A year passed

Naruto gave Sasuke the disc and put it on him, showing him what it can do and telling him what Hiro said. Sasuke was stunned and played around with it, Naruto dragged him along saying "Dad, wanted me to take you somewhere." Sasuke was confused and said "Why?" Naruto shrugged and said "I don't know."

Sasuke followed him and they came to the Uchiha area, Sasuke frowned and said "Why did he tell you to bring me here?" Naruto scratched his head and said "I don't know..." Itachi and the rest walked out with masks on, they all looked at Sasuke and Naruto said "Who are you?"

Itachi took off his mask and revealed his face for the first time since Hiro saved his life. Sasuke was stunned and said "Itachi!?" Itachi smiled and said "Not just me..." Mikoto and Fugaku took off their masks and Sasuke's mind trembled, staring at them in a daze and the other 5 took off their masks as well.

Naruto looked awkward and pushed Sasuke forward before leaving as Sasuke fell to his knees with tears streaming down his face. Mikoto cried and ran forward hugging him.

Naruto left and bumped into Hinata, she opened her mouth but no words came out. Naruto blanked before saying "Um... You want to uh... meet my parents?" Hinata blushed and nodded softly. Naruto scratched his head and blushed as he held her hand and they walked away.

Sakura appeared where Naruto was after he left and walked over to Sasuke, watching from the distance and holding her hands over her heart. She didn't know what to do and she was suddenly shoved forward by Isabella, who stomped on the ground and made ice under Sakura's feet.

She slipped and fell right in front of Sasuke.

The ice disappeared and Isabella laughed before running away with Mittens.

Hiro returned home and slept with Zerotwo.

The next day

Hiro grabbed Sasuke, Sakura, Naruto, Hinata, Kakashi, Jiraya, Itachi, Guy, and Minato before bringing them into the time room and starting to train them intensely. He told them they weren't going to leave until they were all stronger than Madara was.

That means, everyone was unlocking their final eyes and becoming literally walking monsters. He gave a chakra fruit to those who didn't have one yet before starting training.

It was intense and grueling, not stopping the entire time until they were all monsters!

They continued for 2 weeks outside!

Sakura awakened her final eye. (Image Here)

Hinata awakened her Tenseigan.

Sasuke, Itachi, and Kakashi got the Rinnesharingan in both eyes.

Jiraya perfected Sage mode.

Naruto just got a massive power boost.

Everyone else just got much, much, stronger. Hiro trained himself as well and prestiged again. He looked at the group and nodded in satisfaction as they were definitely stronger than Madara, by leagues.

They left and Hiro made the announcement that Kakashi was the Hokage now. Hiro went to relax after pardoning Sasuke for his war efforts and retiring the position of Hokage to Kakashi, who was so thrilled, he almost tried to escape the village.

Naturally, he didn't make it far.

Jiraya released a new book.

He'll never leave.

Hiro went back to his salted fish lifestyle, sitting outside his weapons shop. Speaking of that, Hiro packed up the buildings and left duplicates in their place. The duplicates were the same, but the house was just a normal house. There's no lab, time room, etc.

Hiro built a gym in the village with high tech machines for the villagers along with gravity rooms for intense training. He called it 'Hokage's Playground', it had so much more inside. It was truly a haven for training.

Hopefully it never gets destroyed.

Currently, he was sleeping outside the Weapons shop.

A 2 year old Yami was sitting on Hiro's lap and sleeping as well with Samehada sleeping at his ankles.

It had been a year since Hiro retired. He got Tenten to take over the weapons shop. Funnily enough, she and Lee were a couple. Couples popped up everywhere in the village. Jiraya and Tsunade, Naruto and Hinata, Sakura and Sasuke, Shikamaru and Temari, etc.

The one that really surprised Hiro was Ino and Choji.

Another massive surprise was Kakashi and Mei from the mist. Literally blind sided Hiro, out of nowhere. She even retired from the Mist and came to live in Konoha.

Hiro gave Guy the chakra coils he stole from Kisame and then out of nowhere, Shizune was pregnant. Apparently, the story was she was healing his injuries from training and then it just happened. Hiro didn't even know what to say.

Minato and Kushina had another kid, Asuma and Kurenai had their daughter Mirai and everything was going smoothly without any fluctuations.

Zerotwo became friends with Mikoto and Kushina, the villagers were initially stunned to see the dead people come back to life but Kakashi said it was Hiro and they all said "Ohhhh..." and accepted it.

Hiro honestly couldn't believe it, apparently he was god around here. Though, they weren't very far from the truth.

Days passed and Kakashi retired, passing his position to Naruto.

Naruto became the 8th Hokage and the day later, got married.

Hiro and the rest attended the wedding and celebrated, but then the day after that Sasuke and Sakura got married. So they went to another wedding. Sasuke gave Naruto a sneer when he announced it too, as if to spite him.

Naruto was incensed and they fought about it, until Sakura and Hinata beat them both up and dragged them away.

Hiro was happy to say that, Hinata and Sakura kept their long hair and didn't go foir the 'I gave up on life' cut. The same with Naruto, who grew out his hair like Minato, and Sasuke, who kept it like it was when he was a kid. Hiro was thankful, he didn't stay emo.

Fuck that pissed him off.


All the ninja gear was replaced with Hiro's clothes, the awful clothes were replaced with protective yet fashionable ones. The sandals were banned permanently and replaced with various shoes that provided better support than plastic sandals.

There was also a fancy line for special occasions, dresses and suits with high heels and suit shoes. They were unsuitable for combat and only for special occasions. Hiro literally collected all the sandals and burned them and then removed the knowledge of how to make them from everyone's mind.

He was not having the sandals, he just wasn't. If he saw another one, he would go crazy.

Needless to say, he really hated the ninja sandals.

Is it that hard to want to look good while killing fools?



Hiro celebrated the 4's wedding and gave them some gifts, it wasn't too much. Just Chakra fruits for their future kids, devil fruits for a rainy day, and literally divine weapons he made himself. Along with 10% shares for both couples from both his businesses.

Really nothing special.

He would give more, but Tenten would scream his ear off as the weapons shop technically belonged to her now.

So, instead, he gave them each 20 million Ryo.

Some rich boy came to Konoha a while ago and bought all the best swords, 20 million each was pretty much nothing to Hiro.

Anyway, everything progressed smoothly.

Hiro left a shadow clone in the house along with Zerotwo and Isabella, before he bid farewell to everyone saying that he will still 'be here' but he won't 'BE HERE' as he could see through his Shadow Clones.

He told them he wouldn't miss anything before pulling Hinata aside and telling her that if Naruto works late as the Hokage, she has to put her foot down and threaten him with sleeping on the couch. That always worked for him.

He also advised Naruto to leave Shadow clones to do all the Hokage work as he had enough Chakra to keep them going almost indefinitely. He told Sasuke that if he doesn't come back enough in between his missions, he would come back and beat him silly. Then he told Sakura that she was going to be a great mother and kissed her forehead, promising to come back.

He whispered the same thing to Hinata and gave her a token he got from the system. It was a recall token, he explained that if she crushed it, his real self would appear in front of her. He smiled and told her if Sasuke was acting up, crush it and then added that even if she missed him, she should crush it and he would come back.

She cried and hugged him tightly. Hiro smiled and rubbed her back, he kissed her head and said "I'm proud of you, Sakura. Don't ever forget that." She cried "I won't!" He smiled and stroked her head saying "I know you'll be great, baby. Just be yourself." Sakura cried and gripped him tightly, refusing to let go.

Hiro teared up and said "Sweetheart, I have to go." Sakura cried "Please stay! I... I'll miss you, daddy!" Hiro sniffed and said "I can't, baby. I have to go. You have a husband, soon you're going to have a family of your own. I'll always be here, even if it's not really me."

He held her cheeks and looked at her puffy red eyes full of heart breaking sadness. He felt terrible and wiped her tears with his thumb as he said gently "Just use the token when you miss me, baby. I will be here before you can even blink." Sakura sniffled and Hiro tapped his forehead on hers, whispering "I love you."

She cried "I love you too, daddy..." Hiro hugged her and chopped her neck, saying "Remember this, Sakura. I'm always with you, whether I'm here or not. You're my daughter and you always will be." Sakura's pupils dilated and she slowly passed out.

Hiro handed her to Sasuke, who held her and said awkwardly "Thank you... For everything." Hiro smiled and hugged him saying "Just take care of her. Don't disappoint me, Sasuke. I did all that for you." before letting him go and smiling as he patted his shoulder and left.

Sasuke watched him go, before shedding a few tears of his own and bringing Sakura to their house mumbling "I will protect her with my life, father."

Hiro joined Zerotwo, Isabella, Yami, Eri, Mittens, and Samehada as he said "Ready to go?" Zerotwo nodded gently, holding Yami, who was holding Samehada. Isabella looked at Hiro and said "Where we going this time, Daddy?" Eri asked softly "Is there going to be scary monsters?"

Hiro smiled and patted Eri's head as he crushed the Next World Token saying "Who knows? That's the fun of the adventure!" while they all disappeared in a bright light, leaving 3 shadow clones behind.