Divine Devil Fruit


30 chaps ahead on PAT.REON: patr.eon.com/MonkeyGodking




Yami and Yachiru came out of the hotel, Yachiru was laying on Yami's scarf with an intoxicated expression. He arms were over the fold and her shoulders up were visible, she was just hanging there with a dazed look in her eyes.

Yami walked normally and carried a smirk on his face the entire time, not that it was visible to anyone else. He really did enjoy that, he enjoyed it a lot. So did Yachiru, she was too tired and couldn't walk so this was the situation.

Yami had a bad idea and looked at her, he pulled her little shorts right off, and tightened the scarf, licking in between her legs. Yachiru's eyes went wide and she came right there, he chuckled and continued as he walked around Sabaody.

Yachiru was moaning and squirming in the folds of his scarf, muttering "Yami... Ugh! I just cleaned m-Hrgnnn~!" he licked up and pushed against her petals. She shook and he flipped her around sucking lightly, her eyes rolled back and she drooled.

Yami smiled and she looked at him saying "You're a big bully!" he chuckled and said "Yep~!" she pouted and he laughed.

A while later

Yachiru was in his scarf again with a big pout, she cleaned herself again and went back, warning him not to do it again or she would fuck him in the middle of the street. Yami looked at her and she added "Just like you did to me." the image of a giant Yachiru holding him and sucking him off in front of a bunch of people appeared in his head...

He was distressed, he kinda liked the idea, but not in front of people... Yachiru looked at his distressed face and blinked, why did she see what he was thinking? She didn't want to have sex in front of other people either...

Though, her fruit awakened and she could make that thought come true...

Without the other people obviously.

Maybe later.

She smirked at him and he looked away awkwardly. She giggled and kissed his neck saying "Yami~ We're gonna have A LOT of fun~" Yami was happy, but also a bit scared. She smiled softly and said "If you want to, obviously." he smiled and nodded.

She smiled happily and they flickered away.


Hiro got back to Dream Flower Island and scratched his head, yawning as he walked into the castle.

Zerotwo was sitting down on the couch, humming to herself as she watched Tv and sewed something. Hiro wrapped his arms around her from behind and nibbled on her ear, saying "Hello, my love~" she smiled and scrunched her nose cutely at his nibbles, saying "Hey, Darling!" Hiro smiled and kissed her cheek, resting his chin on her shoulder as he said "Watcha doin'?"

She smiled happily and said "Making baby clothes!" Hiro blinked and looked at her stomach in confusion, she rolled her eyes and said "Not for me, moron. You didn't... AHEM! Fill the right hole as much last time." Hiro smirked and she turned away with a sneer, making him chuckle.

She said "For your daughter." Hiro froze and said with a frown "What do you mean for my daughter? What daughter? Eri?" Zerotwo held up the clothes and explained "Well, not yet obviously. I like the boy, especially after you bashed him. He's become much more dependable and responsible. I approve of him. I'm going to make a bunch of them for her as a gift before we leave."

Hiro sat on the couch and grumbled "You're sure taking that in stride." she smiled at him "Don't tell me you don't approve of him?" Hiro sneered, changing the channel, she rolled her eyes saying "What a tsun-tsun~" he froze and she giggled "I know for a fact that if you didn't approve of him, you wouldn't have trained him. Especially not the way you did."

She went back to sewing, humming "My hubby is a tsun-tsun~ lalala~" Hiro felt his eyes twitch and she giggled and said "I'm just kidding, lover." Hiro pouted "Am I really a tsundere?" she shook her head and said "A yandere maybe..." Hiro looked at her and said "ME!?" she nodded and giggled, he said "What about you!? The Queen of Yanderes..." she scooted next to him and licked his neck, saying seductively "Yeah? So what~ Dar~ ling~"

Hiro got a shiver down his spine and grinned, looking at her possessively. She winked at him and he was about to ravage for right there an then, when a light screen popped up in front of them.

[Congratulations! You've completed Hidden Quest [Collect All the Devil Fruits!] Reward: Unlimited Devil Fruits!]

[Congratulations! Devil Fruit Tree is full! Producing Divine Devil Fruit!]

The Devil Fruit tree had a white devil fruit grow on the top of the tree and Hiro picked it, another one grew right after, he picked that one too, and another one grew.

Hiro was stunned and looked at the fruit. Zerotwo looked at the fruit and said curiously "What is it, love?" Hiro said "I'm not sure... but if it's what I think it is... We're going to have a lot of fun, Honey." her eyes lit up and she said "Fun?"

Hiro checked the description and grinned.

[Divine Devil Fruit: All Devil Fruit abilities, no Weaknesses.]

Zerotwo's eyes sparkled and she said "This will make us Immortal too right?" Hiro said "Yeah, it should... like the Hobby fruit, the one that makes you able to turn people into toys." She shrugged and said "Whatever! We're already Immortal anyways so~" she held one of the fruits out to Hiro and he smiled before doing the same.

They both took a bite and swallowed before gagging, Hiro wretched on the ground and Zerotwo clawed at her neck "Why!" Hiro laid on the ground and coughed violently, literally almost dying. Their pain was overcome by a wave of information straight to their brains.

It was a description of every fruit that there was, how they worked, etc.

A while later

Hiro and Zerotwo returned to life and threw the rotten and useless fruit in the garbage before fooling around. Zerotwo reverted to a 16 year old and laid back, humming "Darling~" Hiro chuckled and made his arm flames, his other arm water, his legs Magma and ice, his torso light and his head darkness.

He said "Look at me!" she giggled and waved, surrounding him with clouds. Hiro reverted and shrank down as a paper appeared and folded into a boat, he sailed on the clouds, saying "Arrrrr!" Zerotwo burst out laughing and said "Oh no! A tsunami!" as a big wave overturned Hiro's paper boat.

He reappeared and pouted, sailing in the air on his paper ship as a Mini-Hiro "Mean!" she giggled and kissed his entire face. Hiro smiled dumbly and turned to stone. Zerotwo smiled happily saying "Hmm~ A new statue~" Hiro broke free and snapped, she started moving in slow motion and Hiro chuckled, drawing a mustache on her face.

She sneezed and said angrily "Darling! You!" Hiro laughed and sailed away, she reached out and her arm extended, grabbing Hiro, who slipped out of her grip and flew around, making a wooden biplane and flying around the castle.

Zerotwo smiled happily and melted into snow before teleporting to the ceiling and forming half her body, grabbing the biplane. Hiro burst into flames and she smirked doing the same. They 'mixed' their flames and went back to normal with weird expressions.

Hiro said seriously "That was..." Zerotwo nodded and replied "Sure was..." he stood up and said "I think after that..." she nodded and went back to the couch. He stopped and she looked at him, he tackled her and kissed her, rolling off the couch onto the floor and tearing their clothes off.