New Training area


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As Ace and Sanji were training, Isabella was also training, but with Zerotwo instead, who pushed her to her utmost limit. Everyday, Zerotwo was squeezing Isabella more and more, training her as hard as she could in direct combat.

Hiro was forcing Ace to learn control and patience, while Sanji was doing everything at once.

Time flew.

It had been a year since Luffy was in the news paper with the 2 year picture.

Sanji flew around with Soru and Geppo to every work station, he didn't even need to call out the temperatures anymore as Ace already knew which ones go where.

Hiro stopped them and said "Take a break for the rest of the day, I'll set up part 2." the duo nodded and left. Hiro rubbed his eyes and got to work, constantly working since he got here.

He was tired, so very tired. Zerotwo even noticed that he was getting more and more irritable. She was concerned and voiced her opinions, but he just smiled easily and said that everything was okay, there was no need to worry. That only made her worry more, ever since they came back, it's been non-stop work for Hiro, everyday.

Running around to places, doing things, negotiating with people, checking in with everything to make sure there was nothing going wrong. He never blew up on her, nor were his words short, he was always patient with her and answered calmly, but she could tell he was keeping everything inside.

It made her feel uncomfortable, but she didn't know what to do. She started helping him, going around and checking on the Territories for him, looking at all the businesses, answering his business calls, refusing, accepting, etc.

She was doing her best and Hiro noticed, he thanked her but said that it was for him to do, he didn't want her to have to worry about everything. Then, and only then, did she realize what the problem was.

This damn fool was doing everything himself!

Everywhere they went, he did everything. Watching over events, make sure they happened in the way he wanted them to happen, training people that he didn't have to train, saving people he didn't have to save, etc.!

He, number 1, didn't let her do anything, claiming that she should just relax and let him handle everything. Number 2, bottled up everything because he didn't want to make her upset!

She was upset now.

How could she not be?

He was taking everything on his shoulders and walking ahead of her, clearing the way so she could live an easy and relaxing life. What has she done without him really? Nothing. It made her feel all uncomfortable, she felt bad for him but also herself.

She never helped him, really. She was just in the background, comforting him when he came back from wherever. She didn't feel good about the revelation at all. In fact, it made her sick. She wanted to cry, so, she went to find him the next day.

Hiro set up a new station training area.

The stations were far apart as usual but now there were light screens around all of them. Hiro when through trial and error for around 5 hours before coming up with a working barrier. Basically what it did was make it so, unless you have Armament Haki on, you couldn't pass through the barrier.

Not only that! But the stations inside the barriers would teleport around and switch places with other stations! You had to use not only Armament, but Observation, to find the right one, even then you had to get there in time.

Hiro also set up rain clouds above the area and unleashed a gravity field. Ace had the same job, but he would have to mix his flames with Armament Haki to even get them inside, he had to react just as, if not faster, that Sanji.

He was extremely proud of himself, keeping up flames in the rain will be hard for Ace and the Haki portions will be hard for Sanji. This would work them both to their max, Sanji had one year left and Ace was probably the same.

They would be much stronger and Hiro was planning a combat training portion just before they left.

The duo came back and gawked at the new training area, this guy works fast! Hiro explained to them how everything worked and threw them right into it, saying "Improve or be punished." They started working right away, that was the absolute worst punishment for men they had ever faced.

But it was also another form of training.

They had to escape the Newkamas so they would run away from them constantly and after 12 hours Hiro would pick them up and throw them back into training. Basically, when you get punished you don't get to sleep either.

Hiro was sitting down watching them train when Zerotwo walked over and said seriously "We need to talk." Hiro was startled and said nervously "What's wrong?" she looked at his worried face and sighed, caressing his cheek as she smiled softly, saying "Nothing is wrong, my love. I just need to talk to you." Hiro let out a breath of relief and smiled, nodding as he left a clone and walked into the castle with her.

She saw in his eyes, he was really about to snap. If something happened to her or between them, maybe he really would just snap and that would be it, it made her really sad. She didn't like seeing him teeter over the edge like this, constantly.

Her eyes hardened and they went into their room.