I mean... I'm not a doctor so...

The crew rushed over and Sanji said "She's not dead!" Yami looked again and said "Huh. Looks like she's not. She's did look dead, just look at her face, she's white as a ghost." The crew frowned and Sanji lifted her shirt, Viv went to slap his hand, but Yami blocked it with his sheath, Vivi looked at him, but he had a serious face with a frown looking at Nami.

Vivi looked at everyone saw the red mark on Nami's stomach. Sanji said "She got bit by something." he looked at Luffy, who was serious and said "We're stopping for a doctor. Where's the closest Doctor?" Vivi said "Drum Island..."

Luffy said "Then we're going to Drum Island." Usopp pointed out "We don't have a navigator..." Yachiru said "I can try!" as she reverted back to normal size and landed on the deck with a smile, Luffy nodded and Yachiru went to the wheel. Sanji brought Nami to her room and put her in bed, while everyone else was tense.

Vivi in particular was nervous as hell.

Yami went to Nami's room and looked at her bite, he poked it and Nami made a painful face. He was confused as he had never gotten a disease or sickness before. He sat by the bed and held his chin in thought, just looking at the bug bite and wondering what he should do.

Yachiru came by and saw him sitting there. She said "What are you doing?" a bit aggressive and confused, Yami was startled and said "Eh? Aren't you supposed to be navigating?" Yachiru said "I came to see you..." she was about to cry really, Yami was confused and said "What's wrong?" she shook her head and said "Nothing. Why are you here?"

Yami said "I was wondering if the healing potion would work on her..." his look became concerned as he added "Ruru, are you okay? Why are you sad? Are you friends with Nami? I'll try the potion but I don't know if it'll work, don't cry." Yachiru looked at his concerned look and her heart warmed, why was she doubting him. She shouldn't have, she's so stupid. She wiped her eyes and nodded with a smile.

Yami smiled and fed Nami the healing potion, she face cleared up and her breathing evened but her bite was still there. Yami scratched his head and Yachiru walked over saying "It's a healing potion, right? Shouldn't it, you know... Heal?" Yami replied "Yeah... but this is a disease, not a wound. I don't know where the potions came from but the spring water replaces the blood with fresh blood. I assume that it changed her blood but didn't remove the actual bite itself that has the bacteria, then again, I'm not a doctor so..."

He looked at the bottle and said "Also... This isn't the strongest one I have... I can try that one." Yachiru said "It's fine, she'll be fine like this." Yami nodded and fixed Nami's clothes, pulling the sheets over her before leaving with Yachiru.

They sailed for 2 days, a moron attacked the ship and got punched so far away that he became a twinkle in the sky. The group continued sailing before coming to an island. As Yami expected, Nami was still sick, but not as much as before, he delayed the disease.

Yami said something else to try but they were already at the island so, he decided to wait. He looked at the villagers pointing guns at them, Yami said to Yachiru "Do you think the Impurity Cleanse would work?" Yachiru hummed "It should, right? If it ejects and rejects all the Impurities forever, then she would never get any diseases again, right?"

Yami hummed and said "Maybe something for the rest later..." Yachiru pursed her lips and said "Oho? Getting friendly?" Yami looked away and Yachiru hugged his arm, saying "I like friendly Mimi, he's my favorite~" as she leaned her head on his shoulder.

Yami mumbled "Is that my nickname now..." she giggled "Yup~!" there was a gunshot and Yami slashed the bullet away, saying "These people sure don't like living." that gunshot was right at Yachiru. Yami narrowed his eyes at the villagers and scared them to their asses.

Luffy frowned and said "What was that for!?" the villagers couldn't reply, why did they shoot? They're scared! Yami couldn't care less and slashed his sword before putting it back. All their guns were cut to pieces and the guy that shot turned into cubes of flesh, the villagers screamed and ran away in fear.

Vivi said "Yami!" Yami said "He shot at Yachiru. What do you want from me?" Luffy nodded and said "What a rude guy." Yami said "See? Everyone else thinks so too." Vivi stormed off onto the island, Luffy and Sanji followed her with Nami and Usopp went along, Zoro stayed on the ship with Caroo.

Caroo quacked and Yami said "What?" Caroo pointed at the flesh cubes and quacked again, Yami said "What do you mean 'That was overboard'? If someone shot at you, you'd be pretty angry. What if your duck girlfriend was shot?" Caroo quacked softly and Yami said "That's what I thought."

Zoro said "Can you spar with me?" Yami looked at him and Zoro said seriously "Don't hold back. Please." Yachiru said "Mimi, do it." Yami looked at her and she smiled "He wants you to help him train. If it was Ikkaku, you would do it right away, no?" Yami looked away and scratched his neck, saying "Yeah... I guess so."

Zoro perked up and jumped off the ship onto land and went a distance. Yami jumped on the island, standing across Zoro. Yachiru watched from the deck, leaning on the railing. Caroo rested on the railing and quacked, Yachiru pet his head with a smile.

Yami and Zoro stood across from each other and Yami went blank. Zoro drew all 3 of his swords and tensed up when he saw that look, he had been watching Yami all this time, trying to see through his patterns, when Yami makes a blank face, he's going to attack.

He focused extremely hard and defended, he barely saw a flash and blocked there, shooting backwards like a bullet.

Yami stood in Zoro's place and watched Zoro fly away, he waited for Zoro to come back and Zoro was extremely excited as he said "Again!" Yami disappeared and Zoro blocked again, Yami appeared behind him and slashed backwards, Zoro crossed his swords behind him and smashed into the ground face first.

He jumped up and away as the ground was split apart where he just was. He started to sweat, he had a feeling Yami was still going easy on him. He was a bit pissed but a bit thankful, he assumed he would've died before Yami even drew his blade if Yami was going all out 100% strength.

Little did he know, if Yami used his Bankai, the entire island might become a summer island.

They continued sparring, or one sided beating, while the rest of the crew was taking Nami to get healed by the doctor on the island.

*Part 2 of the Chapter palooza for the final push against evil! Give your stones!*