You have Authorization for a Buster Call.


29 chaps ahead on Pat.reon:



Time passed slowly

Luffy was devouring candies from Hiro's candy shop as the crew sailed away, the sea was anything BUT calm. Yami and Yachiru were in their room with the door locked, even the crew knew what they were doing but there was no sound thankfully.

They noticed that the two were stuck to each other like glue, even more so than before! They just ignored them and continued on by themselves. They had just come from Fishman Island and took care of a problem, that shouldn't have been a problem.

It wasn't a big deal as Nami took care of it herself even.

She learned quite a bit from Weatheria and electrocuted the rebel fishmen, even after they used their energy steroids. The rest of the crew watched but Robin helped, she didn't even need to cross her arms as giant feet stomped the fishmen flat.

The entire crew had both forms of Haki while 4 of them had Conqueror's, if this wasn't busted, the crew didn't know what was. They were feeling extremely confident at the moment, their bounties still hadn't changed, but they were back in circulation.

Unfortunately, they were the old pictures, or in Sanji's case, no picture.

The crew hadn't had any interactions with any of the Emperors or even Big Mom. Though that wasn't the same for anyone else.

Blackbeard and his new crew, who were all trained up in Haki and Devil fruits, fought against Big Mom, yet again. They destroyed an entire island and Blackbeard actually came out on top this time, or rather, didn't lose any crew members.

Big Mom lost several more children and was beyond enraged, she gathered her entire crew and set sail out of New Tottoland. She was going to murder than bastard Blackbeard, who had already fled after killing her kids.

She made a detour and a call, saying "You better have my goods, Caesar!" Caesar was stunned and said "It's still in development!" she growled "Finish it, I'm on my way." before ending the call, scaring Caesar silly.

He immediately called Doflamingo and said "Joker! I have a problem!" Doflamingo listened to Caesar's explanation and veins popped up on his forehead as he replied "I'll take care of it." before hanging up.

He kicked a table to dust, shouting "That fat fuck! Out of all the people he has to fight her!? I'm gonna kill that tub of shit even if he has 1000 devil fruits on him! Trebol!" a man appeared, saying "Yes, Doffy?" Doflamingo said "Take care of everything here, I'm leaving for a bit."

Trebol said "Where?" Doflamingo said "I have to go sate a god damn balloon, because of that fucking..." he sighed and added "Just watch over everything, I'll be back." before jumping out the window and flying away, jumping on his strings and leaving Dressrosa.

The woman who was sitting in the room with Doflamingo, looked out the window and left. Trebol said "Where are you going, Violet-chan?" she stopped and said "Surely I don't have to stay here when he's gone?" Trebol said "Well, I suppose not..." she snorted and left.

Doflamingo shot through the sky and took out a snail, calling Linlin. She answered "Yes?" Doflamingo said "You're going to Punk Hazard?" she was silent and said "What do you want, Joker." he said "Listen, I don't like that tub of shit either, how about we work out a deal?"

She said "What are you thinking?" Doflamingo chuckled and said "We'll take him out together, you get the bastard alive in the end." she said "What's you goal here, Joker? You better not be scheming against me... Dressrosa is a very small island..."

Doflamingo got a vein throbbing on his forehead as he said calmly "I want you to stay away from Caesar. Your shipment will arrive without worry, there's no need to come personally. In exchange, I'll give you Blackbeard's whereabouts." she laughed "Mamamama! Surely that's not it!?" Doflamingo grinded his teeth into a grin and said "First pickings of new products."

She hummed "Fine, now where is he!" Doflamingo said "Hachinosu." Linlin growled in rage "That bastard!" before hanging up, Doflamingo put away the snail and went to Punk Hazard.

Luffy and the rest were sailing nearby and got a distress signal.

Doflamingo checked on Caesar before leaving, telling him that he temporarily sated Linlin, but he would need to hurry it up with the gigantification experiments. Caesar nodded along and Doflamingo left, they both sneered at the other when their backs were turned.

The crew arrived on the island, while the sea churned.

Linlin sailed to Hachinosu and attacked, marines started surrounding the island and Akainu himself went after being anonymously tipped.

Linlin raged over the island and Gecko Moria happened to be there at the same time, so he resurrected the dead pirates, in a temporary alliance with Big Mom. Blackbeard just sneered at the two and his crew attacked with all their different devil fruits.

Blackbeard transformed into a Giant Cerberus, blasting flames, darkness, and a white beam at Big Mom, while his crew fought Big Mom's. Shiryu went invisible and cut down several of her children, Arlong had a new sharktooth sword and covered it in haki, hacking a kid in half and chuckling.

Several pirates were left looking dehydrated as Patrick Redfield wiped his bloody lips with his hand and grinned, revealing his Vampire Fangs. The dehydrated corpses got up and transformed into disgusting bat human like creatures, attacking their former comrades.

Katakuri managed to beat Vasco Shot into the ground and thrashed through Blackbeard's forces on his own, while Perspero gave him support along with Smoothie, Cracker engaged Shiryu with his Biscuit army coated in Haki, stalling Shiryu.

The rest of the, seemingly, endless kids grouped against the other Blackbeard pirates, managing to come out even with them.

This was more of a numbers game than anything. Big Mom's kids might be weaker, except a few, but they had devil fruits and number advantages on their side. Adding in the thousands of Homies, they swarmed Blackbeard's forces.

But obviously, Blackbeard wasn't a wet rag. He might be a piece of trash, but he was smarter than a brick. His crew had been trained intensely for 2 years, even the new recruits were strong. Arlong being in the top 3 in strength.

It also didn't help Linlin's case when Lafitte would teleport pirates around, saving them and ambushing others. He was with Van Augur who took pot shots at the Big Mom pirates, standing next to Lafitte and constantly teleporting around.

All the while, Akainu watched from a distance with a fleet at the ready to pounce on the victor. It was all strategy here, let the retard pirates fight and exhaust themselves, then they would engage the exhausted pirates, gathering them all in one fell swoop.

A seemingly flawless plan, except he underestimated the damage they would cause to not only the island, but his fleet's morale. They weren't like him, most of them had families and were normal marines. They were shaking in their boots at the sight of the behemoths fighting.

Akainu frowned at their cowardice, but didn't say anything. They were his men, he couldn't berate them. He might be dumb, but he wasn't that dumb.

His snail started ringing and he answered, hearing "What's the situation?" it was the 5 elders, Akainu said "Currently, even. Waiting to engage." there was a silence and someone said "Disengage, you have authorization to use a Buster Call." Akainu raised a brow and one of the elders explained "A former emperor, who has been gathering strength for 2 years is fighting evenly with a wild variable, killing both their crews will tilt the scales in our favor. Unless you have 100% certainty of either killing them all, or capturing them, use the Buster Call."

Akainu replied "But, they won't-" an elder cut him off "Fleet Admiral, fights between Emperors or those who have the strength of one last for days. There will be more than enough time for the preparations to take place." Akainu was silent for a moment and looked at his trembling crew before replying "I understand." they replied "Good work." before they hung up.

Akainu put away the snail and clicked the button on a golden one, calling a Buster Call to Hachinosu.

An alarm went off on New Marineford and Garp looked around in a daze, having been woken up from his nap. He muttered "Buster Call? Again? Hopefully, it's not on Luffy this time..." before going back to sleep, dreaming of chasing a rice cracker through a field.