Sabo! Chief of Pipes!


27 chap ahead on Pat.reon:

Pray for me Chimps, I think I'm gonna die T-T


Yami turned around and went into the Colosseum with Yachiru and Rebecca. The green haired guy was muttering something to himself and Yami kicked him saying "Hey!" the guy rolled on the ground and jumped up holding two papers with a pen saying "CAN I HAVE YOUR SIGNATURES?!" Yami and Yachiru were stunned, while Rebecca had already ran away to the dressing room.

Currently, the 3 were on the lowest floor. Yami and Yachiru gave him their signatures and the guy squealed saying "I'm you biggest fan! I'm Bartolomeo!" Yami and Yachiru blinked at him and he gushed.

Suddenly, a blond guy with a hat and high heels walked over.

Yami looked at him and Yachiru frowned in disgust saying "What the fuck is that." the guy paused and his voice was feminine as he said "What did you say to me, bitch?!" Yami frowned and Yachiru sneered "Heh, have you seen you outfit? Did your owner give you a night off?"

The guy opened his mouth widely and pointed at Yachiru in shock. Yami chuckled and the guy said angrily "I'm gonna-" he was suddenly kicked in the head and smashed into a wall as a guy with a top hat took his place.

He smiled to Yami and said "You must be on my brother's crew." Yami said "Brother?" Yachiru was confused and asked "Sanji?" the guy coughed and said "Luffy..." Yami scratched his head and said "Why are you acting all cool as if we would know who you are..." the guy walked over and grumbled "Jeez, I get it, you're not impressed. You don't have to be a dick about it..."

Yachiru giggled and Yami replied "I wasn't..." he sighed and added "Nevermind." the guy said "Anyway~! I'm Sabo, Chief of Staff in the Revolutionaries." Yachiru said "Is that a joke?" Sabo was confused and she added "You have a long pipe-like staff and you're the chief of staff..." Yami burst out laughing and Sabo turned green.

Yachiru shrank back and said "Did I say something wrong... He looks as green as Barty's hair..." Bartolomeo squealed "She said Barty!!!!!!" Sabo coughed violently and Yami laughed so hard he teared up, Sabo said angrily "You guys are really mean!" Yami chuckled and said "What are you doing here... Pfft... Chief of Pipes."

He turned to the side and burst out laughing, Sabo trembled in rage and he said "Anyway! I want the Devil Fruit! Someone switch with me!" Yachiru said "But I want the fruit." Sabo said "But..." then he pouted, Yami said "You're Luffy's brother?" recovering from his laughing fit.

Sabo nodded and Yami said "Can you prove it?" Sabo blinked and said "Uhhh... How am I supposed to prove it?" Yami and Yachiru said in unison "What's Luffy thinking about right now." Sabo said immediately "Meat." they nodded "You're legit."

Sabo felt his mouth twitch and Yami said "You can't have that fruit but..." he tapped on his earring and said "I got this from a monkey." Sabo grabbed the fruit and said "What is it?" Yami said "Uhhhhh.... Goro Goro no mi: Sprite Edition..."

Sabo almost dropped the fruit in shock and said "WHAT?!" Yami nodded saying "Sprites, you know the red electrical arcs over clouds when thunder rumbles and lightning strikes down?" Sabo looked at Yami in shock, Yachiru said "I didn't want it and Yami doesn't like them so, it's really just collecting dust."

Sabo said "I can't accept this." Yami said "Huh... I don't care. If you're not going to use it, just throw it out or something." Sabo looked at him like he was looking at a retard, Yami said "What's that over there?" Sabo looked and Yami took the fruit, jamming it in Sabo's mouth before slapping him and forcing him to swallow it.

Sabo was dazed and Yami said "There you go." Sabo said "YOU!" Yami paused and slapped his forehead, saying "Ah, fuck!" Yachiru looked at him and he sighed "I completely forgot. Since Izzy and Ace are together, doesn't that make this guy my brother-in-law?" Sabo was dazed, Ace? Izzy? Brother-in-law?

Yachiru smiled and said "You're the best brother-in-law there ever was." Yami sighed and replied "I know, right?" Sabo said "What are you talking about?" Yami explained "Ace is Luffy's brother, yeah? You're Luffy's brother too, Isabella is my sister and she's dating Ace, but from what I heard from Sanji, they're pretty close. So! That makes you Ace's brother and since Isabella is my sister, that means were brothers-in-law."

Sabo said honestly "That's the most confusing way to say that." Yami said "That's how the author's brain works, it's not my fault." Yachiru pinched his waist and said "Don't break the 4th wall!" Yami sighed "Alright, Alright!"

Sabo coughed and looked at the script in his hands before putting it away and saying "Thanks for the fruit, Yami Eien." Yami said "Dude..." he looked at Yachiru and said "You cannot blame me for this. He literally just read from the script!" She pouted and pinched him again, Yami yelped and she giggled saying "I like pinching you." Yami pouted and looked at Sabo saying "See what you did?! Just act natural! Look at Barty."

They looked at him and he was scratching his head looking at a script, saying "Where's my lines?" he turned the script over and tapped, pouting "I don't have any!" The group's faces turned pitch black and he said "What?"