
The next day

Hiro left a clone to fight with Zaraki for... well ever. As long as they were inside the Time Room, Zaraki would keep fighting until he died, he was having the time of his life. Yami and Yachiru were watching TV and eating candies together on the couch upstairs as Zerotwo was on her computer in the shop floor, Eri was at school.

Hiro left and went to where Ichigo was.

He arrived at the abandoned warehouse and walked inside, passing all the barriers. The Visoreds were alarmed and looked at Hiro with their hands on their Zanpakutos. Hiro said "Hello, Visoreds!" they just looked at him and Ichigo said "Hiro?" Hiro walked over and said "You know, your family is pretty worried about you just leaving. Well, not that it's any of my business."

Shinji said "Who are you?" Hiro said "Hey... What's with that guarded look? I'm not here to kill you, jeez, relax." he turned his head and said "Stop staring at me, snaggle tooth. I have a wife." Hiyori snapped "You fucking basta-" Hiro bonked her with a book and smashed her into the ground saying "Even if I didn't... You're not my type."

He sent the book back and walked forward saying "Anyway, go on, Hollowfy me. I'm waiting." The Visoreds were stunned and Ichigo said "You..." Hiro smirked "I have better self control than you, kid." he snapped and said "Shinji, do it."

Shinji blinked and pointed at himself, Hiro sighed "That was your cue..." Shinji blinked and Hiyori jumped back up, smashing on the back of Hiro's head, shouting "I'll do it!" Hiro blanked out and felt something awaken inside of him.

They picked Hiro up and did the same to Ichigo before going downstairs.

Shinji said "Why did you..." Hiyori grumbled "I don't like him, I hope he dies." Shinji blinked at her and said "You're just jealo-" she slapped him with a slipper, shouting "YOU'RE JEALOUS, BALDY!"

Hiro was inside his own mind space and looked at the opposite him, he smiled and said "You're my Hollow?" the Hollow nodded and said "So you've come." Hiro smiled and said "Pretty much. Ready to become part of me?" the Hollow stood up and grabbed the air, grabbing onto an opposite version of Sun.

Hiro grinned and grabbing onto his own Sun before dashing at his hollow and swinging out, clashing with his Hollow.


Hiro was standing still in a barrier, he had completely transformed but he didn't move, only keeping his eyes closed.

(Image Here)

Shinji looked at Hiro and said "That's scary..." suddenly the hollow parts other than the mask fizzled out of existence, leaving Hiro standing there with the mask on his face. He walked to the barrier and tapped it with his finger, shattering it before walking out and sliding the mask to the side of his head as he said "Nice."

[Congratulations! You've completed [Get a Hollow Form!] Reward: Quincy Form!]

Hiro cracked his neck and yawned saying "When Ichigo's finished, you're coming with me. All of you." Shinji said "What? Wait just a minute! You can-" Hiro grinned "You don't have a choice. Plus, don't you want to kill Aizen? I will train you." The Visoreds were all stunned silent and Hiro chuckled, throwing a card at Hiyori before walking away, waving over his shoulder as he said "Don't forget~" before blurring and disappearing.

Hiro returned back to the Candy Shop and switched places with the clone, fighting Zaraki himself without using his Hollow Mask.

A few days later

Hiro was sitting outside when the group of Visoreds showed up at his shop. Ichigo was with them too. Hiro cracked open an eye and lifted Kisuke's hat as he said "Hm? Did you get lost?" Hiyori waved her slipper around, shouting "THIS PLACE IS IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE! COME HERE, YOU!" Hiro dodged her slipper and said "Stop flirting with me, I have a wife." as he flicked his hair and added "I know it's hard to resist such a handsome guy."

Ichigo mumbled "Kinda looks like a girl to me..." Hiro punched him in the face and sent him flying through a building as he said "Anyway, you ready to train?" he looked at Hiyori and said "No flirting during training." she shouted "I WASN'T FLIRTING!"

Hiro said "Sure. Follow me." as he grabbed the air and Ichigo appeared in his hand, he threw him on his shoulder and walked inside.

Zerotwo looked over and Hiro smiled happily "Angel~ I'm going to train some kids, wanna come~" she pursed her lips and said "Who's going to watch Yami?" Hiro added with a sweet smile "He can come too~" she replied "Eri?" Hiro added "She's sick, no more school~"

Zerotwo sighed and closed her laptop saying "Okay, Darling~" Hiro smiled happily and snapped his fingers, Yami, Eri, and Yachiru smashed into the ground face first. Hiro picked them up with his tail and said "Training time~" as a clone came out of him and sat at the counter.

The Visoreds were stunned and Shinji said "Hachi, did you see any of that?" Hachi shook his head and said "No but... He's the strongest being I've ever seen." the rest gulped and Hiro walked down the stairs before going into the time room.

Zaraki looked at Hiro and then the clone and shouted "YOU TRICKED ME AGAIN!" Hiro chuckled and said "Me! Switch and train the Visoreds." the clone said "Do I have to? I'm kinda in the middle of something here..." Hiro said "Idiot, you're just a clone. What are you in the middle of? An existential crisis? Get over here, clown."

The clone gave him the finger and walked over, Hiro made a bunch of them and said "Hah... Everyone gets a clone. Anyway, take your clone and start fighting." he said "Angel, can you take the kids?" Zerotwo smiled and nodded, Yami started shaking and gulped as Zerotwo looked at him and giggled.

Hiro threw Ichigo to a clone and Hiro went to fight Zaraki again, sending him flying deep into the core area as he laughed and flashed after him. Zerotwo looked at the kids and smiled, transforming into her Shinigami form as she said "Ready~?" while taking out her Zanpakuto.

Yami gulped and his legs started shaking as he nodded, Yachiru was confused and Yami said "Mom... She's stronger than my dad!" Yachiru's eyes widened and Zerotwo giggled and licked her lips saying "Not by a little bit either~" as she slashed out, sending little Yami flying.