Song of the World


14 chaps ahead on Patr.eon:


Give your stones and blow away from it, or else.

and yes, I am a cunt, what can you do?



Time flew and everyone packed up their things

Yami took the money and told Nami that he did so, she was glad he told her. They all waited on the deck and Usopp showed up. Luffy jumped down and they started fighting. Luffy really wasn't playing around and socked Usopp right in the jaw.

Yami suddenly asked "Where's Robin?" Chopper hugged Yami's leg and said "She's gone!" as he cried, Yami looked at Chopper and patted his hat, Yachiru grew her arm and patted his head too. The rest were silent as they watched Luffy and Usopp fight.

Usopp did some tricks and got a shot on Luffy but... He still lost in the end. Luffy walked back to the ship saying "You can keep the Merry." he got back to the ship and the rest got off, handing Luffy his bag before walking into Water 7. Yami looked at Usopp and tapped his earring, before kicking a healing potion at Usopp as he walked away with the rest.

They arrived at a hotel and booked a big room.

A while later

Yami was out on the balcony, sitting on the railing, while his scarf floated in the air behind him. His ears twitched and he heard Robin's sad song. He looked in a certain direction and frowned, the song abruptly disappeared. Yami was confused, how could someone's song disappear?

He turned around to see Zoro walking out onto the balcony and saying "Hey, what's up?" Yami said

"I just read Robin's song... but it disappeared." Zoro frowned and said "That shouldn't be possible?" Yami replied "It shouldn't and yet it happened. Something's wrong here."

Zoro sat down on the table and took out two glasses. Yami looked at him and said "I'm not-" Zoro cut him off and said "One drink won't kill you, kid." Yami sighed and grabbed his glass, before clinking it with Zoro and taking a sip.

Yami scrunched his face up and coughed violently, Zoro laughed and Yami coughed while glaring at Zoro. He patted his chest and said "Disgusting." Zoro drained his glass and looked at the bottle saying "Eh. It's Whiskey, not really a big fan either. It's all I could find in the Hotel." Yami spat out his tongue and made a face, Zoro chuckled and said "Alright, give it here." Yami didn't give it to him and drank the rest before putting down the cup and swallowing before coughing again.

Zoro looked at him and chuckled "Nobody's forcing you... What are you acting cool for?" Yami gave him the finger and Zoro chuckled, drinking another glass. Yami got off the railing and stumbled, Zoro watched him stumble into the hotel room with amusement before chuckling "Heh. Damn kid... 1-1." he drained another glass and looked out to the town before mumbling "Can't handle a glass of whiskey but he can cut a mountain in half... Fuck."

Yami stumbled into bed and Yachiru turned over, hugging him and wrapping her long soft legs around him, pouting "Mmm... Yami~ More..." Yami couldn't even process what she was dreaming about and hugged her body, kissing her nose before falling asleep.

She crinkled her nose cutely and snuggled into his chest, smiling happily.

The next day

Yami woke up and yawned, Yachiru was bigger and holding him in her body. He blinked and she pressed him in between her breasts, yawning and curling up with him. Yami smiled cutely, unexpected heaven!

He looked over and saw Sanji grinding his teeth in hatred. He sneered and rubbed his face on Yachiru's chest. Sanji almost died of anger and Yami sighed to himself in glee, holding onto her soft flesh.

Nami walked in and looked at Yami, then Sanji, before shouting "WAKE UP!" Yachiru was startled awake and Yami went right in between her breasts, not good but good? Downside is he can't breathe, but the plus is... he's in heaven.

She shrank down to normal and said softly with an embarrassed face "I do that sometimes, I'm sorry, Yami..." Yami took in a breath and said "It's okay, I liked it." Yachiru buried her red face in his chest and her ear tips turned pink.

Yami smiled and rubbed her back, saying "Come into my scarf, love." Yachiru shrank into his scarf and hid. Yami got up and grabbed Crimson, saying "Sorry, buddy." the sword buzzed, jealously, and Yami chuckled as he hugged it, leaving the Hotel with the rest.

they were already used to Yami talking to his sword and it somehow talking back to him. Zoro said something about the sword having a soul, but they didn't understand at all. They just chose to ignore it and continued with their days.

The group walked outside and split up to find Robin.

Yami went around the city, listening to Robin's song that was popping up every now and then. Yachiru said "Can you hear her, love?" Yami nodded and frowned "Yeah, but it keeps disappearing and reappearing. It's really annoying..." Yachiru said "Try your best, I believe in you, lover." Yami smiled and said "Thank you, Ruru." she smiled softly at him and he closed his eyes.

He listened really carefully and the world erupted in song, like a symphony. He listened to the songs and ran across the city, he was about to crash into a wall and Yachiru said "Ya-" but he moved out of the way at the last second, stunning Yachiru.

Yami was in a strange state at the moment, he couldn't put it any other way than he could 'see' the songs. The world guided him through every obstacle in his path, warning him with fast paced notes and guiding him with soft and gentle ones.

A while later

He neared Robin and the symphony turned sad and melancholic, he opened his eyes and looked down at Robin, who looked up saying "Scarf-kun, you're here." Yami nodded and Robin said "Though, you're too late." she waved and added "Good bye, Scarf-kun~" before disappearing into a door that opened in the air with a sad expression on her face.

Yami frowned and said "That's why..." Yachiru looked and said "It looks like a separate dimension. A devil fruit?" Yami said "It must be." he turned his head and looked at a building that exploded. He saw Luffy and Zoro go flying out from the building and get stuck in other places, like in a chimney and in between buildings.

Yami said "Fuck. It was a trap." Yachiru mumbled "But why would Robin do this?" Yami jumped from buildings and replied "Her song was extremely sad, she wasn't doing this because she wanted to. There's something fishy going on here." Yachiru frowned and said "Bastards!" Yami nodded and they jumped away.