Hiro and Ace


29 Chap0s ahead on Patr.eon! patr.eon.com/MonkeyGodking

GIVE ME YOUR stones or else, Pepega.

Also, probably taking a break today? Idk, kinda hard writing the Original Arc, hopefully it turns out good.

Also new discord in the Author's Note~! Check it out!


Isabella said softly "Hey, Daddy." Hiro clenched his fists and forced out a smile, saying "Hey." Isabella shrank her neck and Ace gulped, internally screaming. She didn't say her dad was an Emperor!


He was shooketh.

Hiro was seething with rage on the inside and Zerotwo took over saying "Come inside, baby." bringing Isabella inside, Isabella looked at Ace, who stayed behind and put on a tough look. Hiro looked at him and grinded his teeth before saying "Come with me." and walking away.

Ace clenched his sweaty palms and followed him.

They came to Sanji's training area and Hiro said "What are your intentions with my daughter." Sanji stopped and looked at Ace and Hiro, who glanced at him. Sanji saw that Hiro was not in a good mood and trembled, continuing to train, harder than before in an attempt to please Hiro and be exempted from punishment.

Ace said firmly "She's my family." Sanji almost tripped and fell down 'Ace! You crazy bastard!' Hiro smoldered and closed his eyes as Ace added "And, I want to marry her." Sanji fell flat on his face before getting up and kicking himself into overdrive.

He wasn't going to get punished with Ace, never again!

Hiro stayed silent and the ground under him started cracking, he grabbed Ace by the neck and lifted him up growling "You can't even protect yourself! How are you going to protect my baby? EH?! You got captured by the marines and that Old man came to save you! How many people lost their lives because of you?! Huh?! Answer me!"

Ace didn't say anything and Hiro continued "That old man was a fool! Understand!? A FOOL! He was sick, he refused to get treatment, and he died! FOR YOU! YOU COMPLETE MORON!" Hiro was truly angry and Ace said 'Don't-" Hiro sneered "Don't what? Don't call him a fool?!"

He laughed and continued "What are you going to do with your little matchstick flames? Do you know who your real father is!? Forget about Newgate! Your real father was the greatest man to ever live! Your entire existence is a shame on his name! Do you understand that?!"

Hiro lifted his shirt and said "Look at this tattoo. I sailed with your father, he was my idol. What about you? What do you know about him? That he abandoned you? Do you know how much he sacrificed for you? How much your mother sacrificed for you?"

He threw Ace to the ground and Sanji watched in shock, as Hiro said "Your father was dying that's why he left. He started the Age of Pirates so that your mother could escape with her life! Who cares what people say about you because of him?!" he kicked Ace and growled "You're weak! You can't protect yourself! You can't protect my daughter! You can't even muster the courage to even come back from losing Newgate! You want revenge for Newgate? What about your fucking real father!?"

Sanji flashed in front of Hiro and said "That's enough. You're going to kill him!" Hiro slapped Sanji away, saying "Stay out of this, or I'll throw you back to Germa myself." Sanji went cold and was stunned, the slap was light but the words he said shocked him.

Hiro looked at Ace on the ground and said "What can you do without others to help you? You're rash, over confident, idiotic, selfish, and weak willed! I'm surprised you even have Color of the Supreme King! Consider it the last gift from Roger." He spat on the ground and walked away, adding "What a joke. Get the fuck off my island."

Truthfully, he didn't mean to explode on Ace, but his words triggered him. He had the most respect for Roger, seeing his son like this, made all the regret bubble up to the surface. He took it out on Ace, but he directed his words at himself to a degree as well.

Hiro kicked his chair to dust and said "Training is done for the day." before walking away, scratching his neck for the first time in years. Sanji watched him go before walking over to Ace and helping him up, saying "You alright?" Ace was silent and Sanji added "I wouldn't take it to heart, who cares what he thinks? He's just upset about Isabella."

Ace asked "What do you think?" Sanji blinked and said "About what?" Ace said "About what he said. What do you really think." Sanji said "I don't-" Ace looked at him and Sanji sighed, straightening himself out and lighting a cigarette as he gave his own opinion "Despite what he said... I think he's right. We met with Rayleigh on Sabaody, who was the Vice-Captain on Roger's crew. He told us that Hiro and his wife were on Roger's crew and Hiro in particular saw Roger as a father figure of sorts. Obviously, they had a strong bond."

Sanji exhaled a mouthful of smoke and continued "I think, he admired and respected Roger a lot and has his own regrets about his death. He sees Roger in you, that's why he was so harsh, I mean if my son refused to see me as his father due to uncontrollable circumstances, I would be pretty pissed. I think he went too far, but I also think that he has a right to be so harsh. You're still alive which is a good sign."

He smiled and added "Plus, you're his daughter's boyfriend. That is already a big step forward, I think if you weren't, you would probably be dead. He looks like an asshole, but he's actually a really good guy. It's more of a personal thing for him."

Ace was silent and Sanji waved and said "Look around you, I've picked up some things just being around him a lot. This entire Island, he couldn't care less about it. He doesn't even care about being an Emperor, this entire place is only for his daughter. I'm pretty sure that when everything is over, he'll just leave. Where to? I have no idea, but I know that unless he wants to find you, you'll never find him or his wife."

Sanji added "He's not as bad as he looks, I overheard, he took in Fish-Man Island and Water 7 as his territories and didn't charge them a dime." before walking back to the stations and resuming his training by himself. Ace stood there, thinking to himself.