Time Flows

Hiro, Zerotwo, and Yami appeared in the candy shop. Hiro smiled at the usual place and merged with his shadow clone, seeing that it had been nearly two years. He looked at Yami and smiled "Today is your 11th birthday isn't it?"

Yami nodded and Hiro smacked his head saying "You can cut the cold act now. Your girlfriend is here. I like you when you talk all the time. Come with me." Yami followed Hiro down the stairs into the time room.

Hiro looked at Yami and said "I have a gift for you, also, I'm lifting the Time Stop on your body, so you'll age in here. When I think you're ready, I'll let you free." Yami nodded and Hiro smiled "I made this for you." as he gave Yami a little silver box.

Yami held it in his hand and looked confused. Hiro chuckled "Tap on the box." Yami tapped on the box and it opened, revealing the 6 armed training doll from the Swordsmiths Village. It's hands opened and the nano-bots created swords.

Yami was awed and Hiro smiled "I modified it to be better, faster, and stronger. You will train with it and I will make adjustments based on what I see. This is your gift, you can carry it with you anywhere you want." Yami said "Thank you, dad! I love it!" Hiro smiled and patted his head saying "I thought you would."

Yami smiled happily and immediately jumped into sparring with the doll.

Hiro sat on the side and said "Focus on the songs that you can hear, I've never heard anything like that but I know a power that could be similar. You're very special, Yami. Even I can't do what you can do. We're back to a world with Hollows but there's a bigger threat, only you can protect Yachiru. I have my own things to do. I can't hold your hand, your sisters have left to live their own lives, you're the last one left. Become stronger than me!"

Yami hyper focused and sparred as hard as he could with the doll, Hiro took his scarf from him to protect it from getting ripped to shreds. He didn't so anything to the scarf, he didn't fix it, add anything, nothing, it was still just a normal cloth.

Yami trained constantly for 2 years. His hair was longer and he got taller, he was 13 years old now!

Hiro had looked at the Missions from Demon Slayer, he completed the Main Quest through Yami but he got something strange. He just kept it with a thoughtful look, maybe it would be useful for the future? He looked at Yami and his eyes flashed, maybe it will...

He also got another next world token.

Hiro whistled and the robot stopped. Yami was dripping with sweat and sheathed his sword, he was breathing heavy and Hiro smiled saying "I'm satisfied, you're not too bad, kiddo!" Yami smiled and said "Thanks to you." Hiro turned his head and snapped his fingers saying "I don't know what you're talking about." the Yoriichi Training Robot turned back into a box and fell in Yami's hands. Yami put it in his backpack and Hiro sent him to wash.

When he was done, they left the room and went outside.

Zerotwo said "Perfect timing, School starts tomorrow!" Yami groaned and Zerotwo glared at him "Ehh?" Yami tensed up and robotically walked up the stairs saying "Yes, mother." Zerotwo smiled and said "Much better! Don't pull that emo shit with me, Yami. I brought you into this life, I can take you out of it." Yami ran up the stairs, hugging his sword as he jumped into his room and went to sleep.

Hiro sat at the table with Zerotwo and smiled saying "Hey angel." Zerotwo smiled and said "How was it?" Hiro cracked open a Sprite (Sponsored) and said "Not too bad! He got a lot better from fighting the doll for 2 years." Zerotwo smiled and said "Mind explaining why he looks 2 years older as well?" Hiro coughed and wiped his lips saying "A glitch in the time room, I don't know..."

Zerotwo hummed and said "Fix it." Hiro ran away saying "Yes, Ma'am!" she giggled and shook her head as she looked up the school on her computer.

The next day

Yami was in a school uniform, holding his backpack on his back and hugging his sword with the scarf over half his face and his hair tied in a messy bun. Hiro put a spell on him that made his horns and Demon Slayer marks invisible to anyone without Reiryoku, as for the people with Reiryoku, they weren't an issue.

Hiro didn't know how strong Yami was, but any riff raff on the roadside wouldn't be able to beat him. Zerotwo looked at Yami and said "You can't bring your sword." Yami pouted and gave her puppy dog eyes, she looked at him and hugged him into her chest saying "Alright, you can bring it! You're so cute!"

Yami was choking, he couldn't breathe.

She let him go and kissed his face all over, squeezing his cheeks as she said "You're so handsome, have fun at school, honey!" Yami smiled and said "I love you!" as he walked out of the shop and waved. Zerotwo waved goodbye and Hiro smiled, sitting behind the counter in the candy shop, eating candies.

Kisuke came over and blinked "Hey! You're back!" Hiro smiled and said "What's up?" Kisuke leaned on the counter and said "I made a move." Hiro whistled "You did!? Took you long enough though... Did she threaten you to leave?" Kisuke coughed and said "Ahem! No." Hiro looked at Zerotwo and they said in unison "Suuuuuure..."

Kisuke waved and said "What do you two know?!" Zerotwo said "Love." Hiro added "Being smooth." Zerotwo corrected "Cheesy." Hiro said "Whatever." Kisuke felt his mouth twitch and slapped down a 1000 yen saying "Get me a surprise Sour pack, damn bastard..."

Hiro chuckled and grabbed the big bag from under the counter, saying with a cheeky grin "Thanks for your patronage, sir." Kisuke clicked his tongue and took the bag, walking out the door saying "Welcome back." with a small smile on his face.

Hiro smiled and sat back down. Zerotwo smiled "He's nice." Hiro replied "Yeah, he's a nice guy." She walked over and said "You know... we're home alone..." as she trailed her finger on the counter with a seductive smile. Hiro blinked at her before grinning and leaving a shadow clone behind as he picked her up and said "What did you have in mind, Angel~"

She kissed his neck and said "We can do 'that'." Hiro started breathing heavy and ran up the stairs, slamming the door to their room.

*Give stones or else.*