Strawberry's Rage & Marine reinforcements


22 chaps ahead on Patr.eon:

Too little stones! What happened?! The story is only getting better! Give more stones! Even the Voldemort fic is ahead now! OUTRAGEOUS!


Yami tensed up as Strawberry's song changed completely to a fast paced dreadful one. He flickered away and Strawberry appeared where he was, punching the air and blasting a full fist shigan into the ground below, blowing a crater into the earth.

Yami looked at the crater silently and sheathed Crimson as he continued flickering around in the air, dodging the leg slashes and fist sized bullets.


Spandam initiated a Buster Call on the Island and relayed to the entire island that the marines should sacrifice their lives so he could live, while Robin shouted over the speakers "Run for your lives! A Buster Call is coming!"

The marines started scrambling and Luffy punched Lucci through the building with steam coming off him. Lucci took a BEATING, Luffy's bones were made of metallic rubber, because of the mutation with his fruit. He was basically smashing Lucci with a metal hammer every time he punched him.

He let out a breath and shouted "Gum-Gum Gatling!" his fists started blurring and shooting forward at extremely fast speeds, smashing Lucci all over his body and completely obliterating him. It was no contest, Lucci got pummeled.


The Buster Call was here.

Luffy was still rarin' to go and looked up at Yami flashing around, he shouted "Yami! You need help!?" Yami replied "No. Go get Robin and the rest." Strawberry said "You're a slippery kid, but you're too cocky."

He appeared next to Yami and kicked his side, saying "Who said you could talk to someone else, scum." Yami held his side and coughed up blood, rolling on the air.

He flipped up and stomped on the air, blasting at Strawberry, who muttered "You copied Geppo!?" Yami flipped and slid in between Strawberry's legs, slashing horizontally, while spinning before jumping up behind him and slashing upwards along his back. Yami double foot stomped on Strawberry's bloody back, separating himself from him.

Yami was suddenly surrounded by 5 more people. One of them said "Having trouble Strawberry?" Strawberry replied "Minor Issues." the man looked at Yami, who held his hilt and sheath, looking at the surrounding people with vigilance.

One of the men said "Just chain him up and take him back, I'll go after the rest." Yami slashed at him and narrowed his eyes. The man blocked the slash and looked at Yami coldly. Yami spun in a circle and slashed out a ring before saying "You're all staying here."

The man rubbed his chin and said "I see your problem, Strawberry." Strawberry touched his hair and was instantly angry again. Yami sank down through the air and backed off, looking at the 6 marines vigilantly, keeping an eye on the crew that was escaping.

Yami ran his fingers on Crimson and said "Let's give them a taste, Crimson." the sword buzzed and glowed a bit, Yami went into Shikai mode as his clothes morphed into his Shihakusho. He slashed out and said "Kanabo Crush." a giant Kanabo of purple haze slammed down on the 6 and shattered upon contact.

Yami looked at them vigilantly and narrowed his eyes, switching to reverse grip and slashing upwards to his side, cracking the air as purple demon hands came out at one of the marines, who kicked them away with his Haki.

One of them said "A devil fruit?" Strawberry replied "I'm not sure. I've never seen a devil fruit like this. It could be 'that'." the man raised a brow and replied "Like that Spandam?" Strawberry nodded and the man frowned "That's a government secret." Strawberry replied "Maybe he was lucky." The man cracked his knuckles and replied "No matter, capture him and we'll find out."

They all moved to surround Yami, who grabbed the scarf attached to Crimson's hilt and spun Crimson around in a circle, lighting the light with purple haze and creating a ring of purple as he looked around him.

He jumped back and ducked, folding in half with his extreme flexibility, dodging the low sweep and high slash. He flipped back and whipped Crimson forward, sending the ring flying at the Vice-Admirals before pulling back and returning Crimson to his hand and slashing down "Demon King's Vengeance."

A massive demon overlapped Yami and slashed down with him, sending a purple slash at the Vice-Admirals, knocking them back.

They shook it off and said "That's quite the strange ability." one of them said "Unconfirmed Devil Fruit Weapon, be careful." the others waved and attacked Yami again.

Yami danced around them, slashing at them while dodging their attacks before jumping up and slashing down on Strawberry's head, releasing a purple breath from his mouth. Strawberry narrowed his eyes and slashed upwards with his swords crossed.

But, Yami never touched him because he got kicked in the side and shot into a building.

They went to get Yami, but he wasn't there. Strawberry turned his head and said "After them! The blonde pirate is taking him away." they turned and saw Sanji running away with Yami on his shoulder.

Sanji said "Fuck, 6 Vice-Admirals, what the fuck is going on here!" they were gaining on him and Yachiru jumped out with an enraged face, she grew to a giant size before punching in front of the Vice-Admirals, blasting a massive hole where they were supposed to be.

She took out his sword and it grew before she slashed out, sending a giant sword slash at them blocking their way. Yachiru shrank and chased after Sanji with Shunpo, picking him up and flashing away to the Merry as the Gates of Justice were closing.

They landed on the ship and squeezed through the gates before they closed behind them, separating the Marines from them. Yachiru took Yami and laid him on the ground, tearing up at the blood all over him.

His muscles were tightened during the fight but now that they were out, they relaxed and finally showed his wounds from the 6 Vice-Admiral's attacks. He had cuts, bruises, holes, and blood everywhere. Chopper ran over and started bandaging his wounds with gauze dipped in the healing potion he had created based on the sample Yami gave him.

Yachiru poured an entire healing potion down his throat slowly and brushed his hair to the side with a pained look in her eyes. The rest gathered around Yami and Luffy said "That wasn't fair..." Zoro said "He's lucky to be alive, if I'm not wrong that was 6 Vice-Admirals. Even competing against one is tough. At least... right now." Luffy frowned and the ship sailed away.