
A few days passed

The crew met a man by the name of Bonclay. He came and went, creating a bond that will last forever. What a nice guy!


They arrived at the port of Nanohana on Alabasta. Luffy stormed off into town to find food, Sanji went to buy clothes and food for the ship etc, Yami got off the ship and practiced his sword on the island. He was wearing weights on his wrists and ankles as he practiced and walked around, constantly training.

Yachiru wore her sleepwear without sandals, going barefoot instead as she complained "So hot~!" Yami looked at her and gulped before looking away, he loved that outfit. She walked over and pulled her sword out of her backpack, swinging it by the strap as she smiled "Together~?" Yami smiled and nodded.

She smiled happily and unsheathed her sword, swinging out. Yami blocked and stabbed forward, she giggled and blocked to the side with one hand, swinging her sheath at Yami's head. Yami blocked with the back of his blade and said "Ikkaku's style?" Yachiru pursed her lips and jumped up smashing her sword down with a grin.

Yami blocked her and said "Father-in-law..." she swung her leg out at his face and Yami grabbed her ankle, pulling her close, slashing her sword out of the way. He kissed her before throwing her out again. She licked her lips and said "0-1." Yami smirked "You've never won before, Ruru." she pouted "But I really want to!"

Yami was dazed and Yachiru moved appearing behind him and slashing down at his neck. Yami blocked and she let go of her sword appearing in front of him and wrapping her legs around his waist, kissing him before wrapping her arms around his neck and humming "Now I'm tired~!" Yami smiled and said "You're really..."

He flicked his sword and Yachiru's flew into the sheath on her back. He sheathed Crimson and Yachiru didn't even flinch. Zoro was stunned and mumbled "She's stronger than me... That won't do... This is Kuina all over again!" he upped his training by 10x and started training again.

Yami and Yachiru sat on the railing of the Merry and Sanji came back with a bunch of stuff.


Luffy came running and shouted "GOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGO!" the crew got on the boat and Luffy jumped on as Smoker flew after them, but was stopped by a wall of flames. The Merry started sailing away and two more people landed on the boat.

Luffy said "Everyone! This is my brother Ace! And uhh..." Yami looked at Ace and then the girl with him. He slapped his forehead and said "Are you kidding..." Isabella chuckled nervously and said "Hey... little brother..."

The crew, Luffy, and Ace were stunned and looked at Yami and Isabella, shouting "EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!?" Ace said "Izzy, your brother is a pirate? I thought you said he was like 7." Isabella bit her nails and said "He was." Yami looked at Ace and then Isabella and then Ace before sighing.

They sailed away and the crew cooled down form their shock.

Yami said "So? How have you been?" Isabella rested her chin on her palm and watched Ace and Luffy arm wrestle as she said "Good." Yami replied "That's it? Nice talk..." he muttered under his breath "What a bitch." Isabella smacked him and said "Who's a bitch?" Yami said "You." she said "Say it again, asshole!" Yami growled "I will! Bitch! Bitch! Bitch! Bitch! Bit-" Isabella tackled him and they started fighting.

She punched Yami in the face and he bounced of the deck into a wall. He jumped off the wall and headbutted her in the stomach, smashing her into Ace and sending her flying. She phased through the wall and sprang up behind Yami, kicking him in the head, smashing him face first into the deck.

Yami got up and pulled her hair and they started a dustbrawl, Luffy laughed and cheered before grabbing Ace and jumping into the dust brawl.

A while later

The dust cleared and Yachiru watched from the upper deck with a smile, Nami commented "So violent." Chopper added "I'm still shocked they're all related." Usopp said "They're not all related, Luffy and Ace are brothers and Isabella and Yami are brother and sister." Chopper shouted "That's what I said!" Usopp shouted "No you didn't, bluenose!"

Chopper gasped "Did you just make fun of my blue nose?!" Usopp sneered and Chop bit on Usopp's long nose and Usopp screamed while running around, shouting "OWOWOWOWOWOWWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOW!"

Isabella and Yami smiled and hugged each other, Yami said "I missed you, sis." Isabella hugged him and said "Me too." Luffy and Ace laughed and everyone went inside the kitchen to eat. Yami introduced Yachiru to Isabella and Ace, she smiled and waved "Hello! I'm pretty sure we met once!" Isabella smiled and said "I remember. At the candy shop, right? You were just a kid then, so cute~!"

Yachiru giggled and smiled happily, Yami looked at Ace, who said "Ahem! Um... I'm Ace." Yami said "I know. Are you dating my sister?" Ace coughed and the rest went silent, eating their food and watching curiously.

Isabella looked at Ace and he said "Yes." she smiled happily and Yami frowned, saying "Good luck. I would run and hide as fast as possible though." Ace smiled wryly and Isabella immediately started sweating, Luffy was confused and Nami said "Why?" Yami replied "Dad... He's a scary guy. She wasn't allowed to date until like 2-3 years ago. She barely had any friends, though... That might just be because she's a bi-"

Yachiru elbowed him and he coughed "Anyway, good luck... You're gonna need it." Ace wilted "Thanks man..." Yami chuckled and said "Though... If he does accept you." Yami's eyes widened and he sucked in a cold breath, he shared a look with Isabella and said "Be prepared. If you go to meet him, just be prepared for anything."

Usopp gulped and said "He can't be that scary right?!" Yami said "Whatever you're thinking, multiply it by 1000x" the crew all had the same thought pop into their heads. Except Luffy, who thought of a piece of meat eating him instead, he shivered in fear, what a nightmare!

They talked for a while and Yami pulled Isabella to the side, saying "Are you sure you like this guy? You know dad is going to freak right?" Isabella nodded and said "Yeah, obviously. I mean I don't 'love' him, but..." she looked at Ace and a soft smile graced her lips as he added "He's my hero, literally..."

Yami snapped in front of her face and said "Looks like love to me. Anyway, I don't care about how he could have possibly saved you from whatever since you're stronger than him... I think. You two haven't..." Isabella gave him a look and said "No, creep." Yami face faulted and said "I'm not a creep, I would rather not know. If you did, I would've told you to kill him yourself before dad does..."

He blushed a bit and said "I haven't done anything." she grinned and said "Heh. I have, just not everything." Yami blocked his ears and said "Gross! I don't need to hear that!" he gagged and clicked his tongue at her in disgust.

She giggled and said "You brought it up so~" Yami waved saying "Forget about it! God, you're such a perv." she rolled her eyes and said "Give me your hand." Yami held his hand out and she cut his finger nail off, before starting to make a Vivre card.

Yami said "Anyway, don't tell me you're a member of a crew?" Isabella hummed and said "Whitebeard's." Yami slapped his forehead again and looked at her speechlessly, she said "What?" Yami said "Why! What if dad finds out!" he started getting nervous.

Isabella giggled and said "Relax, he won't even meet the old man." Yami replied "I really hope so, or else I'll start preparing your funeral. Unlike you, I was cut off from the Old man's grasp. He doesn't even give me things, I had to steal 'em!"

Isabella said "You stole from him? What did you take?" Yami blinked and said "A bunch of stuff, why? Do you need something?" he took off his earring and it turned into a backpack as he held it out, adding "Whatever you need."

Isabella smiled warmly at him and said "You're so nice, bro. I don't need your things, thank you." Yami smiled and said "Anything for you, sis." she smiled softly and sniffled to herself, Yami said "Anyway, what are you doing now?" Isabella said "Looking for some fatty, Ace wants to kill him. Apparently he killed a crewmember before escaping or something, I don't know."

Yami nodded and said "Oh, okay. Just be careful." she smiled and nodded, before asking "How's your little girlfriend?" Yami smiled and said "Good. She's very nice to me." Isabella said "She better be." Yami just smiled and said "By the way, I think mom left you a gift. She gave Ruru her own space backpack, I'm pretty sure she left some things inside for you."

Isabella smiled and said "Mom always knows." Yami smiled and nodded, Isabella suddenly asked "Where's Eri?" Yami rubbed his nose and said "She got married and stayed in another world." Isabella's eyes widened and she shouted "WHAT?!" Yami nodded and Isabella said "Wow..." Yami said "He was one of my friends, a real nice guy, though he was a bit dumb."

Isabella said "Yeah, I'll bet... That girl always had her head in the clouds." Yami chuckled and Isabella ripped a piece off the card she made and kept it before handing the rest to Yami saying "This is your vivre card, whoever has a little piece can find you wherever you are. It works in the backpacks so you can leave it in there. Only give little bits because they will point to the bigger piece."

Yami nodded and put it in his backpack before taking Isabella's vivre card and putting it in there too. She said "Oh right! If it starts burning that means I'm in trouble and if it turns to ashes, that means I'm dead." Yami blinked and said "WTF!" she giggled and said "Relax, it won't happen. I'm sealed unless I'm in life threatening danger, then it will unseal itself."

She lifted her shirt and showed the seal on her stomach before lowering her shirt and smiling. Yami smiled and said "I guess this means you're leaving?" she looked at Ace, who gave Luffy a vivre card and took his, before saying "Yeah, soon."

Yami said "Wait, come with me." he looked at Yachiru and tilted his head, she skipped over and they went to the back deck. Yachiru hugged Isabella and said "Congratulations!" Isabella smiled and said "You too, you're so pretty. I love your hair!" Yachiru giggled and said "You too!" they smiled at each other and Yami coughed. Yachiru spat her tongue out at him and opened her backpack, pulling out a cloth bag.

Isabella took it and read the letter "Dear Izzy, I miss you. -Mama" Isabella said "Awee~ I miss her too!" she opened the bag and there was a bunch of things inside. Yami looked inside and there was a Vivre Card with a big 02 on it, a syringe, and a devil fruit. Yami picked up the syringe and said "Wow." Isabella said "Extraction liquid?" Yami nodded before it clicked in his mind.

Isabella and Yami looked at each other and grinned, Yami injected her and pulled out the ghost fruit before taking the other fruit and asking "What does it say?" Isabella replied "Liquid Nitrogen." Yami sucked in a breath of cold air and said "Welcome to Busted-Ville, sis." as he took both fruits and slapped them with a merge token.

He gave it to Isabella and she ate it, gaining a new fruit. Basically, it was a Nitrogen Ghost, so same abilities as before but now with Ice powers as well! Yami said "Relax! You're going to freeze the ship!" Isabella released her Frozen Ghost form and smiled happily saying "What a gift. Do you think she was expecting this?"

Yami nodded without hesitation saying "Of course." Yachiru added "I think so too." Yami smiled and held her hand. He reached into his bag and gave Isabella an Impurity Cleanse, Metal Bones token, and a syringe of PSSS.

She took them and smiled as she said "See you later, bro." Yami waved and watched Isabella and Ace leave on Ace's new modified cigarette boat. Isabella helped make it better. They shot away and the crew went back to normal.

Yami sighed and Luffy smiled saying "Nice to see them!" Yami nodded and smiled "Yeah, it was."

*Part 4! Give more stones!*