
The boy patted Yami's head and walked past him to Tanjiro, who was hugging Nezuko. Yami looked over and saw the boy blocking a sword from a girl, who was trying to stab Nezuko. He tried to stand up, but his legs wouldn't move. He moved and fell down, his breath was too much for him to handle. His sword couldn't hold out either.

The woman jumped back and landed next to Yami saying "What are you doing Giyu? You realize you're protecting a demon, right?" she looked down at Yami and said "Hm? Another demon?" Yami flipped over and looked at the girl blankly.

How stupid can you get? Does he look like a demon? He only has horns and fangs, nothing else.

She pointed her sword at him and said "Since Giyu can't do it, I'll do it." Yami said "I'm not a demon... you... dumb bitch." the girl froze and Yami groaned in pain, Giyu looked at the girl and said "He's not. How can you not tell? Are you really dumb?" she said "This is why nobody likes you."

Giyu said "People like me." Yami blinked and Tanjiro looked at Giyu... The girl said "You... You didn't know? I'm so sorry." Yami rolled over and slowly propped himself up off the ground, he got to his feet and walked to Tanjiro.

Giyu said "Tanjiro, take your sister and run." Tanjiro was stunned and Giyu said "Now!" Tanjiro got up, picking Nezuko up before running away, grabbing his box on the way.

Yami slowly followed him, hugging his sword and the cloth from his scarf. He took out a healing potion and a stamina potion and drank them both as he continued to follow Tanjiro, getting faster and faster.

He chased after Tanjiro and heard the crow shout "Tanjiro and Nezuko Kamado are to be apprehended and brought back to Demon Slayer HQ!" before repeating himself over and over again. Yami popped out of a bush and picked up Nezuko before disappearing into the bushes, leaving a stunned girl behind.

Yami came to Tanjiro and put Nezuko in the box as the sun was rising. He slapped Tanjiro awake and Tanjiro opened his eyes, Yami gave him the box and said "Run." Tanjiro nodded and took the box before running right into the girl from before, then the other girl that looked similar, Giyu came too.

Tanjiro was cornered and Yami was as well. Giyu said "Tanjiro, she won't be hurt I promise. Just come along." Tanjiro didn't know what to do and Yami stood there holding his sword sheath in his hands.

Tanjiro finally sighed "Okay." Yami looked at him in confusion and Tanjiro said "I trust Giyu." Yami stayed silent and simply walked away, hugging his sword in his arms.

Zenitsu and Inosuke were taken to HQ along with Tanjiro for treatment and Yami tagged along as his sword was broken and he had nothing to do now.

A while later

Yami was in the Demon Slayer HQ, he was sitting by a window, looking out and holding his broken sword. Eri opened the door and said "Yami!" as she lunged and hugged him. He hugged her and smiled "Hey, Eri. How are you?" Eri smiled happily and said "Good! You?" Hiro looked at the broken sword and cut cloth and shook his head.

She looked and said "Oh no, Yami..." Yami smiled and said "It's okay." Eri looked at him and he suddenly said "Eri, can you get me a sewing kit?" she nodded and ran away. Yami got up and walked out of the room.

He walked outside and came across a courtyard with a bunch of people in it. He blinked and they all looked at him. Tanjiro said "Yami!" Yami looked at everyone before walking over, a Kakushi said "Hey! You can't just-" Yami kept walking and knocked the Kakushi out with the back of his fist.

The Hashira looked at Yami and said "You are in the presence of the Master! How disrespectful can you be!?" Yami ignored them and stopped in front of Giyu, he bowed and said "Thank you for saving my life." Giyu nodded and Yami straightened out before walking away, ignoring everyone else.

The Hashira didn't like that.

Yami didn't care though.

He left the courtyard, ignoring the angry Hashira behind him. He walked back to the place he was at before, something called the Butterfly Mansion? He didn't care to remember. Eri was looking for him and she saw him, she smiled and ran over, holding a sewing kit, saying "Yami! I got it!" Yami smiled and took it from her, saying "Thank you, sis."

Eri smiled happily and Yami said "What have you been doing?" as he walked into the house. Eri walked next to him saying "Healing people mostly, but also training with Shinobu-chan." Yami said "Shinobu... chan?" as he opened a door and walked into the room.

Eri smiled happily and said "Yep! She's the Insect Hashira!" Yami sat down and took off his scarf as he replied "What does she look like?" Eri watched him fumble with the needle and thread as she replied "She has purple eyes and a butterfly hair clip... Yami, I can do that if you want."

Yami replied "No, it's okay." he started sewing poorly as he added "That Shinobu... She tried to kill me before. She thought I was a demon." Eri threw her hands up and sighed "Same here." Yami looked up and frowned, Eri smiled sweetly and said "But she's not a bad person! We're friends now!"

Yami's face relaxed and he continued sewing, asking "Are you being treated well here?" Eri nodded happily, saying "Yup~!" he smiled softly and she paused before adding softly "Are you okay outside, Yami..." Yami smiled and said "Yeah. It's not so bad." he pricked his thumb by accident and paused for a split second before continuing "I'm having fun."

Eri wrapped his fingers that kept getting pricked in bandages and smiled "I'm happy... but I miss mom and dad... And big sister..." Yami paused before continuing "They're always watching us... Plus, big sis is living the life she always wanted. Remember when she used to complain to us?" Eri giggled and nodded before imitating Isabella "Like, why am I trapped here? I want to get a boyfriend!"

Yami chuckled and continued stitching as he added "Like, where's my prince charming, you know?" Eri giggled before wiping her eyes and sobbing "I miss her so much..." Yami smiled and patted her hair saying gently "We'll see her again, don't worry." Eri looked up and smiled "En."

Yami continued to stitch and prick himself as Tanjiro and Nezuko were brought to the mansion. Eri got up to go heal the wounded and the Kakushi walked into the dark room Yami was stitching in. They looked at him and said "Uhhhh..."

Yami looked at them and blinked, they put the box down and said "This is the only dark room so..." Yami nodded and waved, the Kakushi scrammed and closed the door. The box opened and Nezuko rolled out, Yami looked at her and nodded. Nezuko said "Ah!" Yami smiled and replied "Ah." before focusing on stitching.

Nezuko smiled happily and laid on the ground.

Eri entered the medical ward and looked at Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Inosuke. She walked over and said "What's the damage?" Aoi Kanzaki said "There's a lot of it, Ms. Eien!" doing a salute. Eri waved her off and looked at the boys, she touched Tanjiro and said "Not too bad..." her horns glowed and she reverted him back to healthy before moving on to Zenitsu.

She reverted his body to healthy as well and went to Inosuke. She said "Why do you have a Boar Mask on?" Inosuke didn't speak and Eri puffed her cheeks saying "What a guy!" she took his mask off and touched his neck.

He looked at her and said "You have horns." Eri said "You're not blind." Inosuke said "I have a friend who has horns." Eri paused and said "Friend?" Inosuke groaned "You deaf, woman?" Eri poked his neck and Inosuke coughed violently as Eri said "I AM NOT, 'WOMAN'! UNDERSTAND, PRETTYBOY!?"

Zenitsu and Tanjiro shivered and had the same thought 'Scary!'

Eri pushed with a dangerous look on her face as she said "Understand!?" Inosuke choked "I understand! I understand!" Eri giggled happily "Great~!" she reverted the damage to his body and her horns stopped glowing.

Inosuke was back to normal and jumped up saying "UNDERSTAND MY ASS! WHO ARE YOU!?" Eri's fist trembled and she beat the shit out of Inosuke as Tanjiro and Zenitsu hid behind a bed, muttering "Scary!" they froze and turned around to see Aoi cracking her knuckles saying "Who are you callin'... Scary?" Tanjiro and Zenitsu hugged each other and squealed in fear.