabella ended up with Toru. The lots were also random and Isabella and Toru were villains against Shoto and Mezo. Isabella and Toru high fived and giggled, though they were up against Ice boy and the guy with wing-like arms.

Izuku and Ochako went first against Katsuki and Tenya.

Isabella watched with the group as Katsuki went after Izuku right away. Ochako ran away to the bomb while Izuku and Katsuki fought, Izuku ended up punching up and blasting a hole through the entire building as Ochako floated to the bomb and hugged it, securing the victory.

They came back and went over the fight as Katsuki looked lost on a bench by himself. Isabella walked up to him and said "You're really stupid." Katsuki growled and Isabella said "you could've attacked Ochako first and took care of her and then fought Izuku, he can't use his quirk without hurting himself, so even if you lost he wouldn't be able to move anymore and your team would've won."

Katsuki was stunned, as were the rest. All Might gave her a thumbs up saying "Excellent strategy, young Eien!" Isabella spat out her tongue and made two peace signs. All Might chuckled and said "Team Eien and Hagakure vs Team Todoroki and Shoji! Eien and Hagakure are the Villains!"

Isabella and Toru skipped to the battle site and went into the building.

Toru said "What's the plan, Izzy?" Isabella touched the bomb and shrunk it down to a small little bomb as she said "Hide this..." she paused and wrapped the bomb in a little tube saying "Put this in your mouth." Toru was stunned and said "Uhhhh..." Isabella explained "You can't make your clothes invisible but when you eat the food disappears, so what ever is in your mouth becomes invisible too!"

She poked Toru's boob and said "Just get completely naked and hide somewhere." Toru covered her chest and said "Ah! Meanie!" Isabella giggled and make the tube smaller saying "Just don't swallow." Toru put it in her mouth and took off her gloves and boots before hiding somewhere.

Isabella stood in the room alone as the entire building started freezing. Isabella started pumping out sand and fight against the freezing with overwhelming amounts of sand. She looked at the sand that started freezing and hovered off the ground, avoiding the freezing ground as Shoto walked into the room.

He said in surprise "You can fly too?!" Isabella's lower body turned into a sandstorm and said "Yeah." Shoto clicked his tongue and said "Surrender." Isabella shook her head and waved her arm, shooting a sand blade at Shoto saying "Nope~"

Shoto froze the sand blade and a sandstorm appeared in the room, blocking his vision. Isabella appeared behind him and grabbed his shoulder, whispering in his ear "Sand can also dehydrate, Shoto-kun."

Shoto started withering and he exploded into ice, Isabella scattered around the ice and touched his face saying "Just give up. You can't beat me." as she dehydrated Shoto, making him skinny. All Might shouted "Enough!"

Shoto grinded his teeth and exploded into flames, Isabella flew back and looked at him warily. This guy has Ice and Fire. Shit. She narrowed her eyes and the pillars in the room turned into black sand fists, firing at Shoto as the sand from the ground creeped up his leg, coiling around them. Shoto was angry, he hated using his flames.

Isabella didn't know and didn't really care, she was a villain at the moment. She made the sand particles smaller and finer as the sandstorm kicked up and started spinning faster, shredding the building. The particles alone were deadly, Isabella flew in the air and reached out before clenching her fist.

All the sand came together and made a cocoon around Shoto. She landed on the ground and looked at the cocoon that was freezing on one side and turning to glass on the other. Isabella clenched her fist and the cocoon exploded, she shot forward and punched at Shoto, who was not at all ready.

Isabella punched right next to his head and destroyed the wall behind him. Shoto was stunned completely and Isabella was right in front of his face. She blinked and stepped back before tying him up and blushing.

That was a bit too close.

All Might announced "Time Limit over! Villains win!" Toru popped out of nowhere and spat out the tube, cheering. Isabella and Toru hugged each other and jumped up and down. They did it! More like Isabella did it!


They went back to the group and All Might said "Excellent work! That was a Plus Ultra effort! The strategy of hiding the bomb in Ms, Hagakure's mouth, making it invisible was very good! Also! You won with the odds against you because of a natural counter to your quirk!" He gave them a big thumbs up and Isabella and Toru made the same pose.

The class ended and Isabella went to go change before going through the rest of the school day. Shoto seemed to be in a daze the whole time, unable to comprehend how he lost.