What a moron

Yami and Yachiru listened to Crocodile's speech, detailing his plans and incriminating himself. Smoker soaked it all up and nodded saying "Thanks for that." Yami added "Yeah, you're pretty stupid." Crocodile had a few veins on his forehead and Yami continued "Why would you detail your plans? In front of a Marine no less. It's like you're TRYING to get caught." he sighed and shook his head in disappointment.

The rest in the cell nodded their heads in agreement, making Crocodile even angrier. He kicked Vivi, who was on the ground and threw the key to the cell into a pit of Bananawani before leaving and saying "Have fun drowning. Nobody will know."

The group watched him leave and Yami said "What a guy." Smoker said "More like moron." Nami said "How are we supposed to get out of this, genius!? Now you pissed him off!" Yami blinked at her and Sanji crashed through the wall, saying "I am here!"

The group said "Sanji!" Sanji posed smugly and Nami roared "GET THE FUCKING CELL OPEN!" Sanji whimpered "Right away, ma'am!" he started kicking the shit out of Bananawani before one of them puked out a ball of wax, revealing Mr. 3!

Yami said "Hey! It's that guy!" Sanji said "Make a key... OR ELSE." Mr. 3 whimpered and made a key for the cell, unfortunately, water was pouring in crazily. The door opened and Yami grabbed Luffy, throwing Smoker to Zoro before swimming out of the cell.

Yami turned around and cut the bars on all sides before taking the entire cell face with him, putting it in his backpack before swimming up to the surface and throwing Luffy on the ground. He slapped Luffy's chest and Luffy spat out a fountain of water, before jumping up and saying "Nice!"

Yami gave him a thumbs up and Smoker coughed up water saying "Why did you save me?!" Yami pointed at Luffy, who said "You're a nice guy!" Smoker coughed up water and said "For fuck sakes... Go. You're free to go, only this once!" Luffy grinned and the crew left Smoker in the Casino as they ran out of the Casino and towards the desert where a giant crab was waiting.

Yami looked at the crab and Chopper was on it, waving. Yachiru said "A crab?" Yami replied "Guess so." as he jumped up and onto the crab, the group jump on and the crab shot off into the distance, Luffy was immediately pulled back from a hook and laughed "See you guys there!"

Yami looked at the sand and suddenly shouted "Luffy! Use water!" Luffy gave a thumbs up and disappeared. Nami said "Use water?" Yami said "I remembered something my dad said. There was someone with sand powers and he said 'Water will weaken them' something like that." Usopp said "That's a pretty specific memory."

Yami shrugged and said "It is what it is." they shot away on the crab while Luffy fought with Crocodile. His hits were hard but he didn't have nearly enough water to beat Croc. And so, Luffy lost and almost died if it wasn't for All-Sunday and Pell.


Yami and Yachiru were walking in the city, Yami heard a terrible song and ran towards it. They came to a clock tower and Yachiru grew with Yami on her shoulder, she ripped off the clock face and looked at the people inside. The people screamed "GIANT!" Yami made a couple cuts and killed them while cutting the canon.

There was a bomb inside.

Yachiru grabbed the bomb and her hand grew, Yami said "Throw it...." he pointed and said "That way." Yachiru said "I hope this doesn't hurt anybody..." as she threw the bomb with a giant giant hand.

The bomb flew through the air and broke the sound barrier, shooting off into the sky.

Yachiru shrank back down and went back into Yami's scarf, giggling. Yami smiled and rubbed her head saying "I love you." she smiled sweetly and said "Me too~" Yami smiled and they walked away from the clock tower.

The bomb flew through the sky and passed several islands before smashed through a house and landing in the middle of a table. The people in the house were clearly having a party of sorts, they were all wearing bubble helmets.

They looked at the foreign object and the people who were in chains started running for their lives. The bubbled helmeted people shouted "You damn slaves! Get back here!" A slave shouted "Everyone run! All slaves! Run for your lives! This is a chance to escape!" soon the word bomb was spread amongst the slaves and they started running like hell, confusing the Nobles.

They weren't confused for long.

Hiro was sailing to Tottoland when he got a suddenly notification.

[Congratulations! You've completed [The number of these Celestial Dragons is too damn high! Kill 50 Celestial Dragons.] Reward: A 10x10 meter block of Seastone]

Hiro chuckled and said "What the fuck is going on." Garp suddenly got a call "Garp, there was an explosion in Mariejoie. What's the Oni doing?" Garp looked over and Hiro spread out his hands innocently, Garp replied "He's not doing anything."

Hiro took the snail and said "Sengoku, why am I your first suspect?" Sengoku was silent for a few moments before shouting "Because, you damn bastard! Who comes to Marineford and leaves a goat behind!?" Hiro said "You always wanted a goat? I got you one! It's a gift, jeez..." Sengoku said "I appreciate the gift, but as you can see. This is a very tough time for the Marines, okay? I have my hands full with your daughter running around everywhere, now there's an explosion in Bubble land and a bunch of degenerates are scared and complaining that I didn't stop a random bomb. SO SORRY FOR ACCUSING YOU, I'M A LITTLE ON EDGE RIGHT NOW!"

Hiro looked at Garp before saying "Sheesh, you need a break bro." Sengoku didn't reply as he was smoldering in anger right now. Hiro handed the snail to Garp, who said "Yeah, I'll look into it." Hiro added "A bomb went off? Gotta be like more than 50 deaths, right?"

Sengoku said "They don't even know how many, most of the slaves escaped and ran away." Hiro said "Thankfully." Sengoku was silent and Garp said "Anyway, gotta go bye!" before hanging up. Hiro and Garp whistled and Rayleigh laughed, Zerotwo smiled and continued reading her book.

*Crush it to the GROUND!*