Taking Compensation


9 chaps ahead on Patre.on: patr.eon.com/MonkeyGodking


Hiro placed his ship down and said "I need territory right?" Zerotwo said "Ah?! Darling would you really?!" Hiro smiled and said "Anything for you, Angel~" Zerotwo held her hands over her heart and smiled lovingly.

Shanks said "What's he gonna do?" Whitebeard replied "Probably something crazy."

Sure enough.

Hiro touched the ground and all of Whole Cake Island started glowing red. Everything except Whole Cake Chateau morphed and moved around, before shrinking down into a small floating island on Hiro's palm. The people and homies were sent to the Chateau and Hiro modified the Island in his palm to how he liked, making a sweets island how Zerotwo wanted it.

Rayleigh, Garp, Whitebeard, and Shanks looked at each other before shaking their heads. Hiro smiled and said "Let's go." he jumped on the ship and sailed away from the Whole Cake Chateau.

A while later

Hiro jumped to Whitebeard's ship and said with a chuckle "Now there's no eyes on you, I can beat you up as much as I like." Whitebeard smirked and said "Still angry?" Hiro shouted "You took in my precious daughter! You bastard! Of course I'm angry! After I beat you up, I'm going to beat that damn kid too!" Whitebeard laughed and Marco said "Oni-yoi, you'll have to-" Hiro beat him up right away, giving him bumps and bruises and leaving him to the side to watch as he systematically made the rest of the crew look the same.

He jumped at Whitebeard and laughed as he beat him up, Whitebeard chuckled and fought back at full strength but in the end it wasn't nearly enough. Hiro beat him up and left bumps and bruises all over him. Hiro grinned and said "Thanks, Old man." Whitebeard clicked his tongue at him and said "You better hope I don't catch you." Hiro laughed and slammed down a gourd bigger than Whitebeard with a giant kanji for 'Sake' on it.

Hiro said "Made this myself... Drink lightly. You might die from the alcohol content." before turning around and leaving with a wave of his hand. Whitebeard opened the gourd and the crew started swaying just from the smell alone.

Whitebeard shouted "Good sake!" he had the crew pour cups and they all drank, their bumps and bruises went away and Whitebeard drank the entire cup before slurring "Closaee that grourd..." he looked at his hands and added "That braaat he shealed me in shecret, was a bashtard..." before falling asleep.

Someone, thankfully, closed the gourd before they all collapsed and fell asleep.

Hiro said goodbye to Shanks and gave him the same gourd but smaller, saying "There's a lot more inside than you think, even if you drink every day for 10 years you won't finish it. Nice to see you again, 'Red Hair-chan'" Shanks chuckled and hugged him before patting his shoulder and saying "Hiro, thanks. Really."

Hiro smiled and said "No problem, Shanks. If you need me, call me." Shanks smiled and nodded before leaving with his crew, that was a crazy day and he needed to rest. Hiro returned to his ship and said "Eh? They left?" Zerotwo smiled "A while ago, yeah." Hiro pouted and said "I wanted to say bye..."

Zerotwo smiled and said "We'll see them again. By the way, Darling. What did you want to talk about?" Hiro smiled and said "We'll sail and talk at the same time." he set the ship to sail around looking for abandoned Islands.

He sat with Zerotwo on the deck and held her hands saying "I'm sorry." Zerotwo was confused and said "About what, Darling?" Hiro sighed and said "I failed to follow through on our promise." Zerotwo was silent and looked at Hiro speechlessly, he continued "A long time ago, I promised you to bring you everywhere, take you to see new things one after the one, forever. Our own endless adventure together..."

His eyes watered and he said "I... I'm so sorry." Zerotwo held his cheeks and smiled gently, saying "Darling, it's alright. You don't have t-" Hiro held her hands and said "I do! I do, because I've been so selfish. I dragged you along to wherever, leaving you out of everything, thinking that you would be 'safe' if you weren't doing anything and just staying at him. I know that you're stronger than me. I know that you don't like it. I know that you would much rather be somewhere else!"

He cried "I know all these things and yet..." Zerotwo hugged him and said "Listen, Hiro. I know you're upset but I don't feel the way you say it. Maybe sometimes I'm bored and want to have fun doing things together, but it doesn't mean that I'm unhappy. We've been to 9 different worlds, I've seen so many things, I can't even describe them all. I'm happiest with you, wherever that may be. Even if we were normal people without powers, without these means of travel, I would still be happy because of you. I love you. I love you more than anything else."

She held his teary face up and smiled lovingly "You are my husband, lover, Darling, and the father of my babies. I couldn't ask for anything else. You light up my world and shine brightly in every corner of my life. Without you... I couldn't even imagine it." Hiro held her hands and trembled "Zerotwo?" she hummed "Yes, Darling?" he leaned into her embrace and said softly "After this, we'll go everywhere. Just you and me, forever."

She rested her head on his and closed her eyes saying "Okay, Darling." he continued "Until you're tired and want to rest." she smiled softly and he straightened out, looking into her eyes as he stroked her cheek softly, adding "I'll make everyday of your life the best day. I promise." she teared up and nodded softly, he smiled and wiped her tears away, softly adding in the most gentle tone he had "I want to create a world for you. I want to make every part of you happy, everyday."

He smiled and continued "I want to make everything for you, a world, a universe, a multiverse, everything. With all your favorite things in it. A place that belongs to us." Zerotwo looked at him with loving eyes and said "I don't need that, my love..." Hiro smiled softly and said "You don't but I WANT to give it to you. You deserve that and so much more."

She cried and smiled lovingly as she hugged him tightly and said "I only want you." Hiro hugged her and said "I will always be with you, Angel. Forever." she cried and said "En!" he smiled and laid back, pulling her into his embrace on the grass.

He stroked her hair and smiled to himself.