The Talk

Hiro bagged up a bag of sour keys and said "That'll be 500 yen." Kisuke looked at Hiro and jumped, Hiro was wearing his hat again! Kisuke took his hat back and said "Here's your money, ya damn oni..." before paying him, taking the candy and grumpily walking out of the shop.

Hiro chuckled and waved "Come again!" Kisuke looked back and touched his head, shouting "MY HAT!" they were interrupted by a boom and looked out the door.

Hiro walked over and sighed "Jesus..." Kisuke looked outside and said "There's a lot of them today." Hiro rolled his eyes and said "Really? Didn't notice." Kisuke chuckled and said "They're just shrimps, no need to worry." as he took a sour key and ate it, his face tightened up "SOUR!"

Hiro walked outside and looked at the sky saying "Huh." a girl with black hair ran over and said "Where's Urahara?" Hiro looked at her and said "Who?" he still had Kisuke's hat on, the girl pointed at Hiro's hat and said "The lazy guy with a hat just like that! Do you know where he is? This is an emergency!"

Hiro pointed his thumb behind him and looked at the Hollows in the sky, thinking to himself. His Zanpakuto should be much stronger now, right? Since he has Reiryoku and all, he wasn't sure how that correlated though. Does the amount of Reiryoku make a difference, or does the quality.

Basically, his Reiryoku is infinite but it's not very strong in purity and thickness. It's like black water instead of clear jelly. That's the best way he could explain it, the clear jelly is 10000000000x stronger than the black water.

But in the end it's energy, so it has to be dense. The color doesn't really matter but the purity has to be there. He frowned to himself, how do you train Reiryoku? He just pointed to the sky and let his Reiryoku out, a black beam shot out of his finger and streaked across the sky.

Hiro let everything out at once. The beam was the size of a football field in diameter and just stretched on infinitely.

Hiro blinked and took it back, he felt his Reiryoku was slightly stronger than before! He smiled to himself and Kisuke hit him in the back of the head, shouting "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Hiro replied "Trying something." Kisuke said "Trying something... Trying something my ass! All the Hollows are going to come this way!"

Hiro shrugged "So? They're just tiny ones anyway." Kisuke sighed and said "That's not th- MY HAT!" before taking his hat back, revealing that Hiro was actually wearing 2 hats!

The girl was stunned and said "Urahara, who is this guy?" as she ate the sour candies, Kisume looked over and said "I don't kn- MY CANDIES!" before taking his candies back, revealing that she had eaten half the bag already.

Hiro suddenly said "Don't you have stuff to do?" Kisuke snapped his fingers and ran off, the girl looked at Hiro and said "Do you have anymore of those?" Hiro looked at her before walking inside the shop saying "500 yen." the girl skipped after him.

A while later

Hiro watched the giant Gillian class Menos appear, he went back inside and locked the Reiryoku for his family, unlocking everything for all of them. He looked at them and mumbled to himself before 'pulling on their souls' and taking a small piece.

He went downstairs as they all felt weak, and started working on their Zanpakutos. Basically what he was doing was creating a blank that would change when he adds their soul pieces inside. Hiro looked at the forging method and decided to modify it a bit according to his own experiences.

He forged the Katana before injecting the soul pieces inside a different one each. After he injected the soul pieces, he hammered on the Zanpakuto and it started changing shape completely, molding to the soul piece.

Zerotwo's was blood red with a black string, the opposite of Hiro's.

Isabella's was pink with a grey string.

Yami's was black and red with a purple string.

And Eri's was white with a blue and red string.

This was just the sheath of the Zanpakutos, it was just cosmetic based on the soul preference, there was no special ability that came with it as they didn't even have a Shikai or Bankai yet. Hiro gave them all their Zanpakutos with a smile and the Zanpakutos merged with their souls, making them feel better.

Their souls returned, of course they would feel better. Zerotwo transformed into her Shinigami form and blood shot out of Hiro's nose. Her Haori was loose and she had a pink belt right under her chest, keeping her breasts up.

The Haori showed her cleavage and milky, plump breasts were ready to pop out. (Basically Rangiku but different) Zerotwo reverted and smiled at Hiro's reaction, she was definitely getting some tonight.

Isabella's transformation was not as drastic, but still showed cleavage except she didn't have a belt.

Eri's was very cute and she even had a white cloak.

And Yami was just the normal uniform.

Hiro smiled as they reverted and kept Isabella there as he sent the rest upstairs to bed. He sat her down and said "I want you to know that I love you very much." Isabella looked at him and nodded, Hiro continued "I know that things have been a bit hard for you, since we move constantly and you can't get relationships, friends, etc."

He sighed and caressed her cheek, saying softly "Izzy, you really mean the world to me. I'm sorry, if you're unhappy. I really don't mean to make you feel that way. All I want if for you to be happy..." he got a bit emotional as he continued "You're my little girl, I..." he sighed and added "I just want you to be safe. I know you might hate me for keeping you around but-"

Isabella held his hands and cut him off with watery eyes, saying "I don't hate you, daddy! I... I just want to be like everyone else... I love you so much, and I know that you give me everything... I know I'm selfish, but I just want you to trust me..."

Hiro smiled sadly and she cried "I don't want you to be sad... I know I'm not a good daughter-" Hiro hugged her tightly and said "Shut your mouth, stupid girl. You're an amazing daughter. You think because you want to leave, you're not good? You're excellent, I couldn't be more proud of you, Isabella. I love you with everything I have, this isn't about you being a good daughter or not. It's because you're so good that I can't bear to see you go."

He kissed her head and continued "You... You're the biggest pride of my life. I love everything about you, and I can brag about you to my friends." she buried her head into his chest and Hiro stroked her back with a smile "As much as I love you and am proud of you, you're right to want to spread your wings and fly away. I didn't think it would be this hard to see you go. That's why I'm upset, not because of you. It's because I don't want you to leave me."

His tone turned severe and he added "Don't EVER think that you're not good, understand? You deserve everything and more, even if you wanted the world I would give it to you. You are perfect in everyway." he lifted her chin and wiped the tears from her eyes, smiling gently "I couldn't have asked for a better angel, even if I picked one from heaven."

Isabella cried "Daddy..." and hugged him tightly, sobbing on his shoulder. Hiro smiled softly and shed a tear as he hugged her, knowing that his time with her was running out fast. He whispered "This world isn't the best for you, I'll take you to the next one and if you don't like it then I'll bring you anywhere you want to go. No matter where, no matter who gets in the way, anywhere you want to go, I will bring you. Okay?"

She sobbed and nodded saying "En!" before crying her eyes out as Hiro held her in his lap and rocked her softly, stroking her back and humming gently.

Zerotwo watched form the stairs and wiped her eyes with a warm smile before going back upstairs.